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The “Folk Fishing” All-Russian Festival in Tver Oblast was Canceled
2.03.2020 11:22
The “Folk Fishing” All-Russian Festival in Tver Oblast was Canceled
(Source: https://ìèíêîíòðîëü.òâåðñêàÿîáëàñòü.ðô/upload/iblock/b5b/DSC03939.JPG)

 The “Folk Fishing” All-Russian Festival in Tver Oblast was canceled due to the absence of reliable on in the water and the threat of coronavirus.

      This decision was made in connection with the epidemiological situation complicated by the spreading of the 2019-nCoV coronavirus, as well as bad weather conditions and the lack of reliable ice cover on Volga in Tver Oblast.

      During all these years, 11 all-Russian stages were held, dozens of regional and hundreds of local fishing holidays under the name of “Folk Fishing” took place. All sponsors’ funds are spent exclusively on the event. The main prize is traditionally a car.

Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Tver Region Russian festivals coronavirus   

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