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MAKS 2013: Aerobatics & Stampede
September 4, 2013 19:27

Russia’s fifth generation fighter codenamed T-50 was on display and in the skies of MAKS 2013 proving the military aircraft engineering in Russia is still a source of pride.

More footage from RIA-Novosti on the show programme.

China's aerobatics team made its debut flights at MAKS. 

More pics are available here and here

But the sun never really came out so the spectators – around 350,000 – often had to survive the rainfall and soaring prices for foods and drinks.

On August 31 all hell broke loose when the continuing rain forced the people – around 150,000 – to leave the air field. But the local service did not have the capacity to ensure the mass exodus went off without incidents so the escape resulted in blocked traffic and long columns of people wading ankle-deep through the streams.

Author: Mikhail Vesely

Tags: Maks aviation show MAKS 2013 T-50   

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