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Big Shrovetide Festival near Moscow
11.02.2020 15:08
Big Shrovetide Festival near Moscow

Anton Chekhov Museum-Reserve Melikhovo welcomes you to join in traditional Russian Pancake Week festivities. The program includes outdoor merrymaking, buffoons, games and competitions, theatricals and music of a folklore ensemble and choir.

      This year, the emphasis will be on the reconstruction of forgotten Russian folk games.

      Fans of folk crafts will find colorful souvenirs at the festival fair.

      The park museum has prepared a special exposition where visitors will be introduced to the history of Russian traditional costume.

      The holiday will be crowned with a farewell to the long winter and the burning of the Shrovetide scarecrow.

      Where: Anton Chekhov State Literary and Memorial Museum-Reserve “Melikhovo” in Melikhovo Settlement of the Chekhov District in the Moscow Region.

      When: February 29, 2020

      Time: 1 pm to 4 pm

      Maslenitsa, the Holiday of Spring and Sun

Russian Pancakes Recipes

Tradition of Merry Russian Sleighing

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Pancake Week Russian Traditions Russian Holidays Festivals in Moscow  

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