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    Kaliningrad Region


Kaliningrad Region is located between Poland and Lithuania, the region is physically separated from the rest of the Russian Federation by Lithunania and Belarus. It is part of the Russian Federation since the second world war (1946). Its topography is of glacial origin, forming an extension of the East European plain. Its superficies is 15,100 sq. km. It is entirely isolated from the rest of the country by land borders with foreign states and by the international sea waters. The closest Russian Regional center - Pskov city - is 800 km away from Kaliningrad, and the distance to Moscow is 1289 km. The only Russian ice-free port on the Baltic sea is situated here. The transit communication routes crossing in the region are the shortest ways linking Russia with countries of West Europe. The region has a moderate climate, with cool summers and mild winters. Precipitation ranges from 559 to 864 mm.





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