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The Number of Employed Russians Fell Sharply
6.08.2019 16:40
The Number of Employed Russians Fell Sharply


For the first half of the year, the number of employed Russians fell sharply - by 800 thousand in the first quarter of the year and by 600 thousand in the second, according to Vedomosti. The pension reform, which has begun this year, did not significantly affect the dynamics - it is noted that a drop in the number of people within the working age is one of the main reasons for the reduction in the number of employees.

      The number of employees in the age group of 25-29 years and 50-54 years is rapidly declining, and the employment of people over 60 years old is almost not growing. The age peak of economic activity in Russia has shifted - if previously the highest employment was observed in the group of 35-39 years old (90.9%), now the group is at the peak of 40-44 years old (91%).

According to analysts at the Central Bank's research and forecasting department, a sharp reduction in employment, coupled with a decrease in the number of unemployed, creates risks for further economic growth and inflation. Unemployment in Russia reached 3.3 million people in June.

Find about average wages in Russia.








Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: society Russian economy    

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