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Roof Music Fest 2019 in Saint Petersburg
29.05.2019 17:36
Roof Music Fest 2019 in Saint Petersburg

This year, the Roof Fest will once again gather musicians and public on a roof opening a picturesque panoramic view of St. Petersburg.

      Since 2012, the St. Petersburg Roof Fest has become a glorious cultural tradition. From May to September, the music festival will feature Krec and Rita Dakota, IOWA and Billy's Band, Tantsi Minus and Vladimir Presnyakov, Auctsyon and Junkyard Storytellaz, as well as Loqiemean, Obladaet, ATL, Dima Bilan, Leonid Agutin, Polina Gagarina, Ah ASTuk, ATL, as well as Dima Bilan, Leonid Agutin, Polina Gagarina, Vyacheslav Butusov and many other bands and singers.

      Find the list of all Roof Music Fest concerts and book tickets at a discount here.

      Where: Roof Place at address 30, Kozhevennaya Line, Saint Petersburg.

      When: at 8 pm on May 30 and May 31, at 7 pm on June 2, 2019.

The Legends of Russian Rock Music

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Festivals in Saint Petersburg Music Festivals Roof Music Fest Russian Music  

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