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Kamchatka Territory


Vadim Gippenreiter
April 22, 1917 - July 16, 2016


Greenpeace Published the Results of Water Samples from Kamchatka
Greenpeace has published the result of samples taken in the area of an ecological disaster in Kamchatka. None of the identified compounds could have caused such serious consequences.
Kamchatka without Tourists
The coronavirus has radically changed the situation with tourism on the peninsula: the passenger traffic of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky airport has dropped several times, local entrepreneurs hope to get at least a third of last year's earnings. The thing is that most of the tourists are traditionally foreign tourists.
Ecotourism in Russia: Nalychevo Natural Park
Nalychevo as a natural park in Kamchatka was established in 1995 on an area of ​​about 287,000 hectares. It is located in the valley of the Nalychevo River and has many springs with mineral water of low and high temperatures, known for its healing power.
National Geographic Included Kamchatka in the Top 25 Best Travel Destinations
National Geographic magazine has published a ranking of the best travel destinations for 2020. The list includes one Russian tourist destination - the Kamchatka Peninsula.
Trekking in Russia
Foreign tourists love Russia for its wonderful nature. In Russia, there are trekking opportunities in almost any region - from Kaliningrad to Primorye. Tours can be of different length and level of complexity.
Active Holidays in Russia
The number of those who want to change the usual beach and sightseeing holidays to something more extreme is steadily growing, as this is a great way to believe in your abilities and gain invaluable experience. Active tours are always an exciting journey that will be remembered for a lifetime.
Customs of Kamchatka Tribals
Volcanoes and geysers, lakes and mountains, amulets and dream traps, fishing and dogsleds... Just a short while ago, Kamchatka was a closed and secret territory. The tribals inhabiting it add to the mystery of Kamchatka.
Kamchatka Natural Parks: South Kamchatsky
The park is a beautiful corner of Kamchatka with a developed natural ecosystem practically unaffected by human activities. The recognized pearls of the park are the crater of the Mutnovsky volcano, the Khodutkin springs and the caldera of the Ksudach volcano.
Kamchatka Natural Parks: Klyuchevsky
Klyuchevsky Natural Park is the youngest park and one of the most beautiful natural parks in Kamchatka. Its territory is called the land of Fire and Ice.
Kamchatka Natural Parks: Nalychevo
Nalychevo is a very popular tourist area, because of its close location to Elizovo and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The surrounding places have lots of cold and thermal springs.
Kamchatka Natural Parks: Bystrinsky
The Bystrinsky Natural Park is included in the Kamchatka Volcanoes World Heritage site. It is located in the center of the Kamchatka peninsula.
Kamchatka Wildlife Reserves
Kamchatka has two wildlife reserves: Oleniy Dol and South Kamchatsky.
Kamchatka Natural Parks: Blue Lakes
The blue lakes of Kamchatka is a natural park, which is very popular among tourists during all seasons. However, the most unforgettable view opens here when ice-flows begin to melt.
Kamchatka Souvenirs – What to Bring from Kamchatka
Kamchatka is full of exotics. Those who have visited this amazing place, fall in love with it at first sight. We will tell you what kind of souvenirs to bring from the peninsula of volcanoes, which will remind of your best impressions and experiences there.
Kamchatka Reserves: Kronotsky Reserve
There are several protected areas in Kamchatka: three reserves, five natural parks and two wildlife reserves. Kronotsky Reserve is one of the largest and most famous Kamchatka Reserves.
Kamchatka Reserves: Koryak Reserve
Koryak Reserve is not engaged in special tourist activities. But, nevertheless, it has several not very long routes.
Kamchatka Reserves: Commander Reserve
In addition to world-known historical sites on the territory of the archipelago, there are many natural objects of interest.
Things to Know before Travelling to Kamchatka
A trip to Kamchatka is really unique due to the geographic isolation of the peninsula, the scarcity of the population and the fact that it has been recently withdrawn from the status of a closed territory. Check our tips to make your trip safe and enjoyable.
Kamchatka Cuisine – Top 5 Traditional Dishes to Taste in Kamchatka
Fish and seafood make the basis of Kamchatka cuisine. It has absorbed the traditions of indigenous nomadic peoples and their ability to quickly and deliciously cook.
School Of Tourism In the South Of Kamchatka
In the south of Kamchatka the School of tourism for local residents is opened.
New Diamond Discovered In Kamchatka
Scientists have discovered a new diamond of a previously unknown type in the solidified lava from the eruption of the Kamchatka Plosky (Flat) Tolbachik volcano.
Discover Kamchatka: Trip To Khalaktyrsky Beach
None of the wonders of Kamchatka produce such a strong and clear impression that you have reached the end of the world. Khalaktyrka is precisely the end of the world.
The Kuril Lake in South Kamchatka Preserve
The Kuril Lake in South Kamchatka Preserve is the second largest of the peninsula lakes. The cliffs are towering on the scrubland banks; thermal springs gush out in the Tyoplaya Bay; salmon clouds from the ocean come to spawn in the Ozyornaya River attracting bears to the bay. In turn, tourists come to see the bears. This is the main Kuril bait: where else can you watch the life of fearless bear community in the natural environment and in a relative safety if you follow the rules?
Kamchatka: Starichkov Island
The small rocky Starichkov Island is a reserve in Avachinsky Gulf where 44 breeding colonies of 11 species of seabirds are registered.
Kamchatka: Maly Semyachik Volcano
Maly Semyachik is a natural monument. Sometimes it is called a stone land or a mountain land.
The Three Brothers Rocks - Symbols Of Kamchatka
For those who arrive in the capital of Kamchatka by sea these three vertical rocks are kind of roadside steles at the city entrance.
Cities of Kamchatka
The city may seem to someone weirdly arranged. In fact, this is one long street from "Shipyard" terminus (once "Lenin") to the "10th Kilometer" bus station. The traveler should know where is the city center, "Avacha" hotel, where to eat and from where buses leave for Paratunka.
Edge Of The World. Why Do People Go To Kamchatka?
Earlier Kamchatka used to be a completely closed peninsula. It was possible to come here only with residence permit or with the invitation. Nevertheless, for many people "Kamchatka" is not just a word, as they tend to divide their lives into periods: before they saw Kamchatka and after.
Kamchatka: Tours to Steaming Earth
After one-hour flight over the lava fields and volcanic cones, Mi-8 approaches the canyon, and the valley suddenly spreads before the eyes.
Kamchatka: Valley Of Geysers
Kamchatka Valley of Geysers is the only geyser field in Eurasia. Tens of geysers, fumaroles, hot springs and lakes brought the Valley world fame.
Mushers Will Become Millionaires
In 2014 the prize money of traditional Kamchatka Dog Sled Race Beringia is 6,000,000 rubles. The winner will get half of that amount, second and third prize winners two and one million rubles, respectively.
Mushers will Become Millionaires
In 2014 the prize money of traditional Kamchatka Dog Sled Race Beringia is 6,000,000 rubles. The winner will get half of that amount, second and third prize winners two and one million rubles, respectively.
Kamchatka Presents
Kamchatka has presented 8 unique natural sites for the participation in the multimedia project "Russia 10". One of the most important goals of the project is to promote the image of Russia as one of the countries with very rich cultural and natural heritage, and to select ten country visual symbols that will be determined by the general voting.
Kamchatka in winter
Kamchatka belongs to travel destinations which don't need any special introduction. Volcanoes, geysers, thermal springs and marvelous wildlife - all of it attracts travelers from Russia and abroad. But there is lack of information about this region: we know more about missing tourists, mainly independent travelers, who neglected professional tour services which however exist. Thermal springs and active volcanoes make seasons on Kamchatka something relative, but there are some special winter things to do there.
Seven Wonders of Russia: Don't Miss Out
The Places of interests in every country have different score of attraction. Some of them are worth to be seen, some of them should be seen, and others do not deserve much attention. Russia is so rich in tourist attractions, that it could be supported by the tourist industry only, but for narrow-minded businessmen, trading the natural resources in the straight sense of the word. Of course, not all of the tourist attractions are equally interesting. In order to define the main ones, a competition was carried out in 2008. As a result, following seven wonders of Russia were chosen by way of secret vote.
Kamchatka Peninsula: Transportation and Accomodation
After you have read the previous article about the natural monuments of Kamchatka peninsula and maybe got interested in traveling there, it’s time for some information like how to get there, which cities exist there, what king of transport is being used there to get to the volcanoes and geysers from the cities and settlements ultimately where to sojourn at an inn and what to do there. Moreover, there are some tourist possibilities on the peninsula, except the simple sightseeing.
Kamchatka Peninsula: Volcanoes, Valley of Geysers and Valley of Death
Kamchatka, one of the most outstanding volcanic regions in the world, is famous with its Volcanoes, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 12% active volcanoes in the world are situated on the Kamchatka peninsula. The second thing, drawing the interest to this place, is the Valley of Geysers, equal in beauties to geysers of Island and ones of Yellowstone Park and New Zealand as well.
Anomalous Zones of Russia: Valley of Death (Kamchatka)
There are two zones with famous names at Kamchatka: the Valley of Geysers and the Valley of Death. While quite many people have read about the first zone, the second one is less known and infamous for animals and birds’ mass mortality.
Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka
All geysers in the Valley differ from each other: the geyser called Triple is remarkable for its grey-brown colouring of geyserites; the Sugar geyser looks like a huge lily flower; the Big geyser has the highest fountain, while the Small geyser is the most powerful in the quantity of water debouched per day.
Main Russian Tourist Destinations
Depending on a type of interest expressed in the cultural and natural potential of Russia by foreign tourists, the country can be conditionally divided into the following main tourist zones specializing in certain kinds of tourism.
Another Active Volcano Discovered at the Kamchatka Peninsula
Recent studies of scientists from the Institute of Volcanic Geology and Geochemistry (Far Eastern branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) have resulted in another potentially active volcano appearing on the map of the peninsula.


The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Named the Priority Version of thw Water Pollution in Kamchatka
The investigators inspected the water area and coastal area of Avacha Bay with a length of more than 200 km, as well as areas adjacent to the disposal sites of hazardous substances in the territory of the region.
Toxic Algae were Named the Main Cause of Pollution of the Kamchatka Coast
Toxic algae may be the cause of water pollution of the Kamchatka coast.
No Violations were Revealed in Kamchatka during the Inspection of the Landfill of Pesticides
Experts examined the Kozelsky landfill for pesticides in Kamchatka, they did not detect any serious violations visually.
Kamchatka Introduces a Strict Access Regime for Visitors from June 10
Since June 10, a strict regime of electronic passes for visitors who do not have local registration will be introduced at the main airport of Kamchatka.
Cruise Season Opened in Kamchatka
About 20 cruise liners will go to Kamchatka this year.
The Mud Baths on the Unique Lake near Irkutsk will be Reconstructed
The “Nagalyk” health resort has been operating since 1985; in 2018 it became a part of the Bayandaevsky district hospital.
The Largest Ski Base of Kamchatka has been Equipped with Special Artificial Snow System
It will significantly extend the ski season, consistently producing frosty artificial snow.
Kamchatka - the Most Suitable Arctic Region for Tourism Development
According to the survey conducted by the Federal Tourism Agency of Russia,the best northern region for tourism is Kamchatka, 71% of respondents voted for it.
A Tourist Centre will Appear in the “Nalychevo” Nature Park
A tourist centre of three buildings will be constructed in the central part of the “Nalychevo” Nature Park (a part of the “Volcanoes of Kamchatka” Nature Park.
Skeleton of Great Steller's Sea Cow Found in Commander Islands
The skeleton of the extinct animal will become the central exhibit at the visit center of the Commander Reserve in Kamchatka.
Cruise Season Opened In Kamchatka
The first to enter Avacha Bay this season was Japan cruise liner Crystal Serenity.
Snowing Spring In Kamchatka
There is still a lot of snow in the forests of Kamchatka allowing people to ride snowmobiles.
Kamchatka Ecotourism Development
Kamchatka has the potential to become one of the centres of ecotourism of world importance.
Zhupanovsky Volcano Eruption
The erupting Zhupanovsky volcano in Kamchatka has thrown a column of ashes into the sky to the height of up to eight kilometers above the sea level.
Russia's Shiveluch Volcano Wakes Up in Kamchatka
The famous Shiveluch volcano, located in Russia's far-eastern Kamchatka territory, started to show the noticeable signs of activivty on Sunday morning, for the fourth time in the past week.
Ash Emission Was Recorded At Klyuchevskoy Volcano
Another ash emission was recorded at Klyuchevskoy volcano on Kamchatka. The height of ash emission amounted to 8,000 meters.
Policeman Saved a Schoolboy from Drifting Ice Floe in Kamchatka
The police officer Sergey Machulin took a teenager away from a loose ice floe in Vilyuchinsk town in Kamchatka.
Kamchatka Border Posts Will Be Reconstructed
It is planned to reconstruct the main border inspection posts at the state border in Kamchatka.
Kamchatka Week of Culture and Tourism
A variety of activities aimed at promoting domestic tourism and environmental recreation was held in Kamchatka.
Maintenance Works Will Ease Travelling To Gorely Volcano
The maintenance works in the vicinity of the Viluchinsky Pass and Gorely Volcano go on in Kamchatka.
Volcanoes Of Kamchatka Threaten The Safety Of Air Flights
Four volcanoes of Kamchatka: Shiveluch, Karyimsky, Zhupanovsky and Bezymyanny (Unnamed) – began to show the signs of activity and threaten the safety of air flights.
Khalaktyrsky Beach Tourist Center
Khalaktyrsky Beach tourist visitor center opened on the Pacific coast in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky suburb.
A Month Of Silence Is Over
Scheduled helicopter tours are resumed in Kronotsky Reserve in Kamchatka after a month of silence.
Karymsky Volcano: High Danger Code
Kamchatka Karymsky volcano threw an ash column to the height of four kilometers above sea level.
Karymsky Volcano Eruption
Karymsky Volcano on Kamchatka threw ash up to a height of 1.5 km above sea level.
Serebryanyi Ruchei In Kamchatka Krai
Serebryanyi Ruchei, a newly-arranged tourist facility was open in Kamchatka on International Tourism Day. The ribbon that was cut about this was not red, but green color as it should be on the environmental event.
Stone Pathways and Stone Toilets Will Be Laid in Kamchatka
3 million rubles for the construction of seasonal viewing sites and campgrounds will be allocated from the budget of Elizovsky municipal area. Informative signs, pointers, benches, metal fencing, stone decking and stone platforms will be established near Serebryany Ruchei (Zaykin Klyuch).
Data Placards Around Volcano
Data placards for tourists heading to Tolbachik were installed in Klyuchevskoi Park.
New Names On Kamchatka Map
Two anonymous geographical objects in Kamchatka have got their names.
Red Caviar Prices Up
Red caviar has gone drastically up in price within just one month after fisheries reported a lower than expected catch.
The Kamchatka’s Volcanoes Are Waiting For Ski-Mountaineers
The following year, in the Kamchatka’s region the certified international competitions in ski-mountaineering can be hold on.
Day of Russia in Kamchatka
The Day of First Fish passes in Kamchatka. First Fish Day, the national ceremonial holiday, was devoted to the Day of Russia celebration in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
Tourists Are Not Allowed To Disturb Animals
Komandorsky Nature Reserve is closed for tourists for a month.
The Decrease In the Population Of the Reindeer On the Kamchatka
The number of the reindeer in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve on the Kamchatka has plummeted in connection with the large-scale and long-term eruption of Kizimen volcano: from about 2 thousand animal units in 2006 to 850 in 2011.
Archeologists Find Fossil Mechanism 400 Million Years Old
Petersburg archeologists working in Kamchatka have found fossils that turned to be parts of a mechanism.
Ten Died in Plane Crash in Russia's Far East
At least ten people were killed when an An-28 passenger plane crashed on Russia’s far eatern Kamchatka Peninsula on Wednesday.
Russian Volcano Increases Its Activity
Russia's northernmost active volcano is churning out ash to a height of 9,500 meters (over 31,000 feet), local services reported on Tuesday.
Days of Tourism on Kamchatka
Days of Torism will start on the 19th of August and finish on the 17th of September.
Strict Regime Colony Launches its own TV
News, telecasts, football matches, etc – test broadcasting of a TV studio with convicts as journalists and cameramen has been started in a penal colony in Kamchatka.

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