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Motherland Summer 2019 – Music Festival in Moscow
11.06.2019 14:19
Motherland Summer 2019 – Music Festival in Moscow

Three dozen modern Russian music bands will perform at the Motherland Summer 2019 in the mid of June.

      Outstanding independent musicians will perform in the open air concert in Moscow on June 15th. The exact location of the event is not known yet and will be announced closer to the date of the event.

      However, the organizers have already announced the names of those who will definitely appear on one of the four stages of Motherland Summer this year.

      The lineup really amazes with its diversity. It includes the Chonyatsky project of Eugene Alyokhin and Pavel Dodonov, the long-awaited reunion of Night Loaders and The Dog and Band team, as well as new tracks by Komsomolsk. They will bear company with PPR, Greechka, Buerak and other aspiring modern Russian bands.

      Find details and updates here 

Russian Music

Pop-Music in Russia

Rock Music in Russia

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Motherland Summer Festival Music Festivals Festivals in Moscow   

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