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Tags: Moscow cinemas


Places to Watch English Language Movies in Moscow
Staying or travelling in Moscow and missing your native language? Want to feel at home again? Here is the list of the best Moscow cinemas where you can watch movies in the original English language free from dubbing.
Performances of World's Leading Theaters at Moscow Cinema
In the last decade of April, the Zvezda cinema will demonstrate screen versions of the performances that enjoy popularity at the world's trendsetting theatres.
Where To Watch Foreign Language Films In Moscow
As you live in Moscow, you may be wondering where to go to watch films in your native language. Doubtless there are different cultural centres, but if you prefer the ooze and groove of traditional cinemas, read on for a list of Moscow cinema halls that regularly screen films in foreign language.


International Short-Length Film Festival “Moscow Shorts”
The Moscow Shorts film festival runs non-stop nearly round the year. Everyone is welcomed to participate in the film competition, regardless of their country of residence.
Three New Summer Movie Theaters to Open in Moscow
In 2013 summer open air cinemas will be opened in three more Moscow parks, the head of Moscow Culture Department Sergey Kapkov has reported.
Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris Opens in Moscow
Woody Allen's latest feature, A Midnight in Paris, has opened in Moscow during the weekend.

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