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New Places to Get Married in Moscow
18.04.2019 00:08
New Places to Get Married in Moscow

People will be able to get married at such places of Moscow as the Ostankino TV-tower, seaquarium and City towers.

      The list of unusual places of marriage registration in Moscow has been expanded: 20 new sites for wedding ceremonies have been approved, as the Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said.

      “The Moscow government opens up new unusual sites for solemn marriage registration in the best places of the capital. We start with 20 places that are popular among the residents of Moscow. In the future, their list will be changed to meet the wishes of the happy couples. New sites will open on Saturday, May 4 - on the eve of the Low Sunday”,  Sobyanin wrote on his personal website.

      Marriage registration on the new sites will be carried out by the employees of the capital civil registry offices. Registration cost will be standard: 350 roubles.






Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Russian traditions Moscow    

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