Russia repaid its debts on the obligations of the USSR to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnia and Herzegovina became the last foreign creditor country of the USSR, the obligations to which remained unregulated, the report says.
On the 8th of August Russia repaid the debt with a single payment of $ 125.2 million, the Finance Ministry notes. The state debt to Bosnia and Herzegovina arose in connection with Russia's recognition of responsibility for the obligations of the USSR that arose during the time of trade and economic cooperation with the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
In 2006, Russia repaid the debt of the USSR completely to the Paris Club in the amount of 23.7 billion US dollars. In 2013, Moscow paid off with the Czech Republic (3.6 billion US dollars), Montenegro (18 million US dollars) and Finland (30 million US dollars). In 2000, the Russian Federation paid a royal debt to France.
Author: Anna Dorozhkina