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    Chuvash Republic (Chuvashia)

The Chuvash Republic (Chuvashia) is situated in the mid-Volga region and borders with the Mordovia Republic, the Mari El Republic, the Republic of Tatarstan, and the Nizhni-Novgorod and Uljansk Regions of the Russian Federation. The republic’s total area is 183,000 square kilometres. The capital is Cheboksary.

The native population of the republic – Chuvash - is descendants of the Bulgar people. The Chuvash Republic is populated by 1,4 million people, up to 68% of which are Chuvash, 26,7% - Russians, 2,7% - Tatars and 1,4% - Mordovians.

The Chuvash language belongs to the Turkic group of languages and is known to be the only remaining branch of the Old-Bulgaric language.

The Chuvash Republic is represented in UNPO by the Chuvash National Congress aimed at revival of the Chuvash culture and maintenance of the national identity of the Chuvash people.

The republic is rich of some important natural resources are minerals, such as gypsum, phosphor, carbonates, sand, and clays. One third of Chuvashia is occupied by forests giving lumber, sawmilling and wooden articles. Chuvashia mainly exports agricultural and industrial products and goods including hop, potatoes, knit-wear, hosiery, textiles, leather goods, and plastics.

Chuvashia was part of the Russian Empire since the 16th century. In 1868 the national Chuvash culture started to revive.

In 1920 Chuvashia became an Autonomous Republic within the former Soviet Union. All efforts to revive, sustain and safeguard the Chuvash culture were roughly suppressed by the current rulers.

In 1989 the Chuvash Public Cultural Centre was founded.

Russia and Chuvashia have made an agreement on reformation of the Chuvash economy, development of the regional agriculture and destruction of chemical weapons on Chuvash territory. Among the Chuvash people there was much concern about the situation in Chechenia. Chuvash, together with Mari, Udmurt and Tatarstan publicly declared their opposition to the Chechen war and called on their citizens to refuse to take any part in the conflict.

Tags: Russian tourism Russian regions Chuvashia Russian history  



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