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Tags: Far East

Regions & Cities:

Kamchatka Territory
Amur Region
Magadan Region
Primorsky Territory
Sakhalin Region
Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
Jewish Autonomous Region


Vladivostok Heads Gourmet Tourism in Russia
Vladivostok enjoys popularity among tourists for its fresh seafood delicacies and rarities, as well as restaurants of pan-Asian cuisine.
Russian Scientists with Support of IBM Study the Effect of Aerosol on Climate Change
Of particular interest is the study of particles larger than five microns, but this requires a large computing power. With FEFU methods and IBM resources, scientists can solve this challenge.
Japan Is Ready To Invest Into Non-resource Sector Of the Far East
The priorities of the investment cooperation between Russia and Japan in the Far East are primarily non-resource export-oriented sectors of the economy with a high level of technology.
Top 3 Videos From Russia
We return to the floods in the Russian Far East, where the water level in the Amur River has reached 720 millimeters. Check out bird's-eye view pictures from the city of Khabarovsk and a rap song about the disaster shot by two friends.
Russian Far East in Winter: Amur Tigers, Non-sleeping Bears and Frontier between Yesterday and Today
Russian Far East, discovered by Russians in 16th century is still at most an enigma for a European. Far East is a kingdom of fire breathing volcanoes and geysers, deep blue mountains and exotic animals, - white and brown bears, and of course, Amur tigers. Brown bears don’t sleep in Kamchatka, and salmon species come here for spawning even in winter. There are some big cities here, but at the same time people still live in yurts and their best transport is reindeer and dog sleds. Here are some examples of winter activities on the Russian Far East.
Far East Clenched its Fist
A court in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in the Russian Far East has ordered all local Internet service providers to block access to and four other websites for publishing extremist materials.
How Artificial Reefs Can be Useful?
Russian scientists claim that artificial reefs are extremely popular with marine inhabitants. Researchers from the Institute of Marine Biology (Far East branch of Russian academy of sciences) say that if Russian coastal shallow waters were filled with such reefs, catches of various commercial species of fish, invertebrates and algae will grow significantly.
Guerrillas' Spirit or Gorillas' Brain?
It is as a rule useful to analise events after some time has passed. Several weeks ago the “primorsky partisans’” brief campaign came to an end. Police cornered the self-styled group of “partisans” who led a guerrilla war against law enforcement officials in the Primorye Region of the Russian Far East. Members of the group were captured or killed.
Nearest Future of Russian Power Engineering
Eminent Russian scientists tend to think that future of Russian power engineering lies in building thousands small heat and power plants with modern gas-turbine units, which allow rapid increase of power production and saving gas.
Russia Welcomes Eight New Urban Agglomerations
The Russian Ministry of Regional Development is going to introduce a twenty-year program covering expansion development of Russian constituent territories to the government. In case the program is ratified, eight urban agglomerations with multimillion populations will be created.
Care about Leopards
1st of February is the day when biologists of the Primorye region (Russian Far East) and neighbouring Chinese territories started recording population statistics of Far Eastern leopards. Said monitoring process is a joint project of Russian branch of World Wildlife Fund, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Far Eastern branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.


The Simplified Visa Processing Regime Boosted Tourism Development of the Far East
Thanks to the simplified visa processing regime, the regions of the Far East of the Russian Federation have been visited by over 128 thousand foreigners; a total of 168.8 thousand residents of other states have issued electronic visas.
Moscow Exhibition "Mysteries of Antiquities and Rock Painting of Siberia and the Far East"
Zagorie Gallery presents an exhibition about the earliest known settlers of Siberia and various artifacts of those times.
The “Days of the Far East” Festival
The residents and guests of Moscow will be able to participate in the “Days of the Far East” festival for the third time: it will be held from 2 to 14 December.
New Leopards were Noticed in the Primorsky Territory
Camera traps have recorded three adult Far Eastern leopards and a kitten in the north of the Primorsky Territory, these animals had not previously been taken into account by scientists.
Experts Decide How to Save Unique Ecological Systems of the North
Permafrost, which occupies 65 percent of Russia’s and 30 percent of the world’s territory, is at stake due to global warming and human economic activity in the 21st century.
Chinese Enterprises Will Be Placed In the Far East
China proposed to transfer production capacities of 12 priority sectors of the economy to Russia.
Tretyakov Gallery to Provide Paintings for Exhibition in Primorye
The Primorye Art Gallery will in its turn send exhibits to the famous museum in Moscow.
Fighting Seven Fires in Taiga of the Far East
For the last day and night firefighters tried to suppress eight forest fires in the territory of the Far East.
Russia's Shiveluch Volcano Wakes Up in Kamchatka
The famous Shiveluch volcano, located in Russia's far-eastern Kamchatka territory, started to show the noticeable signs of activivty on Sunday morning, for the fourth time in the past week.
Rosneft Will Invest In The Far East
The investments of “Rosneft” in the projects in the Far East will amount to 1.5 trillion roubles by 2020.
Settlements In Roubles Between Russia And North Korea
Russia and the DPRK have agreed to begin settlements in roubles already in this month, as the Minister for Development of the Far East Aleksandr Galushka reported.
Several Agencies And State-owned Companies May Be Transferred To The Far East
Several federal agencies and state-owned companies may be transferred to the Far East, as the RF Presidential Envoy in the Far East Federal District Yury Trutnev claimed.
3.3 Trillion Roubles To Far East
3.3 trillion roubles may be sent for the development of the Far East by 2020.
National Park On Shantar Islands
Far East environmentalists welcome the creation of a national park on Shantar islands, the place where the Okhotsk population of rare bowhead whales feed.
Flights To Manila
The Far East tour operators confirmed their plans to resume flights to Manila.
Rogozin: Far East Should Be Renamed
The Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin proposed to rename the Far East. Among the new names offered by Rogozin are: "Pacific Zone" or "Pacific Region".
Eight Sailors Rescued After Okhotsk Sea Shipwreck
Rescuers have recovered eight sailors while two are still missing from a refrigerator ship on Sunday in the Okhotsk Sea in Russia's Far East.
Sanba Typhoon Floods Vladivostok
Over one monthly rainfalls norm was brought to Russia's Far East, as typhoon Sanba reached the region.
Ten Died in Plane Crash in Russia's Far East
At least ten people were killed when an An-28 passenger plane crashed on Russia’s far eatern Kamchatka Peninsula on Wednesday.
A Terrible Volcano Erupts in Russia's Far East
The Ivan Grozny (“Ivan the Terrible”) volcano started erupting last week, on Iturup, one of the Kuril islands in Russia's Far East.
Russian Volcano Increases Its Activity
Russia's northernmost active volcano is churning out ash to a height of 9,500 meters (over 31,000 feet), local services reported on Tuesday.
Unique Tiger Goes for a Walk
An extremely rare Amur tiger has been seen walking along a local highway in Russia’s Far East on Friday.
Oil Rig with 67 People Abroad Sank in the Russian Far East
About 16 people are already found dead in the the Sea of Okhotsk after the overturning of an oil rig in the Russian Far East.
Big Forest Fires in Russia's Far East
Five big forest fires are reported in Russia's Far East on an area of 80.5 hectares. And five more fires have already been extinguished in an area of 186 hectares.
Sharks Attack on People in Russia's Far East
Sharks keep in fear inhabitants of the Far East territory, two seriously injured people just in two days!
Cruises to Chukotka are getting more and more popular among foreign tourists
More than 1300 tourists are supposed to visit the region in high season, what is half as much again as the previous year.

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