The orthopedic surgeon from Russian city of Togliatti proved that disorders in human skeleton formation corresponded with hair whorls, appearing over a sore place.
In 1989 the surgeon paid attention to a small abnormality in hair growth on the back of a 12-year-old boy. The hair whorl was right over an aching vertebra. The doctor started collecting statistics on his guess and examined over 500 patients of various age. Little kids with a hair whorl on their backs didn’t show any serious problems with spinal columns, however, when they reached 13-15 years, 75% turned out to be seriously ill.
Orthopedic experts performed a two-level scientific expertise of this discovery and confirmed that it was true – a hair whorl on the back can be a reliable sign of problems with spinal column, and patients with such a sign require thorough examination and some conservative treatment.