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Chichvarkin Set up an Anti-corruption Fund in London
November 24, 2019 14:27

Evgeny Chichvarkin registered his Anti-Corruption and Libertarianism Support Foundation in London. According to him, the organization will be collecting money abroad for FBK of Alexei Navalny or libertarians in Russia.

Businessman Evgeny Chichvarkin created the Anti-corruption & Libertarian Fundtraising Foundation in London, according to the UK Registration Chamber. Also, the businessman wrote about creating an organization on his Instagram.

“We created a fund to fight against corruption and support libertarian initiatives. As soon as the accounts are opened, it will be very convenient for everyone who lives abroad and who is uncomfortable transferring money to Navalny’s FBK or to libertarians directly, ” Chichvarkin said. He emphasized that it is a "non-profit organization." “That is, we will transfer money strictly for the purpose with all necessary reporting,” the businessman wrote.

Chichvarkin, according to documents on the website of the Chamber, took the post of the director of the fund. Only Ekaterina Tereshkina is indicated in the list of “persons with significant control”. In an interview with Zima Magazine, a lady with the same name said that she worked as a personal assistant to the businessman. She said that before working with Chichvarkin, she had studied   at the Moscow State Linguistic University and taught English at the FSB Academy. 

Among its objectives, the foundation indicates the promotion in Russia of “liberal and libertarian values,” as well as the idea of ​​an “open, democratic, and honest government.” In addition, the organization is going to deal with the fight against corruption.

According to the British agency, the fund was registered on November 7, the day after the searches of Mikhail Svetov, one of the leaders of the unregistered Libertarian party. Law enforcement officers opened a criminal case against Svetov because of the post on Instagram in 2012, his lawyer Mikhail Biryukov told Interfax. He clarified that it is a criminal case of depraved acts. The Libertarian party called the investigation politically motivated. After two interrogations, Svetov remains in witness status.

Chichvarkin publicly supported Svetov. “The criminal case [against Svetov] is fictitious reminiscent of mine. And the tricks are the same,” the businessman wrote on Instagram.

Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Aleksey Navalny Evgeny Chichvarkin    

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