Dates & Events17 January 2025 Moscow time:
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Tags: Russian Culture
Anatoly Durov
... - ... |
Inna Churikova
... - ... |
Lazar Gadayev
1938 - 21 September 2008 |
Alexei German
20 June 1938 - 21 February 2013 |
Leonid Gaidai
30 January 1923 - 19 November 1993 |
Mikhail Fokin
April 26, 1880 - 1942 |
Alexander Gorodnitsky
March 20, 1933 - ... |
Pyotr Fomenko
13 July 1932 - 09 August 2012 |
Tatiana Doronina
12th September 1933 - ... |
Helena Blavatsky
born 1831 July, 31 (OS August, 12) Yekaterinoslav, Russian Empire, now Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk - died 1891 April, 26 (May, 8) London. |
Victor Chizhikov
September, 26th, 1935 - ... |
Vladimir Clavijo-Telepnev
14 September 1962 - ... |
Russian Seasons in France, Belgium and Luxembourg
More than 400 events will be held within the frame of the Russian Seasons in France, Belgium and Luxembourg.
--15-01-2020-- |
XV Viennese Ball In Moscow – Crystal Ball
The Viennese Ball in Moscow is rightfully considered to be one of the most significant events in the world ballroom calendar. About 2,000 guests from different cities and countries attend it annually. This year, a record number of debutants, 120 couples took part in the opening ceremony. In connection with its fifteenth birthday, the ball was called "Crystal", which was reflected in the decoration of the hall.
--22-05-2017-- |
Russian Ñulture in the 12th – 13th Centuries, Part 4
The greatest monument of the 12th century Russian culture is the Tale of Igor's Campaign telling about the failed campaign of the Novgorod Prince Igor Svyatoslavich to conquer the Cumans (aka the Polovtsy) in 1185. The author was an avid supporter of the country’s unity, the unity of its strongest princes and its people.
--31-01-2015-- |
Russian Culture in the 12th – 13th Centuries, Part 3
The architecture of Galitsk-Volynsk Russia was no less remarkable. Here are the famous architecture monuments, such as the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir-Volynsk, St. Panteleymon Church, a complex of princely palace constructions in Galich, etc.
--19-01-2015-- |
Russian Culture in the 12th – 13th Centuries, Part 2
Along with sorcerers and healers there appeared doctors. In Kiev, for example, there lived the well-known doctor Agapit, who knew “potions to heal this or that illness”.
--16-01-2015-- |
Russian Culture of the 12th – 13th Centuries, Part 1
Invasions of aggressors and natural disasters ruined lots of precious works of architecture, painting, applied arts and literature. The names of common people who created masterpieces of murals and stone carving, fine silver embossing and monumental architecture for secular and religious feudal lords have been forgotten.
--16-01-2015-- |
Records of Auction Sales in Russian Art: 20 Most Expensive Russian Paintings, Part 3
It is the oldest painting on this list of recent art auction records. Really, gala portraits by Vladimir Borovikovsky, such as portraitist of Catherine the Great and Pavel the First, are art works of museum level and can rarely be found at the auctions.
--07-01-2015-- |
20 Most Famous Vanished Ancient Cities of Russia, Part 2
LABRITA was an ancient city that Strabo wrote about: “There is the city of Labrita not far from the sea in Sindike Kingdom”. The Semibratny Site might be that very town of Labrita.
--22-12-2014-- |
20 Most Famous Vanished Ancient Cities of Russia, Part 1
SINTASHTA is the largest archaeological monument of the Bronze Age (3rd – 2nd millennia BC). It was the cultural and spiritual center of the Arkaim Land of Cities. The site includes a fortified town, a burial ground, the temple complex Big Sintashta Barrow and lots of small barrows.
--22-12-2014-- |
Culture of Kievan Rus' (9th -11th Centuries), Part 2
The adoption of Christianity in Russia promoted not only the development of Russia literature, but also laid the foundation to the Russian art and first of all church architecture and church painting.
--30-11-2014-- |
Culture of Kievan Rus' (9th -11th Centuries), Part 1
The Middle Ages played a special role in the history of the Russian culture. The of the Middle Ages era lasted in Russia longer than in other European countries, and it echoed in Russian culture till the early 19th century, when the "radical" archaism of the province "met" the imagined romanticism of the Middle Ages.
--30-11-2014-- |
Artistic Culture of the 19th Century, Part 10
A new generation of talented artists appeared on the arena of Russian culture in the decade from 1907 to 1917.
--30-09-2014-- |
Artistic Culture of the 19th Century, Part 9
Realistic approach in painting, as well as in literature, was very fruitful. Ilya Repin, Vasily Surikov, Viktor Vasnetsov, Vasily Vereshchagin, Vasily Polenov and other outstanding artists continued their painting in the late 19th – early 20th centuries.
--30-09-2014-- |
The Principles of State Cultural Policy
The text of the draft “The Principles of State Cultural Policy” should be supplemented by a provision on the uniqueness of the civilization created in Russia combining the best achievements of world culture with traditional values, as the Ministry of Culture proposes.
--26-09-2014-- |
Artistic Culture of the 19th Century, Part 8
A remarkable event in the cultural life of Russia of the late 19th – early 20th centuries was the foundation of the Moscow Art Theater by Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko.
--22-09-2014-- |
Artistic Culture of the 19th Century, Part 7
The 19th century was the era of creating the Russian national music. Its forefather was Mikhail Glinka (1804 - 1857). Aspiring to create the national Russian opera, the composer addressed the Russian history of the 17th century, in particular, to the feat of the peasant Ivan Susanin.
--22-09-2014-- |
Artistic Culture of the 19th Century, Part 6
The Russian artists who turned to genre painting were V. M. Maksimov (1844-1911), G. G. Myasoyedov (1835-1911), A. I. Korzukhin (1835 - 1894), V. E. Makovsky (1846-1920), and others.
--19-09-2014-- |
Artistic Culture of the 19th Century, Part 5
The Itinerants aimed at polygonal display of contemporary life. They took an active part in development of national art schools in Russia. The artists developed all genres of fine arts, especially genre, historical, portrait and landscape painting.
--15-09-2014-- |
Artistic Culture of the 19th Century, Part 4
The 1830s and 1840s saw the development of Realism, founded in Russian culture by Alexander Pushkin. In the tragedy Boris Godunov, reviving “the bygone century in all its truth” he depicted “the truth of passions and credibility of feelings in assumed circumstances”.
--30-08-2014-- |
Artistic Culture of the 19th Century, Part 3
Portrait painting reached higher heights in the 19th century and was great success. Splendor of portraits of the 18th century gave way to cordiality and sincerity.
--30-08-2014-- |
Artistic Culture of the 19th Century, Part 2
The outstanding characteristics of architecture and monumental art were most vividly embodied in creativity of architects A. Voronikhin, A. Zakharov, and Thomas de Tomon.
--30-08-2014-- |
Artistic Culture of the 19th Century, Part 1
The 19th century was the epoch of brilliant development of the Russian culture, which played the leading role in the spiritual and ethical development of the Russian society.
--29-08-2014-- |
Russian Literature of the 18th Century
The art culture of the 18th century Russia was also going through profound changes. It was becoming more and more secular under the growing influence of the West. By the middle of the 18th century the main European styles, namely Classicism and Baroque took shape in Russia.
--21-08-2014-- |
Russian Culture of the 18th Century
The 18th century became truly earthshaking in the history of Russia. It was the time of radical changes caused by Peter I’s reforms. Peter the Great made a U-turn for Russia towards the West. This turn and its consequences for development of Russia and Russian culture became controversy for scientists and thinkers, from the 19th century till nowadays.
--21-08-2014-- |
Russian Theater of the 17th Century
Performances by the skomorokhi, i.e. wandering comic minstrels enjoyed wide popularity. Their merrymaking ways still carried on pagan traditions in many respects, though often charged with social critical exposure.
--28-07-2014-- |
Russian Painting of the 17th Century
Established painting traditions remained to a great extent in the 17th century. The Council of 1667 strictly regulated subjects and images of painting, which was at the same time limited by order of the Russian tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.
--28-07-2014-- |
Architecture of the 17th Century
Architecture was going through transformative changes in the 17th century.
--28-07-2014-- |
Literature and Folklore of the 17th Century
Literature of the first half of the 17th century focused on the events of the Time of Troubles. Those were mostly publicistic works. Thus, The New Story about Glorious Russian Kingdom and the Great Moscow State was distributed in 1610 - 1611 in Moscow.
--28-07-2014-- |
Education and Science of the 17th Century
The number of literate people increased in the 17th century. Thus, there were 40 percent of literate people among tradespeople, 96 percent among merchants and 65 percent among landowners.
--28-07-2014-- |
Russian Ñulture of the 17th Century
Cultural life of the 17th century as well as public life of that epoch in general was at the crossroads, where “the antiquity and the novelty were mixed together”, according to contemporaries.
--28-07-2014-- |
Russian Music of the 16th Century
In the 15th – 16th centuries the idea of angel-voice singing associated with monothematic unison singing was reconsidered.
--16-06-2014-- |
Russian Painting of the 16th Century
The Moscow painting was largely presented by Dionysius, the most eminent artist of the era. Unlike most of the artists of that time, he was not a monk, but had a family with two sons who assited his work.
--16-06-2014-- |
Russian Architecture of the 16th Century
Moscow architecture adopted traditions of Vladimir, Suzdal, Pskov and Novgorod architecture. New status of the city required development of great public buildings.
--16-06-2014-- |
Russian Literature of the 16th Century
Literature of that time testifies to deep transformational processes, which embraced all the spheres in Russian society.
--16-06-2014-- |
Russian Ñulture of the 16th Century
At the turn of the 16th century the unification of Russian lands was completed and dependence on the Golden Horde khans was gone. There came to be the Russian centralized state which unlike the mononational states of the Western Europe was initially formed as multinational.
--16-06-2014-- |
XII Viennese Ball in Moscow
Almost every girl dreams to become a princess, for one day at least. Thanks to Viennese Ball in Moscow it has become possible. Viennese Ball was held in Moscow Gostiny Dvor on May 31, 2014 for the twelfth time already. And as usual it was a magnificent and breathtaking event both for the participants and viewers.
--02-06-2014-- |
Buddhism in Russia: Historical Perspective
Buddha’s teaching emerged in the middle of the first millennium BC in India. Though from far away geographically, for many centuries Buddhism has been organically manifesting itself in Russian lands as well.
--30-01-2014-- |
Indian Motives in Russian Culture
Direct and mediated culture-historical links of Russia and India are rooted in hoary antiquity. They appeared much earlier than trade and economic relations of the two countries.
--27-01-2014-- |
Values of Russian Ñulture
It was the Russian country community that played the major role in the history of this country and development of the Russian culture. Thus, the values of the Russian culture are to a big extent the values of the Russian community.
--30-12-2013-- |
Salient Features of the Russian National Character
The Russian national character can hardly be fathomed or defined disconcertingly.
--18-12-2013-- |
Russian Culture as a Special Type of Culture
It is customary in the Russian philosophical and culturological tradition to particularize Russia in all the well-known typologies.
--16-12-2013-- |
A Music Night in Gatchina - 2013
This year the festival in a Palace park of the open-air museum “Gatchina” (St. Petersburg) will happen for the fourth time. And from this very moment Gatchina music night will become an international event.
--30-05-2013-- |
The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky Celebrates 100th Anniversary
A complex music score and an impetuous ballet that once produced a scandal at the first night in Paris today celebrate 100th anniversary. The German choreographer Sasha Waltz has staged a new version of the ballet at the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg.
--29-05-2013-- |
The Military Awards of the XII Century Are Exhibited in Ekaterinburg
On the eve of the holiday of 23 February and within the frame of the month of Defenders of the Motherland the Museum of History of Jewelry and Lapidary Arts with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk region will open the exhibition dedicated to the awards and memorial signs of the Russian state from the earliest times and until today. The earliest exhibits are the torc and the dippers that date back to the XII-XVII centuries.
--22-02-2013-- |
The Traditional Museums Are Losing Their Attraction
Due to the reduction in the number of "organized" tourists groups even the well-known museums lose their visitors.
--23-02-2013-- |
Upcoming Exhibitions at the State Hermitage Museum, 2013
For those of you who plan to visit St. Petersburg, we have selected what should be the most memorable events and exhibitions coming up in 2013 at the State Hermitage Museum.
--31-01-2013-- |
Russian National Theatre Award - The Golden Mask
Russia National Theatre Award, The Golden Mask, was established in 1993 by the Theatre Union of the Russian Federation and is given to the performances of all genres of theatre art: drama, opera, ballet, modern dance, operetta and musical, puppet theatre. The Golden Mask is a Russian theatre festival held each spring in Moscow that presents the most significant performances of Russian cities.
--30-01-2013-- |
How To Decorate a Russian-Themed Dining Room
If you've always liked Russian style, but thought it might be too much for your space, don't worry! Your home doesn't have to be as decadent as the Kremlin in order for you to decorate it using elements borrowed from bold Russian style.
--15-11-2012-- |
Museum Revolution
Dump expensive audio guides and forget about lengthy and expensive individual tours round museums - you can explore art for free and as much as you can possibly digest. Meet the Smart Museum.
--14-11-2012-- |
Russian Madonnari in Moscow Retro Park
We continue to observe curious events that are held in Russian cities. Recently, an amazing one-day street festival has taken place in one of Moscow parks. Russian artists, the so-called “madonnari”, decorated the park alleys with beautiful 3D pictures. Read this article to find out more
about the festival, the originate of Madonnari art and the history of street painting.
--04-07-2012-- |
Best Artists of the Russian Street Art
Street art as powerful platform for the timely creativity and reaching the public is very popular in the world currently. In Russia street art is still very young but aldready very brave and loud. Every day many artists in different corners of the big country create new pieces of art, making cities' gloomy views brighter and funnier, bringing new ideas, speaking about very important things. Today we will show you the best artists of the Russian street art.
--08-06-2012-- |
Traditions of Russian Folk Dance
It is difficult to define, how many folk dances there are in Russia – they can hardly be counted. They have a great variety of names: sometimes it follows the song that it is danced to, sometimes the number of dancers or the pattern of the dance.
--31-05-2012-- |
Soviet Fashion Exhibition
The unique exhibition “Fashion behind the Iron Curtain” has been recently opened in the Russian capital and is now taking place at the State Museum-Reserve Tsaritsyno.We have already visited it and now invite you to undertake a virtual tour to the world of fashion of the last century. Have a look at elegant dresses, gloves and hats worn by famous Soviet personalities from 1920 to 1990.
--01-06-2012-- |
Friday Fun: Matrioshkas Haute Couture
A unique, if kitchy, attribute of Russian folk culture, matrioshkas (Russian dolls) never fail to inspire designers, whenever they contemplate the Russian "theme". Back in 2008, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Vogue in Russia, world's best and renowned designers were tasked with adding a touch of haute couture glamour to the famous doll. The result is a curious marriage of traditional shape and contemporary styling.
--18-05-2012-- |
People and the City Exhibition
The city is something more than just a place of birth. Here people are working, studying and relaxing. And the city has its own life. It is like a big living creature with citizens bustling around, stone labyrinth of streets and neon signs. Look how several artists and photographers, exhibited in Moscow some time ago, express their perception of the city.
--02-05-2012-- |
Must-Read Russian Books: Bulgakov, Dostoyevsky, and Tolstoy Top the List
Earlier this month we decided to explore, what books you would recommend to someone uninitiated in the Russian prose to read to start their acquaintance with the mysterious world of Russian literature. Our readers and visitors responded, and here is what they had to say...
--20-02-2012-- |
Russian Pancakes Recipes
Since the Pancake Week (or Maslenitsa), the famous Russian holiday, is approaching, we decided to get you acquainted with interesting recipes of Russian pancakes – a traditional food we eat during these days.
--17-02-2012-- |
Russian Vintage Christmas Cards
Today we would like to share with you an exciting gallery of old Russian Christmas cards. These vintage pictures reflect unique Russian traditions and present the beautiful art of card making in the country.
--27-12-2011-- |
Russian Winter Season: A Digest of Russia-InfoCentre Features about the Festivities
This season we decided to help you glide through the Russian winter. The forecasters promise us a "European" winter, meaning it is going to be mild, but the holiday season is nearing, and we wanted to feel the festival glee and to share it with you. So, here is what we have already written about the Russian traditions of celebrating the New Year and Christmas.
--02-12-2011-- |
Bruno Pelletier: Transforming the Soul
Every new great experience is transforming your soul in some way. You can change yourself through beauty and art, through love and sudden inspiration, or through incredible music. You can even apprehend the new way of thinking, when a singer like Bruno Pelletier comes to the stage, wishing to impress you with several of his hits.
--15-11-2011-- |
Moscow and Muscovites from the 19th to 21st Century: Photo Exhibition
"Moscow and Muscovites" photo exhibition took place on 3-18 September 2011 at Journalist Union "Photocenter". Photos of Old and New Moscow give an insight into how the life of the city and citizens has changed in the last two centuries.
--31-05-2012-- |
Finno-Ugric National Culture Festival
The First international festival of Finno-Ugric nations "SHUMBRAT, FINNO-UGRIA!" will be held in the capital of Mordovia - Saransk on July 19-21. Numerous delegations from Hungary, Finland, Estonia, all Finno-Ugric republics of Russia, representatives of more than 30 Russian regions - more than one a half thousands people - will arrive in Saransk.
--19-07-2007-- |
Tula Region: Yasnaya Polyana - Where Nature Inspired Leo Tolstoy
Leî Tolstoy's Yasnaya Polyana estate is a place where one could clearly see and feel, how the gems of Russian nature can etch into one's heart.
--15-08-2011-- |
No Quotas for Russian Movies in Crisis Time
Russia's Ministry of Culture has taken the decision to temporarily put aside the idea of introducing quotas for Russian movies distributed in the country's cinemas due to difficult economical situation.
--25-02-2015-- |
The Ernst Neizvestny Museum in the Sverdlovsk Region
The Ernst Neizvestny Museum will become the most advanced in the Sverdlovsk Region.
--26-04-2013-- |
Disneyland Comes To the South of Moscow
Long-standing plans to develop an entertainment park in Moscow may come to life later this year. Moscow authorities are ready to open a competition for a new Disneyland contractor.
--22-04-2013-- |
Mikhail Baryshnikov Stars In Daniil Kharms Adaptation At the Manchester International Festival
Between July 4 and 7 Mikhail Baryshnikov stars opposite Willem Dafoe in a Robert Wilson production of The Old Woman by Daniil Kharms, as part of the Manchester International Festival.
--01-03-2013-- |
A Russian Installation In Helsinki Metro
A Russian fairy tale wooden house is exhibited as part of the installation on Helsinki Metro.
--28-02-2013-- |
Celebrated Russian Film Director Passed Away
Aleksey Yuryevich German, a Soviet and Russian film director and screenwriter has passed away on the 75th year of his life.
--21-02-2013-- |
The Bolshoi Theatre Art Director Injured in Acid Attack
The Bolshoi Ballet’s Art Director Sergei Filin was attacked by an unknown assailant on Thursday in Moscow, suffered severe acid burns to his face.
--18-01-2013-- |
The Ceremony Of VII National Award for Music, TV and Video Art In Tashkent
The ceremony of the VII National Award of Uzbekistan in the field of music, TV and video art of M&TVA took place in Tashkent. Among the winners this year there are a lot of young artists, because the goal of the contest is to develop the national art and to discover new names.
--02-01-2013-- |
Exhibition Of the Painting By a Venetian Artist Of the 16th Century
The museum project "Exhibition of one picture" gives us a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the works of art that have not left the storeroom of the Radischev museum for decades.
--23-12-2012-- |
The Exhibition Of the Baryshnikov`s Art Collection
Mikhail Baryshnikov`s art collection will be presented to the public for the first time. The exhibition "The art I`ve lived with" was opened in New York ABA gallery on December 4.
--23-12-2012-- |
The Chapman Brothers At the Hermitage
The famous British artists - the Chapman Brothers whose exhibition in St. Petersburg received negative reviews and ended in public prosecution inspection, responded to the allegations against them.
--22-12-2012-- |
The Theatre Of Emergency Will Present Its First Project
"The Theatre of Emergency" will be opened at the National Centre for Contemporary Arts (NCCA) on Tuesday with the performances and discussions on the conflict in the Sakhalin Puppet Theatre, this is a social and interactive joint project of Joseph Beuys Moscow Theatre and "CultProekt" (“Culture project”) creative association.
--20-12-2012-- |
"Anton Chekhov Theatre" Exhibition In Rome
Bakhrushin Theatre Museum and international fund "Academy Arco" present the exhibition project "Anton Chekhov`s Theatre" in the Italian capital in "The House of Theatres".
--30-11-2012-- |
Exhibition Of Miniature Books In Smolensk
Smolensk Regional Universal Library will host the exhibition "The Patriotic War of 1812 in miniature book publishing" from the collection of Oleg Lobachev in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812.
--29-11-2012-- |
Ernst Neizvestny Museum Opens In Yekaterinburg
The first museum of the Russian sculptor Ernst Neizvestny will appear in Yekaterinburg, the artist's native city.
--15-11-2012-- |
Pascal Quignard Gives a Public Talk In Moscow
The contemporary French literary classic and the Prix Goncourt winner Pascal Quignard visits Moscow to talk about Literature, Music, and his new book.
--07-11-2012-- |
Russia Celebrates the Day of Lycees
The Russian Lycee opened in Tsarskoe Selo near St. Petersburg on October 19. The day was later commemorated in the eponymous poem by Alexander Pushkin and is now celebrated throughout Russia as the Day of Lycees.
--19-10-2012-- |
A Monument to Yul Brynner Unveiled in Vladivostok
An Oscar-winning actor Yul Brynner was actually Russian - he was born in 1920 in Vladivostok. A monument to a talented Russian-American actor was recently unveiled in Vladivostok.
--28-09-2012-- |
Touch the Music in Moscow Gorky Park
The unique exhibition “Touch the music” will take place in Gorky Park of Culture and Leisure in Moscow on June 29 – July 24, 2012.
--26-06-2012-- |
34th Moscow International Film Festival Opens Today
From 21 to 30th of June Moscow welcomes the guests of the 34th International Film Festival. 17 full-length features compete in the main competition.
--21-06-2012-- |
Marc Chagall Early Works On Display At Tretyakov Gallery
Until September 30, the early and little known works of Marc Chagall will be displayed at the Tretyakov Gallery, as part of the Russian-French Year 2012-2013.
--18-06-2012-- |
Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts Celebrates Its Centenary
One of Moscow's principal landmarks and art depositories, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts celebrates 100 years since the opening on May 31, 1912.
--31-05-2012-- |
Moscow Performances Accompanied By English Translation
According to Moscow authorities, theatrical performances in the Russian capital will be accompanied by English and German subtitles.
--02-04-2012-- |
Astrakhan Kremlin Welcomes Tourists
The Astrakhan Kremlin is preparing for a new tourist season. This year, visitors will see new exhibitions and many other novelties.
--15-03-2012-- |
Greek Film Festival Started in Moscow
The festival of contemporary Greek cinema – Greek Week – started in Moscow February, 29. Five modern Greek films will be shown in Moscow cinema “35mm” until March, 4.
--02-03-2012-- |
Russian Pancake Week to be Celebrated in London
The celebration of the Russian Pancake Week (Maslenitsa) will be held in London for the fifth time. According to the words of Sergey Shpilko, the head of Moscow Committee on tourism and hotel industry, the upcoming event will provide an advertising of Russia as a tourist destination.
--17-02-2012-- |
Russians in Naples: Kiprensky, Bryullov, and Ivanov at the Tretyakov Gallery
An exhibition at the Tretyakov Gallery explores the representation of the South of Italy in paintings by leading Russian artists of the 19th c.: Karl Bryullov, Alexander Ivanov, Orest Kiprensky, and others.
--06-12-2011-- |
Francisco Goya Exhibition to Open in Perm
The exhibition of famous Spanish painter Francisco Goya will be opened tomorrow at Perm Art Gallery. A series of aquatint prints will come to Perm from Chelyabinsk.
--06-12-2011-- |
A Chinese Mo Lijiang Wows the Audience with Russian Romances
The winner of 2010 Grand Prix of the non-academic romance festival, Mo Lijiang from China may now enter the Guinness Book of Records as the first and only Chinese to successfully perform Russian romances.
--05-12-2011-- |
King of the Neapolitan Song to Perform in Moscow
Legendary Italian singer Robertino Loretti will perform at the stage of the Moscow International Music House, on December 7.
--02-12-2011-- |
“Hello, Teddy!” Exhibition to Open in Moscow
The most kind exhibition, dedicated to famous Teddy Bear, will be held in Moscow on December, 1-4. New Year miracles are guaranteed.
--29-11-2011-- |
Irkutsk Citizens to Hand Make Felt New Year Presents
With the New Year holidays approaching, we already wonder what presents to give to our friends and relatives. So, why not take the citizens of Irkutsk as example and give out felt pressies you've made yourself?
--28-11-2011-- |
William Blake Exhibition Opens at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
An exhibition of paintings and sketches by the English visionary artist and poet William Blake opens in Moscow on November 29. This is a collaborative effort of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the British Council.
--28-11-2011-- |
New York Opera in HD on Moscow Cinema Screens
This theatrical season the 35mm cinema shows live translations from the New York Metropolitan Opera on a big screen. Organizers are amazed by sold outs for every performance.
--25-11-2011-- |
Brazilian Film Festival Opened in Moscow
The 4th Brazilian Film Festival has been opened in Moscow. Guests can watch movies of different genres in “35mm” cinema hall until November 29.
--24-11-2011-- |
The World's Biggest Koran Now Belongs to Russia
The world's biggest Koran, decorated with precious stones and gold, was brought from Italy to Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, on Tuesday.
--22-11-2011-- |
Five Different Alice in Wonderland to Meet in Magnitogorsk
A new exhibition by Alexander Shadrin “Alice in Wonderland” will be opened in Magnitogorsk Art Gallery. Visitors will see five different variations of Alice.
--21-11-2011-- |
“Sleeping Beauty” Returns to Bolshoi Theatre
The Bolshoi Theatre will show the premiere of “Sleeping Beauty” on November, 18. The lead roles will play prima ballerina Svetlana Zakharova and her American partner David Hallberg.
--18-11-2011-- |
“People and the City” Exhibition Unveiled in Moscow
A unique exhibition, dedicated to the relationship between individuals and the urban space, has been opened in Moscow. Artworks can be seen at the Red Hall in the Winzavod until December 4.
--17-11-2011-- |
Catherine II Wedding Dress Demonstrated in Ulyanovsk
The art of theatrical costume has been presented in Ulyanovsk. The highlight of the exhibiton is a replica of the wedding dress of Russian empress Catherine II.
--16-11-2011-- |
Vakhtangov Drama Theatre in Moscow Turns 90
Vakhtangov Drama Theatre in Moscow first opened its doors 90 years ago, on November 13, 1921. The anniversary was marked by the play Quayside, staged by Rimas Tuminas and starring the theatre's leading actors.
--14-11-2011-- |
Latvians Vote to Make Russian an Offiicial Language
All over the world, Latvian citizens can vote to make Russian a second national language. The deadline for collecting votes is November 30.
--14-11-2011-- |
Caravaggio's Entombment Comes to Moscow
The exhibition of the famous Italian Baroque painter, Michelangelo di Caravaggio, comes to Moscow in November 2011. The centrepiece of the exposition - The Entombment from Pinacoteca Vaticana in Rome.
--10-11-2011-- |
Stanley Kubrick Exhibition Opens in Moscow
A unique series of photographs of the legendary director Stanley Kubrick will be presented in Moscow Multimedia Art Museum on November 18. About 200 images created in New York for the “Look” magazine show the atmosphere of the 20th century city.
--08-11-2011-- |
Japanese Animation Festival to be Held in Krasnodar
Japanese animation movies will be shown in Krasnodar cinema “Aurora” from 14 to 16 November. Films will be also watched in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other 27 Russian cities.
--03-11-2011-- |
Cirque du Soleil Came to Perform in Moscow
Famous Canadian Cirque du Soleil came to Moscow with a great show “Saltimbanco”. Its performances can be seen at Luzhniki Small Sports Arena until November 13.
--03-11-2011-- |
Bruno Pelletier to Perform in Russia
“Notre Dame de Paris” star will give two concerts in Moscow Variety Theatre on November 5 and 6 during his tour to Russia.
--01-11-2011-- |
Russian Painting to Become the Main Sotheby's Lot
Vasily Vereschagin painting “Pearl Mosque at Delhi” will be highlighted at Sotheby’s auction of Important Russian Art on 1 November 2011.
--28-10-2011-- |
Goran Bregovic to Give a Concert in Moscow
A legendary musician and composer will perform on November 10 at Crocus City Hall
--26-10-2011-- |
The Mosfilm Golden Collection Finishes Its Tour of Spain and Hungary
The citizens of Madrid (Spain) and Budapest (Hungary) spent the month of October indulging in the classics of the Russian cinema. The Spanish screenings are a part of the cross-cultural year between Russia and Spain that is celebrated throughout 2011.
--25-10-2011-- |
Uriah Heep to Perform in Moscow
British rock band Uriah Heep will perform a concert in the Crocus City Hall on October 30.
--24-10-2011-- |
Japanese Drummers Show to Be Held in Moscow
The Japanese drummers band “Ondekoza” will perform a spectacular concert at Moscow Variety Theatre at 7 p.m., November 8-9.
--20-10-2011-- |
Flamenco Festival to Be Held in Moscow
A great festival “Flamenco en Moscu” will take place in Moscow from 3 to 9 November at the Concert Hall “Mir”.
--19-10-2011-- |
The Art of Watchmaking Exhibition to Be Held in Moscow
Moscow is preparing to open a unique exhibition - “500 Years' history of the European watch”. The exhibiton will take place at the Armoury Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin on 20 October.
--18-10-2011-- |
Elton John to Perform in Moscow
A concert of the famous British singer will take place at Crocus City Hall on 14 November.
--17-10-2011-- |
VII International Theatre Festival Stanislavsky Season Opens on October 17, 2011
VIIth International Theatre Festival Stanislavsky Season takes place in Moscow between October 17 and November 15, 2011. This year's festival is positioned as one of the events dedicated to the upcoming 150th anniversary of the famous Russian actor, director, and inventor of one of the mainsteam acting methods.
--14-10-2011-- |
Russian Animators are Praised in Belgrad
Several Russian productions have won high praise and awards at the 8th European Animation Festival "Balkanima" in Belgrade.
--13-10-2011-- |
Exhibition "Russians in China" Opens at the State Orient Museum in Moscow
"Russians in China" exhibition at the State Orient Museum in Moscow (October 13, 2011 - January 2, 2012) traces the history of Russian emigration in China. In collaboration with the Fashion Historian and Costume and Set Designer, Alexander Vassiliev.
--12-10-2011-- |
Birthday of Luciano Pavarotti Will Be Celebrated in Moscow
The State Kremlin Palace will hold an evening in memory of the great maestro Luciano Pavarotti on 12 October.
--04-10-2011-- |
4th Art Fair Moscow Artesania to Open in Russian Capital
The 4th Art Fair Moscow Artesaniya of paintings, drawings, sculptures and arts and crafts will be open in Moscow from September, 28th.
--21-09-2011-- |
Amur Autumn Film and Theatre Festival Opens in Blagoveschensk
The 9th Film and Theatre Festival, Amur Autumn, is taking place at Blagoveschensk in Primorye from 17 to 25 September 2011.
--20-09-2011-- |
Russian Orthodox Church Crosses Over to Social Media
vKontakte, Russia's leading social network, has announced the opening of an official group "Your Priest Online" (Áàòþøêà Îíëàéí) where users can directly communicate with the clergy.
--01-09-2011-- |
New Articles and Biographies of Famous Russians
As August is drawing to a close, we thought we'd list the articles about famous Russians that appeared at Russia-InfoCentre over the last month. Click through to read articles about Russia's own "Forever27" club, plus Russian painters, top-models and tennis-players
--26-08-2011-- |
Chris Pureka to Tour around Russia
The end of September 2011 will be marked by an unprecedented event for Russian music lovers - a large-scale joint tour of American and Russian folk singers. Olga Chikina and Chris Pureka - two bright representatives of the music trend called singer-songwriting - will give several gigs in a row in Russian cities.
--23-08-2011-- |
Rodion Nakhapetov to Adapt Bradbury's Dandelion Wine
A well-known Russian actor and director Rodion Nakhapetov will write a screen adaptation of Ray Bradbury's Dandelion Wine. This will be the second Russian-produced adaptation of the famous novel.
--22-08-2011-- |
Tretyakov Gallery's Deputy Director Is Arrested
Oleg Belikov, deputy director of Tretyakov Gallery, is arrested in per curiam decision.
--08-08-2011-- |
Monument to Prince Vladimir Might Appear in the Center of Moscow
Setting up a monument to Prince Vladimir, revered as the baptizer of Russia, has been suggested by the Coordination Council established specially for that occasion.
--04-08-2011-- |
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