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XIII Viennese Ball
June 7, 2015 09:12


XIII Viennese Ball was held on June 6, 2015 at the largest hall in Moscow – “Gostiny Dvor”.

Viennese Ball in Moscow happens once a year in spring or early summer. The history of this Ball starts from the year 2003. And it already has its own traditions. The event is charitable and supported by the Moscow government and embassies of Austria and Russia.

About 2000 people attended the ball. Among them were politicians, businessmen, musicians, artists and many other famous and respectable personalities. XIII Viennese Ball marked the 70th anniversary of the victory of anti-Hitler coalition in the Second World War and the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Vienna by the Soviet Army.

140 dancing couples of young debutants from 8 countries under the direction of the Vice President of the World Dance Union Leonid Pletnev opened the ball. Stars of the World classical art and the best philharmonic and jazz orchestras took part at the traditional gala concert.

The programme included the traditional and famous Midnight quadrille, the Parade of the military band, ballroom dance performance, gala concert featuring the World Opera stars Dmitry Korchak (tenor), Vasily Ladyuk (bariton), Kristine Opolais (soprano) and other impressive shows. The guests enjoyed the music played by The Russian Philharmonic Orchestra (84 musicians), as well as other orchestras including one of the best jazz orchestras worldwide «Ross Mitchell, His Band and Singers» (Great Britain). 

Debutantes opened the Ball with polonaise, followed by waltz traditionally. The dancing program was really variable: from waltzes and gallops to quick-steps and rumbas. Russian quadrille, after the master class held by Stanislav Popov (President of Russian Dance Union and the main Viennese Ball dancing-master), was danced three times.

Everyone enjoyed the performance, but for debutantes it was really a special day. To become a debutante young ladies and gentlemen need to meet the demands of set criteria. The required age for the ladies is from 16 to 23 y.o., besides, they are not allowed to be married. Casting has several stages. Applicants need to fill in a special questionnaire form, write an essay and pass an interview. If they succeed to overcome all the tests, they get the right to become debutantes, and the preparations conducted by Stanislav Popov last for three months. During this period everyone is taught a traditional dancing program and basics of etiquette.

All guests of the Ball have to follow a set dress code. For the ladies - a full-length dress, for gentlemen – a tail-coat / tuxedo.

In addition to the Viennese Ball in Moscow, OOO Venski Bal Moskva has organized Russian balls in Vienna, Biarritz, Palma de Mallorca, Baden-Baden, etc.

As Stanislav Popov usually recommends: “Dance, and be Happy!”

Author: Anna Dorozhkina

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