Russian hackers attack: JP Morgan, Nasdaq, Carrefour and millions of passwords. The Russian authorities suspect that they have been working jointly since DDoS-attacks on Estonia in 2007.
In the spring of that year the country’s authorities decided to move the monument to Soviet soldiers from the centre of Tallinn, and later broke up rallies attended by the Russian-speaking residents of the country. Immediately after the break-up a massive DDoS-attack on the websites of banks and other organizations in Estonia began.
The Estonian Defense Minister Jaak Aaviksoo complained that the country was attacked from computers in Russia, including the Russian government agencies, and demanded to investigate the involvement of the Russian authorities in the attacks. The story did not go any further than accusations. But now the FBI is investigating whether the hacking of the computers of the bank JP Morgan Chase is a revenge of Russians for American sanctions connected with Ukraine.
The documents published by Edward Snowden indicated that the National Security Agency of the United States also wanted to hack the networks of Russian companies - in particular, “Aeroflot” and “Gazprom”. Russian Business Consulting remembered the five wildest recent cases of hacking blamed on omnipotent Russian hackers.
Some of them clearly have a commercial nature, others would be helpful for politicians. The hacking of JP Morgan Chase. The Federal Bureau of Investigation of the USA is investigating the theft of data from the American bank JP Morgan Chase. It happened in the middle of August, as Bloomberg Agency reported citing two employees connected with the investigation. According to the agency, Russian hackers who fell under suspicion. They stole the petabytes of confidential data so skillfully that the experts suspect that the hackers are supported by the Russian authorities.
The FBI is investigating whether the hacking of JP Morgan is the revenge of Russian authorities for the US sanctions because of the conflict over Ukraine. In April JP Morgan blocked the transfer of funds from the Russian Embassy in Astana to the address of the insurance company “Sogas” which fell under the US sanctions.
The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Aleksandr Lukashevich called the actions of the Americans “a crudest violation of international law” and threatened with counter measures.
Author: Anna Dorozhkina