Enem is an industrial township in the Takhtamukaysk District of Adygea.
The town is located at the 10 km distance from Krasnodar. The highway Krasnodar — Novorossiysk and the railway lines to Krymsk and Tuapse run through the town.
It has the population of 18 251 persons (as of 2013).
The farm of Enem was founded in 1890 and transformed into an industrial township on November 17, 1967.
The town’s name is associated with the Adygei Princes Inemukovs, and the nearby Takhtamukay settlement was earlier named Enem-Takhtamukay.
In the early 20th century a railroad substation on the line Yekaterinodar to Novorossiysk was constructed near the farm. The railroad promoted fast development of the settlement. In the 1960s Enem became a station on another railway line: Krasnodar — Tuapse.
On November 17, 1967 the settlement was transformed into an industrial township.