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Annoying Colleagues in Russia and the UK
November 30, 2007 19:14

Everybody working in an office has to mix with different type of people. And except enjoying a good society of one’s firm-mates one has to put up with irritating habits of the colleagues. Here are some common workplace personalities in Russia and in the UK.

BBC Russia referring to the reveals various office personalities who spoil the life of office-workers and suggests some useful advice how to remain sane in the office.

Originally Russian annoying office personalities are:

The Gamer – He fills in his working time plying common computer games, which are installed almost in every computer. Thousands of office workers of different levels forget about their responsibilities and play absorbedly in Patience and Sapper. Aiming at higher results the Gamer just wastes his time.

The Drone – He considers the regular tea drinking the best way of deviating from his duties. It really takes some time to pore some fresh water and then to drink one by one some cups of tea.

 The Taster – You can be surprised watching your fellow- worker to store the used tea bags on his papers in order to use them one more time. ‘May be tea after the second brewing tastes double as better?’ you think.

The Researcher—Russian office life is not as much limited with instructions and control as the western one. Having more freedom Russian clerks devote more time to deep speculation before taking a serious decision without noticing how they begin researching the space of their own nose. In other words, he is constantly picking his nose.

The office life of British clerks doesn’t budge an inch in its diversity to the Russian one.

The Borrower– This personality ‘easily leaves and easily takes’. Leaving somewhere his pen or pass doesn’t worry him, as in no moment he borrows it at his neighbor's table, picking up something else, for example a bar of chocolate.

The Gossip Monger—Be sure your colleague is always in the course of all current events. He loves all his co-workers’ ‘top secrets’ and is happy to share ‘who is going out with whom’ and ‘who is earning more than who’. Unfortunately this information is not always reliable.

The Sniffer—It seems that he, claiming he prefers only delicate touch of the latest brand top-price perfume, doesn’t notice at all that he throws out cheapest, nastiest overdone perfume or aftershave.

The Smacker-- The colleague who slurps their way through lunch and talks with his mouth full. And don’t wait for any apologies when you see bread crumbs on your table when he passes by.

How to tackle this situation, you ask, having recognized here the most annoying habits of your colleagues? The best way is humour, charm and beating them at their own game. If you can’t rectify your office-mate, speak with your personnel department who are trained to nip any genuine problem in the bud.


Irina Fomina


Tags: Russian labor market     

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