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Reconstruction of the Holy Vvedensky Monastery was Completed
29.02.2020 09:35
Reconstruction of the Holy Vvedensky Monastery was Completed

Reconstruction of one of the oldest monasteries of Tula Oblast, the Holy Vvedensky Makariyevsky Zhabynsky Diocesan Monastery, was completed in time to the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Tula Kremlin.

      The facade of the cathedral has been completely restored during a short period of time. The destroyed parts of the basement and the sculptural elements of the walls were restored with the use of a unique white stone, in accordance with the historical look of the building. The roof of the cathedral was repaired, consecrated domes have been installedrecently. The works were carried out also inside the cathedral: a spiral staircase to the choir balcony was installed.

      Large-scale landscape works were carried out on the territory of the monastery: paving flags were laid, the drainage system was restored, and new lighting poles were installed.

      The Holy Vvedensky Makaryevsky Zhabyn Diocesan Monastery was founded in 1585.

Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Tula Region Tula Tula Kremlin   

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