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Tags: Google


Pirated Video Content
The Russian Internet Company “Yandex” is not planning to sign the memorandum of Roskomnadzor concerning cooperation with the copyright owners in connection with the war on pirated video content. The same position was taken by the American Google Corporation.


Russian Activists Want Google Maps to Hide 'Illegal Content'
Activists from the youth organization of the United Russia ruling political party are going to send an official request to Google with a demand to remove various 'erotic' locations from Google Maps.
Google is Not Ok in Crimea
Following the example of many other US companies, Google closes its services for users registered in Crimea. Their accounts registered in Google's AdSense contextual advertising system are to be blocked on Friday, Russian press reports.
700 People to Read Anna Karenina Online
The world famous Internet company Google has announced the new international online project Karenina. Live Readings.
Google Puts Sochi-2014 On the Map
By the opening day of the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014 Google will have introduced special maps, to help visitors explore the town and venues. Experts wonder how that is going to be different from Yandex.
Google Celebrates 90th Anniversary of Leonid Gaiday with Festive Logo
The Google Internet company celebrated the 90th anniversary since the birth of the Soviet film director Leonid Gaiday with a festive logo.

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