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Tags: Petrozavodsk


How to Get from Petrozavodsk to Ruskeala Park
The distance from Petrozavodsk to Ruskeala is 259 km. An absolutely ordinary village is notable for the fact that an incredible mountain park is located 2 km from it. There are several ways to get there, but there is no direct route.
How to Get to Petrozavodsk International Airport
Petrozavodsk International Airport is called "Besovets" because of the nearby village. The air harbor is located 12 kilometers from the capital of Karelia.
Russian Cotton Shawls. XIX - Early XX centuries
The exhibition of cotton shawls of late XIX - early XX centuries will be opened on July 5, 2013 in Presentation and Exhibition Center Museum-Reservation "Kizhi", Petrozavodsk. The exhibition introduces one of the most significant Russian models of cotton kerchiefs of late nineteenth - early twentieth century from the collection of the Sergiev Posad State History and Art Museum-Reservation.
Stone to Store Electricity
Russian scientists and power engineers suggest storing energy in the form of heat by means of a natural material, called talcum peach or talcum chlorite.


Petrozavodsk Airport in Karelia will Open Flights on December 2
Petrozavodsk Airport in Karelia did not resume operation within the established term for completing the runway upgrading. The next civilian flight will be served by the airport on December 2, 2019.
Historic Holiday to Take Place in Petrozavodsk
The museum-reserve “Kizhi” will for the fourth time hold a celebration “Illusions of the Old City”, which takes place in the historic part of Petrozavodsk. The main theme of the festival will be the city in 1912, when residents celebrated the 100th anniversary of victory in the Patriotic War of 1812.
Karelian Craftsmen Will Show Their Skills
The exhibition “FormSound” will be opened in Karelia on the occasion of the anniversary of the famous Craftsmen's Guild.
Christmas Fair to Open in Petrozavodsk
Christmas Fair will be held in the centre of Petrozavodsk. Visitors can buy Christmas gifts, made by the best Karelian craftsmen.
The First Hotel of International Level to Appear in Petrozavodsk
A new hotel will be opened in the capital of Karelia. Park Inn will become the first hotel of international level built in Petrozavodsk.
Ski Resort to be Opened in Petrozavodsk
New ski tourist resort “Yalguba” is to appear in Petrozavodsk in 2012. It will include different facilities, among which are elementary ski run, cableway and two equipped ski slopes.

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