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Moscow New Year Charity Projects
December 10, 2013 16:09

Festival "Best Winter City" started in Moscow on December 14, 2013 and will last till January 8, 2014. 

From December 13 to January 31, Moscow downtown will host an international art-project -  “Light installations”. Thematic Christmas stations “A warm place”  will also be installed here. Each “warm place” will have its own theme, historically tied to the peculiarities of a particular street. So at the intersection of the Kuznetsky Most and Rozhdestvenka where traditionally Moscow baths had been built, “Winter” will be located. In the gift shop one will be able to buy mittens and scarves with traditional Russian patterns, while in gastro shop - hotcakes and sbiten - tea with honey and spices. 

According to the head of Moscow Department of Culture, Sergey Kapkov, “this year will focus on New Year's charitable projects most of all”. On of them “Make a dream come true” is covered on the official website of “Best Winter City" project that was launched on December 1. Here the letters to Father Frost written by orphans and children from poor families will be published. And everyone who visits the website will be able to choose one or a few gifts and pay them by courier service to deliver to the recipient.  

Together with charity organization Handmade Charity several Christmas holidays for children with disabilities will be organized in Moscow restaurants. 

From December 25 to January 7 culture series “Grandma's lunch” will be held in culture centres. The purpose of this action is a rebirth of Moscow's traditions of good neighborliness and support for elderly people living alone. 

According to Sergei Kapkova, “this year's meeting ceremony of the main Russian Father Frost will be held in the Moscow zoo that will become 150 years old”. 

And in the very New Year's Eve on December 31, at 10 p.m. on Lubyanka Square a musical Christmas show featuring famous artists from Russia and the CIS will start. Then, at 00.00 the sky over all districts of Moscow will be lighted up with brilliant fireworks. A special New Year's program is being prepared by all recreation parks. 

At Christmas, on January 7, descent musical performance “Christmas Waltz” will be held on Vasiljevsky way down.

Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: New Year Moscow    

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