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A Mobile Application will be Created for Travelers to the Shantar Islands
5.07.2019 00:15
A Mobile Application will be Created for Travelers to the Shantar Islands

Federal State Institution "United Directorate of State Natural Reserves and National Parks of the Khabarovsk Territory" - "Zapovednoye Priamurye" received a grant to create a mobile application for traveling to Shantar Islands.

      Interest in the national park "Shantar Islands" is growing every year. The personal guide will become an educational assistant to tour operators, travel agents, and most importantly - to all tourists.

      The mobile application will be available next year.

      The Shantar Islands archipelago is part of the Tuguro-Chumikansky district of the Khabarovsk Territory. It includes 15 islands - Bolshoy Shantar, Feklistov, Maliy Shantar, Belichiy, Medvezhy, Avian, Utchy, Sugar Loaf, Kusov, Prokofiev, Sivuchya Stones, Sukhotin, Northern, Middle, South, Diomede Stones and a large number of rocks. The total area of the archipelago is 2.5 thousand kilometers. In order to preserve unique natural complexes, on December 30, 2013, the Shantar Islands National Park was established.

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Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Russian National Parks ecotourism Khabarovsk Territory   

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