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 Sergei Magnitsky

Born:   April 8, 1972
Deceased:   November 16, 2009

Russian accountant and auditor


Sergei Leonidovich Magnitsky was born on April 8, 1972 in Odessa. The citizen of the Russian Federation, he lived in Moscow. He was married  with two children.

Since 1995 he worked as the auditor at the consulting company Firestone Duncan which was founded two years earlier by the American lawyers Jamison Firestone and Terry Duncan. Magnitsky was engaged in tax consultation and audit.
On November 24, 2008 he was arrested and charged on the account of assisting the Head of the William Felix Browder Fund at tax evasion.

After 11 months of a pre-trial detention at Matrosskaya Tishina prison on November 16, 2009 Sergei Magnitsky died in hospital prison. In March 2013 an investigation into the causes of his death has been closed, his death being declared as "unsuspicious" by the Russian investigation. However, a significant number of people believe that Magnitsky had been killed.

The death of Magnitsky caused a considerable resonance and became a reason for acceptance in the USA of the law entering sanctions concerning persons, allegedly involved in his death. The full "Magnitsky List" has been announced by the U.S. on April 12, 2013.

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