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 Yuri Ilyin

Born:   21 December 1941

Russian scientist and geneticist


YurYuri Ilyin’s scientific interests are mobile genetic elements of higher organisms, mechanisms of their transposition and regulation of expression of eukaryotic genes. Yuri Ilyin has found the role of histone H1 in chromatin condensation and regulation of transcription. Yuri Ilyin has cloned previously unknown type of eukaryotic genes – mobile dispersed genes (MDG) in 1976, thus discovering existence of mobile genes in animal cells and starting studies of eukaryotic mobile elements on molecular level.

Yuri Ilyin has showed existence of reverse transcription in normal cells, not infected with viruses, and demonstrated the role reverse transcription plays in MDGs’ transpositions. The scientist also showed that most common mobile elements of genome, such as LINE type elements, contain a gene, which codes reverse transcriptase.

He also discovered and described two types of internal promoters, which were found not only in mobile elements, but also in a number of cell genes, which are essential for development.i Victorovich Ilyin was born in the town of Asbest, located in the Sverdlovsk Region, on December 21, 1941. He graduated from chemistry faculty of Moscow Lomonosov State University in 1966.

Yuri Ilyin has started his scientific career as a research apprentice in 1966, straight after graduation, then he worked as a laboratory technician, junior research assistant (1968) and senior research assistant (from 1976 to 1984). In 1984 Yuri Ilyin became the head of laboratory studying genome mobility in the Engelgardt Institute of Molecular Biology (Russian Academy of Sciences).

Nowadays Yuri Ilyin is the director of the Institute of Biology of Gene (Russian Academy of Sciences), a world acknowledged expert in the field of molecular biology and molecular genetics.

Yuri Ilyin is a corresponding member of the Department of biochemistry, biophysics and chemistry of physiologically active substances of Russian Academy of Sciences with specialization of “Molecular Biology” since 1990, and since 1992 he is an academician in the same Department with specialization of “Molecular Biology and Molecular Genetics”.

Yuri Ilyin’s scientific interests are mobile genetic elements of higher organisms, mechanisms of their transposition and regulation of expression of eukaryotic genes. Yuri Ilyin has found the role of histone H1 in chromatin condensation and regulation of transcription. Since 1975 Yuri Ilyin is studying genomic structure of higher organisms, using genetic engineering for this purpose.

Yuri Ilyin has cloned previously unknown type of eukaryotic genes – mobile dispersed genes (MDG) in 1976, thus discovering existence of mobile genes in animal cells and starting studies of eukaryotic mobile elements on molecular level. His think-tank has showed that MDG is quite similar to vertebrates’ pro-retroviruses and suggested and developed conceptions about MDGs’ role in carcinogenesis, mutagenesis and evolution.

Yuri Ilyin has showed existence of reverse transcription in normal cells, not infected with viruses, and demonstrated the role reverse transcription plays in MDGs’ transpositions. The scientist also showed that most common mobile elements of genome, such as LINE type elements, contain a gene, which codes reverse transcriptase. After that he used genetic engineering techniques for isolating said gene’s product – an active enzyme – and thoroughly studied its properties.

Yuri Ilyin has described a number of regulatory elements, which interact with cell proteins, controlling expression level of mobile genetic elements and created unique systems, which helped to decipher genetic and molecular activation mechanisms of mobile elements in animal cells. The scientist has discovered a brand new type of transcription regulation by means of internal promoters for genes, transcribed by RNA-polymerase II. He also discovered and described two types of internal promoters, which were found not only in mobile elements, but also in a number of cell genes, which are essential for development. In case of mobile elements location of all regulatory sequences inside an element makes its expression independent from host’s genome.

Yuri Ilyin is a member of editorial staff of “Bulletin of Russian Academy of Sciences, “Biology” and “Genetics” scientific magazines and a member of European Academy.

Tags: Russian scientist Russian scientist genetics   

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