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 Ivan Goncharov

Born:   18 June [O.S. 6 June] 1812
Deceased:   September [O.S. 15 September] 1891

Writer, corresponding member of St. Petersburg Academy of Science (1860).


Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov went into history of Russian and world literature as a realistic prose master. His famous novels make up an original trilogy (consisting of A Common Story (1847), Oblomov (1859) and The Precipice (1869)) which reflect significant aspects of life of the Russian society in the 1840s-60s, with an amazing insight into psychology of characters. Oblomov enjoyed wild success, making the author one of the most outstanding Russian writers. The destiny of the main character is revealed not only as a social phenomena, but also as a philosophical comprehension of the Russian national character, a special moral path, opposing the hustle of the all-absorbing “progress”.

In his native city of Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk) the central street is named after Goncharov; there is Goncharov Museum, Goncharov Monument and Goncharov Memorial Pavilion in the city.

Tags: Ivan Goncharov Russian literature Russian writers   

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