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Perm region – the zone of “Social ill-being”
30.06.2009 18:12
Perm region – the zone of “Social ill-being”

16 Russian regions were classified as ill-being. The main factor of the social problems - the amount of the children born out of wedlock, was considered. Mikhail Deragin - the head of the Institute of Globalization Problems said that social investigations lead them to the conclusion, that the worst ill-being region is Perm region. Almost 40% of the children are born out of wedlock. The other ill-being regions are Jewish Autonomous region, Magadan region, Irkutsk region, republic Buryatia, Chukchi and Nenets Autonomous Areas.
      Mikhail Deragin said that the liberal social-economical reforms continue to destroy our society, especially Russian families.


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