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High Alert Mode due to Coronavirus Introduced throughout Russia
19.03.2020 20:01
High Alert Mode due to Coronavirus Introduced throughout Russia

The authorities of all 85 regions of Russia decided to introduce a high-alert regime due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus. Schools and universities have been transferred to distance learning, all sports and other public events have been canceled, it follows from the orders signed by the authorities of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

      By March 19, all regions of the Far East, Siberia, the Urals, the Volga region, the Northwest and the South of Russia, the majority of the regions of the Central and North Caucasian federal districts had already switched to high alert mode. On Thursday, the corresponding regime was also introduced by the remaining regions - Oryol Oblast and the Chechen Republic.

      The high-alert mode due to coronavirus involves a postponement or cancellation of all public events. The limitation of the number of participants in events that cannot be canceled, depending on the decision of the authorities of the subjects, is from 50 to 1000 people. It is also recommended that residents of the region refrain from traveling abroad, and employers are instructed not to allow employees with symptoms of infectious diseases to appear at the workplace. Schools and universities were transferred to the distance learning mode.


Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: coronavirus     

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