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 Alexander Herzen

Born:   On March 25 (on April 6) 1812
Deceased:   9 on January (21), 1870

Well-known Russian writer and revolutionary.


Alexander Herzen started his revolutionary activities under the influence of great utopian socialists. In 1834 together with Ogaryov and others he was exile to Perm, and then to Vyatka. Upon return to Moscow Herzen became one of the leaders of the Westernizers and opposed the Slavophiles. Despite disagreements with the Slavophiles, Alexander Herzen, nevertheless, personally believed that the socialism in Russia would grow up from the peasant community. This mistake was mostly due to his disappointment in the political system of Western Europe. In 1851 the Senate decided to attaint him and claim him an exile. From 1857 Alexander Herzen published in London his well-known collection The Pole Star and the Kolokol journal, where he demanded public court, liberation of peasants, abolition of censorship, and other reforms. The works by Herzen had a great impact on upbringing of the young generation of revolutionaries.

Tags: Writers Alexander Herzen Revolutionaries   

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