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Yelizovo is a Russian town (since 1975) in Kamchatka Territory. It stands on the banks of River Avacha, 32 km to the north of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Not far from town there is the balneo-mud resort Paratunka.

Its overall territory is 66

History of Yelizovo

It was founded in 1848 as the settlement of Stary Ostrog, which was on the place of the former Itelmen village.

In 1897 on the occasion of the 200th anniversary since annexation of Kamchatka to Russia the village was renamed into Zavoyko in honor of the Russian admiral V. S. Zavoyko (1809-1898), who headed the heroic defense of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky against attacks of the Anglo-French squadron in 1854.

In 1924 the village was named Yelizovo after the guerrilla group commander G.M. Yelizov, who perished in Kamchatka in 1922.

It became a town in 1975.

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