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    Sverdlovsk Region


Yekaterinburg lies at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, east of the slopes of the Ural Mountains in central Russia. The city is located at the source of the Iset River and is surrounded by lakes and hills.

Yekaterinburg, like most of Russia, has a continental climate. Temperatures tend to be mild in summer and severe in winter. The average temperature in January is -15.5C, but occasionally reaches -40C. The average temperature in July is 17.5C, but occasionally reaches 40C.


Yekaterinburg is situated in a beautiful region, 41 km inside Asia but still 260km short of the official beginning of Siberia. One of Yekaterinburg’s attractions is the Ural Mountains stretching 2000km from Kazakhstan in the south to the arctic Kara Sea in the North. There’re generally low, as famous mountain ranges go, failing to top 2000m anywhere, and if you pass through on the train you may hardly notice them. They have been vital to Russia for almost 300 years as a major source of metals and minerals, which gave rise to many towns and cities.

The Pyotr Gronsky rocks, Chertovo Gorodische and Sem Bratiev are picturesque monuments of nature seeing lots of tourists. The Pyotr Gronsky rocks are lofty granite remnants. They are named after one of the Ural revolutionaries, a worker Pyotr Gronsky.




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