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Gazprom to Build Gas Pipeline in North Korea
The state monopoly Gazprom will become the only builder of the North Korean section of the gas pipeline which will transfer the Russian Far East gas to the South Korea via North Korea.
Russia Gets Beltransgaz, Belarus Gets $165.60 Gas
The Russian state company Gazprom has acquired 50 % share in Beltransgaz for $ 2.5 billion, what makes it the sole owner of the Belarus pipeline which carries gas from Russia to the European Union.
Qatar May Enter Gas Production in Russia
Qatar is interested in participation in gas production in Yamal and in Novatek assets.
North Korea to Earn $ 100 Million on Transiting Russian Gas
North Korea will gain from Russian gas pipeline from Far East to South Korea. As a transit territory for Russian gas supply, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea will get about $ 100 million a year.
Nord Stream Officially Launched in Germany
On Tuesday leaders of Russia, Germany and other countries officially launched the Nord Stream pipeline in in the town of Lubmin, Germany.
Russian Gas Supplies to South Korea to Start in 2017
Gas supplies from Russia to the Republic of Korea may start in 2017. Now Russia supplies to the South Korea only liquefied gas.
7 Trillion Rubles Might be Invested into Oil and Gas Shelf Development
From 6 up to 7 trillion Rubles are planed to be invested into gas and oil deposits on shelf within the state program of developing Russian continental shelf till 2030. More than 1 trillion Rubles might be allotted from the federal budget.
China is Interested in Developing Kovyktinskoye Gas Deposit
China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) has shown its interest in participation in mastering of Kovyktinskoye and Chayandinskoye gas and condensate deposits, which are considered to be the largest in Russia.
Russian Producer of Mineral Fertilizers May Acquire Gas Assets
The company EuroChem, a Russian producer of mineral fertilizers, regards an opportunity of acquiring gas assets. The agreement with potential sellers could be reached within this month.
Nord Stream to Go Operational on November 8
The gas pipeline Nord Stream will go operational on November 8 this year. Gazprom considers the possibility of building additional Nord Stream lines if the demand for the fuel increases in Europe.
Italian Eni to Make Oil Business in Russia
Italian Eni, one of the major Gazprom partners in Europe, intends to start oil business in Russia. The company is negotiating with Rosneft about joining oil extraction project in Vale Shatskogo in the Black Sea.
Russia Launches Major Gas Pipeline to Europe
On Tuesday Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin launched the Nord Stream pipeline, which was designed to bring Russian natural gas to Germany through the bed of the Baltic Sea, avoiding shipments via Ukraine.
Russia to Open Shtokman Field for Working in 2016
Russia plans to start producing gas at the giant Shtokman offshore field in the Arctic from the fourth quarter of 2016, according to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
North Korea and Russia to Cooperate in the Gas Field
Launching collaboration in the gas field between Moscow and Pyongyang has become the main result of Kim Jong-Il’ s visit to Russia.
Belarus to Buy Russian Gas at a Reduced Price
From 2012 Belarus is to buy Russian gas at a reduced gas pricing formula.
Russia to Increase Oil Production in 2011
In 2011 Russia will produce about 510 million tons of oil and break the record of the last year.
Bulgaria Relinquishes Russian Gas
Bulgaria intends to reduce purchases of Russian gas and reject Gazprom's long-term contracts for the next three years.
Russia to Develop the Largest Coal Deposits in Mongolia
A consortium of companies, headed by Russia, became one ot the preliminary winners to develop Mongolia's largest coal field Tavan-Tolgoi.
Russia's Largest Oil Companies Stop Selling Gasoline
Russia's largest oil companies, including Rosneft, Gazprom and Lukoil, temporarily stopped selling gasoline in the St. Petersburg's International Commodity Exchange.
China in Talks with Gazprom
China National Petroleum Corporation and Russian oil monopoly are still on talks on a gas supply.
Gazprom Notes Europe Gas Consumption Decreasing
Russian gas monopoly Gazprom faces some problems, connected with gas consumption falling in Europe.
Gazprom-owned NIS to Drill in Romania
NIS, a subsidary of Russia's Gazprom, will start a 12-well exploratory drilling program in Romania.
Rosneft Has Found Another Partner
Russian Rosneft oil company discusses possible collaboration and exploring oil and gas with Royal Dutch Shell Plc.

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