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 Sergey Revin

Born:   January 12, 1966

Russian test astronaut, flight engineer of Soyuz TMA-M and ISS, the Hero of the Russian Federation.


The 113th astronaut of Russia (USSR) and the 526th astronaut of the world, Sergey Revin was born in Moscow on January 12, 1966.
In 1989 he graduated from the Moscow Electronic Equipment Institute, where he majored in the Automatic Equipment and Electronics and got qualified as Physical Engineer. Is the graduate student of the Moscow humanities university.
Before becoming an astronaut Sergey Revin worked as an engineer in a scientific-production association for measuring equipment and the Energy scientific-production association.
Sergey Revin made his first space flight in May — September, 2012. On May 15, 2012 he started as the flight engineer of the spacecraft Soyuz TMA-04M with the commander Gennady Padalka (Roskosmos), the second flight engineer Joseph Akaba (NASA) and the International Space Station crew for expeditions 31 and 32.
At the International Space Station the astronauts ñonducted experiments in medicobiology, technology, and geophysics, explored natural resources and space biotechnologies, studied cosmic rays, carried out environmental monitoring, as well as educational and academic projects. During the flight Sergey Revin participated in carrying out the educational ecological experiment Lessons from Space and in broadcasts of the Roscosmos TV studio.   Duration of the space flight made 125 days 00 hours and 50 minutes.
On May 28, 2014 Sergey Revin became the Hero of the Russian Federation and was awarded the Gold Star medal "for valor and bravery displayed in the course of a long space flight at the International Space Station.
The space hero is married and has a son. He is fond of tourism, water and mountain skiing, ballooning, photography and video shooting.

Tags: Sergey Revin Russian Astronauts International Space Station Space Exploration  

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