Officials of Chelyabinsk have started to tackle the problem of roadside memorials for car crashes` victims. A project of federal law which can count setting roadside memorials, wreaths or crosses an administrative offense has now been cut out. Deputies of the region are planning to put such memorials under a ban and eliminate the present ones. Moreover, Chelyabinsk`s authorities would like to spread this initiative over other Russian regions and add amendments to the federal law about administrative offenses.
At the present moment the State Standard of Russia requires droves, streets and pavements to be free of irrelevant objects. At the same time there is no law prohibiting memorials setting, while huge roadside advertising billboards stand along the roads.
Chelyabinsk`s authorities are sure that roadside memorials and wreathes hinder drivers. However, opinions about the idea have divided: some people claim such memorials spoil the city’s image and cause oppressive impressions while others consider the forthcoming law aweless.