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Tags: Russian Academy of Sciences


RAS Intends to Turn Moscow into Scientific City Number One in the World
According to Moscow Mayor, the RAS is the pride of Moscow, since its main departments are located here, making one-third of the country's scientific potential concentrated in Moscow.
Russia will Renew Antarctic Station
The head of the Ministry of Environment believes that scientific researches in Antarctica are the main tool of ensuring the geopolitical interests of the Russian Federation on the continent. Russia will renew its research stations in Antarctica and will enhance them technologically.
Fast-growing Poplar Breeding Project
Fast-growing poplar breeding project was developed by research workers of Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. Today biofuel boilers are becoming more popular. It happens due to the fact that fossil fuels like coal and oil are exhaustible, expensive and not eco-friendly enough.
Suicide Gene Makes Stem Cells Suitable for Therapy
Cultivable pluripotent stem cells are under close attention of researchers all over the world due to their enormous potential for curing a vast range of human degenerative diseases, which demand tissue replacement therapy. These cells have two unique properties: they can transform into any known cell types in an organism, and they also are able to indefinitely proliferate in vitro with all their fantastic properties kept unchanged.
Easy Way to Monitor Your Health
Physicists from Novosibirsk are on the way to designing a biological sensor for easy and cheap diagnostics of various pathologies, as well as detection of tiniest amounts of hazardous substances in gas and liquid media.
Biofuel from Organic Sediments
Shallow and nicely heated water reservoirs are notable for high biomass production and increased amount of organic matter. Such water reservoirs often “bloom” during a period of explosive propagation of algae, and their bottom is covered with a thick layer of organic sediments. Russian scientists suggest using this organic matter for making biological fuel, an alternative for hydrocarbon fuel.
Making Solar Batteries Cheaper and More Effective
Solar batteries become more and more widely used in common life, and photovoltaics (photoelectric transformation of solar energy) is claimed to be one of most promising fields of renewable energy. Russian researchers know how to make these batteries cheaper and more effective.
Crystals from Novosibirsk for the Whole World
Know-how of Novosibirsk scientists provides world electronic industry with laser and scintillation crystals of extremely high quality.
Johann (Gregor) Mendel – Peas and Laws of Inheritance
July 22 is the 189 anniversary of Gregor Mendel's birthday. Why should I bother, one may ask? That’s not the question to raise, because experiments of this talented scientist opened doors to one of the most wonderful sciences in the world – genetics.
Are Gold Nanoparticles Toxic?
Gold nanoparticles are these days often used in medicine for purposes of treating and diagnostics of various diseases. However, scientists from all over the world have hot arguments about possible toxicity of this product of nanotechnologies and ability of these particles to cause mutations in living beings.
Psoriasis and Atherosclerosis – Anything in Common?
Research, performed in Russia and other countries, revealed that formation processes of psoriatic and atherosclerotic plaques could have common mechanisms.
Shall Your Neurons Survive?
Existing treatment for the Parkinson's disease improves motion behaviour of patients, but do not protect their neurons from deterioration and death. This means these drugs eliminate sysmptoms, but don't really cure the disease. Russian researchers currently work on a treating agent, which can prevent neuros from dying, and are testing the drug.
No Killer Solar Flare to Happen: Russian Scientists Promise
Recently British newspapers announced another “end of the world” happening within the next 18 months, when extremely powerful solar flare would destroy the whole industry of power engineering and all electronic devices on our planet, as well as orbital space ships and satellites. Russian physicists advise to keep calm and do not believe these gloomy prophecies.
Hello! Your Cancer Treatment Has Arrived
Russian researchers have developed a new type of composite nanoparticles, which successfully deliver porphyrines (for combating cancer) to target tissues. Luminescence can enhance photodynamic effect and helps control distribution of nanoparticles in living tissues.
Sounds to Help Control Burning
Gas detonation is known to be a good means to get significant amount of energy during a very short period of time. However, detonation combustion is extremely difficult to control, and this fact limits perspectives of this technique as an industrial technology. A group of Russian scientists has a solution for this problem – researchers suggest treating gaseous mixtures, in which detonation combustion takes place, with acoustic fields.
How Artificial Reefs Can be Useful?
Russian scientists claim that artificial reefs are extremely popular with marine inhabitants. Researchers from the Institute of Marine Biology (Far East branch of Russian academy of sciences) say that if Russian coastal shallow waters were filled with such reefs, catches of various commercial species of fish, invertebrates and algae will grow significantly.
New Materials for Aircraft Engines Created
Russian researchers from the Institute of Metals Superplacticity Problems (Russian academy of sciences) developed a new technology for creating 3D and flat sheet materials with homogeneous nanostructure.
Whales versus Oil Production
Russian engineering and technology company “ScanEx” has launched a project on space monitoring of seawaters near the Sakhalin Island, where oil is produced and grey whales unfortunately dwell, being an endangered species.
Evil Creatures Threaten Invertebrates
Invertebrates, inhabiting Russian north-eastern seas, are in real danger – the situation reminds of a standard Hollywood thriller. However, human beings are drama characters too, and they are even capable of changing the situation.
Mountains Keep Losing their Icy Covers
Russian geographers have found out how over three thousand glaciers of Caucasus, the Pamirs and Tien Shan mountain systems change.
Care about Leopards
1st of February is the day when biologists of the Primorye region (Russian Far East) and neighbouring Chinese territories started recording population statistics of Far Eastern leopards. Said monitoring process is a joint project of Russian branch of World Wildlife Fund, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Far Eastern branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Let Bacteria Sleep
It seems unbelievable, but every third Earth’s dweller has latent form of tuberculosis. Scientists from the Russian Institute of Biochemistry have found a new approach to searching a solution to this very important problem.
Poisonous Breath of the Seas
About 17 million people dwell on the shores of Russian seas – about 12 per cent of the population. Scientific research has revealed striking results – all Russian seas are contaminated with pesticides – chlororganic compounds for fighting pests: pollutants, considered to be most hazardous for human health.
Everyone Needs a Drop of Poison
The lack of even such toxic elements as nickel, cadmium and lead may cause dysfunctions. That is why some animals eat red toadstools – they contain cadmium.
Euphoria of Space Research
The Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences has announced the beginning of the new space year.
Pushchino Science Centre – Happy Anniversary!
There’s no doubt that Pushchino`s scientists will cope with all challenging tasks – they have everything a researcher needs: modern working facilities, talent and good thinking potential.
Aboard or over the Board?
Igor Melikhov, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and professor of Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, comments on Russia’s nanotechnology state-of-the-art.
Developments in Russian Biotechnology
Scientists at the Winogradsky Institute of Microbiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences have developed a method to solve the problem of accumulation of methane in mines that causes explosions.


RAS Joins International Manifesto about Imparting Scientific Knowledge
President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladimir Fortov has signed the international manifesto Science and Trust.
Hundreds Protest in Moscow Against Academy of Sciences Reform
Hundreds of people gathered in downtown Moscow on Saturday to protest against planned changes to the Russian Academy of Sciences, local media report.
RUR 500MLN Required to Reform Russian Academy of Sciences
The new controversial law on the Russian Academy of Sciences will require an additional RUR 500 million.
The Election Of the President Of the Russian Academy Of Sciences
The election of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) will be held on 29 May this year on the General Assembly of RAS.
Smart Coatings for Rockets and Aircrafts
Researchers from Russia created nano-coatings for rocket nozzles and important components of combat aircrafts.
Foxes Domesticated – First Time Since Ancient Times
Scientists from Novosibirsk successfully reproduced a great biological experiment of ancient human beings – animal domestication.
Remains of Genghis Khan’s Nephew Presumably Unearthed
Russian archeologists from the Far East worked eastwards from lake Baikal and unearthed human remains, which are believed to belong to khan Esunke, Genghis Khan’s nephew.
RadioAstron Project: Mirror Opening Successful
Two days ago a mirror of a space radiotelescope, installed aboard “Spektr-R” space vehicle, was successfully opened.
New Archeological Findings in Chelyabinsk Region
Archeologists, who work at the Island of Faith in Chelyabinsk Region, unearthed fragments of unusual ceramic tableware.
Lecture on Animal Domestication – Also Online
Geneticists from Novosibirsk will tell everyone, who bothers visiting their website, about animal domestication and early intellectual achievements of mankind.
Another Comet Discovered by Russian Scientists
Russian astronomers officially announced the discovery of a new short-period comet, which was named P/2011 NO1. This is the second comet, discovered by the Russians within recent seven months.
Short Sleep During Daytime Promotes Learning
Russian researchers found out that short daytime sleep helped settle words into memory.
Catalytic Agent for Gasoline Quality Improvement Developed
Researchers from Omsk made a first commercial lot of a new catalytic agent for improving quality of gasoline.
New Space Ship for Sun Monitoring to Appear
Russian physicists will soon end developing a new type of space ships for monitoring the Sun from a very close distance – less than Mercury’s orbit.

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