The Magic Chinese Lanterns festival is a colorful and spectacular show, combining the traditions of the ancient eastern country and modern technology in the Sokolniki Park of Moscow.
Thanks to catchy art objects depicting fantastic animals, inhabitants of the water depths, amazing plants and fancy palaces, part of the park will turn into a fairy tale realm. Here you will find even the characters of Alexander Pushkin’s fairy tales, as well the Snow Maiden and Father Frost from Russia.
Some of these magnificent installations, and there are more than forty of them, are six to eight meters high. All art objects are made of silk material and steel frames. Accompanying lighting and beautiful music give them a magical charm.
In addition to grand charming installations, the visitors will see acrobatic tricks, get acquainted with the national Chinese cuisine, and shop in an arts and crafts market. The festival program includes colorful shows and various workshops.
Where: Sokolniki Park at the address 1, Sokolniki Val Street, next to Sokolniki metro station, Moscow.
When: from November 29, 2019 to February 23, 2020.
Author: Vera Ivanova