The destiny of Mikhail Bulgakov's world famous story “The Dog’s Heart” was complicated and interesting. The book was written back in 1925, but it saw the light only in 1987. The International Memorial, Moscow, welcomes you to learn about the story’s “adventures” during this period. It holds an exhibition telling the story of the masterpiece.
For 62 years, The Dog's Heart struggled with the system of censorship and state supervision. It survived the rummages of Bulgakov’s house, the seizure of the manuscript by the Soviet authorities, its return to the author, the appearance of pirated versions with a distorted plot abroad, and the distribution of samizdat copies of the book in the USSR. The work gained a reputation as forbidden and anti-Soviet, but was popular with readers. They wanted to find the book and get acquainted with its plot.
The entrance to the exhibition is free.
Where: the International Memorial at the address 5/10, Karetny Ryad Street, next to metro stations
When: from March 29, 2019 to September 27, 2019.
Open hours: from 11 am to 7 pm every day except Monday and Sunday.
Read the Biography of Mikhail Bulgakov
Mikhail Bulgakov House Museum
Exhibition “The Appearance of the Hero. In Search of Mikhail Bulgakov”
Author: Vera Ivanova