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Tags: Lipetsk Region

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Lipetsk Region
Lev Tolstoy


Yelets Lace
Yelets Lace is a famous Russian handicraft of bobbin lace woven from bobbin threads of brown, white, yellowish, black or grey colours. The centre of the handicraft is Yelets town of the Lipetsk Region. Lace-making sprang there in the late 18th century, and in the 19th century already Yelets gained the lead in lace producing in Russia. Yelets craftswomen wove measured lace, kerchiefs and collars.
Lipetsk Painting Designs
Lipetskie uzory i.e. ‘Lipetsk designs’ is a folk handicraft of making wooden articles with artistic painting in the Lipetsk Region. It is also known as the name of a factory producing these articles.


Archeologists Found Remains of Sarmatians in Yelets
Archeologists have unexpectedly found a set of graves dated to the dawn of the Common Era in Yelets.
5 Thousand-Year-Old Burial Ground Found by Lipetsk Archeologists
A monument of the Neolith Copper Stone Age is explored in the Dobrovsky District of the Lipetsk Region.
Monument to Peter I and Alexander Menshikov to Appear in Chaplygin
For its 375th anniversary the regional center of Chaplygin will acquire a new sight.
Lipetsk Archeologist Solves Mysteries of Ancient Site
The book In Search of Antiques of Forlorn Site: on Finds and Legends of Zadonsk Outskirts by the famous Luipetsk archeologist Alexander Bessudnov has been published.
14th Century Settlement with Treasures and Weapons Unearthed in Lipetsk Region
Archeologists have found traces of a 14th century settlement, which chanced to remain intact by black diggers in the Lipetsk Region.
Cucumber Monument to Appear in Lipetsk Region
Monument to the cucumber will appear in Cherkassy Settlement near Lipetsk in the middle of July.

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