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Tags: Russian Internet


Russian YouTube Channels with Highest Advertising Revenue
Forbes has published a ranking of the Russian YouTube channels with the highest ad revenues. The first place was taken by the comedians' channel LABELCOM, its income for the period from September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2020 was estimated at $ 3,550,000.
What is Russian Wikipedia
The Russian government plans to allocate a total of almost 1.7 billion to create the Big Russian Encyclopedia over the next three years - a nationwide Internet portal, which should become an alternative to Wikipedia.
The Most Expensive Runet Companies - 2019
The trend towards the transformation of Russian Internet companies into ecosystems and the consolidation of the industry led to changes in the Forbes rating.
The Russian Internet Initiatives Development Fund has Become One of the Most Successful Accelerators in the World
Alejandro Cremades, the co-founder of Onevest crowd investing site and the author of The Art of Startup Fundraising made a list of the most successful accelerators in the world for American Forbes.
State System of Internet Traffic Monitoring
The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media has prepared a draft law on state control over the passage of the Internet traffic on the territory of Russia.
Half of Russians Vote for Censorship on the Internet
Almost half of Russians are in favor of censorship on the Internet, the majority supports full blockage of the Network in the event of a public emergency or mass protests and stands against the publication of negative information about officials.
The Right to Oblivion
The State Duma has passed a bill that is called “the right to oblivion” on the Internet by the media in the third reading. It requires the search engines to remove the links to information about a citizen from the search results at his or her request.
How Much Is The Russian Internet?
It has turned out that the Internet in the Far East, both fixed and mobile, is the most expensive for users, as of February 2015. The cheapest rate for fixed access to the network in this region makes up an average of 600 roubles per month with download speed of only 4 megabits per second. The cheapest and quickest access to the World Wide Web can still be found in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg.
Aliexpress App Gains Popularity In Russia
The Chinese online store Aliexpress has become a leader in Russia in the number of downloads of all free software in the official Google Play store for Android.
The Institute of Internet Development (IID) has been Launched in Russia
The Institute is aimed at consolidation and research of such industries as Internet technology, creation of media content and software.
Cyber Fraud In Russia
64 percent of Russian Internet users became victims of cyber fraud at least once.
Lurkmore Is Blocked
The Federal Supervision Agency for Information Technologies and Communications began to lock the pages of the online encyclopedia “Lurkmore” with forbidden information.
Tax On Internet
The Ministry of Culture explained the draft law on “The Tax on the Internet”.
Yandex: the Most Popular Search Trends of 2014
Experts from Russia's biggest search engine - Yandex - have analysed the most popular words, names and word combinations Russian people searched in 2014. We've prepared the short 'Year in Search' summary for you.
Internet Disconnection in Case of Emergency
The Russian authorities are planning to make several decisions for strengthening the sovereignty of the Russian segment of the Web. These measures may include the introduction of a special procedure for Internet administration with an opportunity to disconnect it in case of emergency.
MegaFon May Join The Clean Internet Group, To Monitor the WWW
The Ways To Get On-Line In Russia
The number of the internet users in Russia is going up rapidly from year to year. Now the internet is actively spread not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in the remote regions. The competition between the internet service providers (ISPs) is growing as well, and this makes them improve the quality, speed and convenience of the offered types of linkup that are becoming more profound. Besides, pricing policy is constantly changing. Our overview of the most popular Russian ISPs might help you to make the right choice.
Age Restrictions for Russian Media
Either you censor it or we are going to censor you – the Russian media are reconsidering their programming in the face of tough new rules on child protection.
Russians On the Social Networks
Russians have become one of the most intense and frequent users of various IT products and services in the world. This can be the reason why the time the Russian people spend on social media networks is more than twice the global average. They create communities, integrate their businesses into the social networks, send instant messages to friends and participate in discussions with peers and colleagues. What are their main preferences and concerns? What are they searching for while being on-line? You will find the answers below.
Stalin is Like Social Media: a PR Campaign in Memory of the Big Terror, 1937-1939
On July 2, 1937 Joseph Stalin signed a resolution "On the Anti-Soviet Elements" that had seen thousands of people being arrested and shot or sent to the camps in the next two years. The resolution ordered to arrest and sentence the most active "kulaks" and criminals in as little as 5 days. Modern Russia is divided between those who support Stalin as a leader (even acknowledging the atrocities of his repressive methods) and those who decry and denounce the Big Terror and pretty much anything associated with Stalin. The younger generation, however, lives in the age of Social Media and is considered to have little knowledge of the days bygone. To this end, the memorial date of the beginning of the Big Terror was marked with Social Media themed posters.
Russian Social Networks: An Overview
Russia with 170 mln population has a big potential for social nets expansion. People’s desire to keep in touch, share and get information about friends, family members, class-mates, play games and just to be trendy has let social nets to grow in quality and quantity. Now it is Russian social nets, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Moy Mir, Moy Krug which are most popular among Russians.
The Ural Guide: Where to Go Online in Yekaterinburg
Whether you are just visiting the capital of the Ural region or live there long-term, there may be a point when you need to get on the Internet in town. We have scouted Yekaterinburg to find out where it is that you can surf the web - for free or not. Information is true as of September 2011.
Yandex-gate: Private User Data Surfaces in Search Results
The last two weeks have been a nightmare for Russian Internet users. First, online SMS's went public; then it was the data for online shoppers, including sex shop clients; finally, yesterday it was the order data for Russian Railways customers.
Russian Search Engines to Cooperate
A month after beginning the exchange, Russian Yandex has started a project that will cetrainly allow the company to increase the capitalization. The largest Russia's search engine Yandex and its competitor Rambler has signed an ageement. From this month Rambler will use the search engine of Yandex.
Electronic Era is Coming
From this moment any company may share with other companies their electronic documents instead of paper documents using. Web Service Diadoñ appeared in Russia, it is used for transmitting documents via Internet.
Yandex Plans IPO on Nasdaq
Russia's largest Internet search engine Yandex has officially announced about its plans to list shares on Nasdaq in New York. Yandex N.V., the parent company of Yandex, registered in the Netherlands, said it had sent a request to the Commission's Securities and Exchange to list shares on Nasdaq.
Internet Commerce in Russia has a Great Potential
Russian online discount service KupiVIP has raised $55 million of foreign funds. This is a new record for Russian Internet commerce. Despite low Internet popularity, Russia occupies second place after Germany in terms of online retail market. European investors are encouraged.
Skype. A Security Threat for Russia?
A hacker attack hit Russia’s most popular resources. In response to the cyberattacks the authorities were considering blocking some internet services, including Skype and Gmail. But at last it was told Russia won’t ban these sites. So what was the need for this hysteria?
Russian Hackers Will Go to Prison
An organized group of Russian hackers that have stolen more than 70 million dollars from U.S. bank accounts will spend only a few months in prison.
Face of Russia in Computer Games
Russian State Duma is considering the possibility of closer work with IT-game industry. There will probably appear a supervising body – an independent advisory council, one of the tasks of which will be tracing of unduly cruel and antipatriotic games in the market and banning their sale in Russia. However, the activities will hardly be limited to prohibition measures only.
Ear-to-ear Intimacy with a Shadow
Special programs, potentially dangerous for many mobile phone users, are being sold on the Internet.
Alexander Ponosov: The Man Who Robbed Bill Gates
For over 40 days the whole Russia has been keeping close tabs on Alexander Ponosov’s trial. Alexander Ponosov, an ordinary headmaster of a country school, was charged of piracy, as illegal versions of Windows were installed on all school computers.
Internet Shopping
In the year 2000, there were just 5 million Russians living in the virtual village, and just $260,000, or 5.20%, actually buying things via the Internet.


Internet Trade in Moscow Grew 1.5 Times during the Crisis
During the period of crisis and restrictions in Moscow, the volume of e-commerce has grown by 1.5 times compared to the pre-crisis indicators.
The Number of IT-crimes in Russia has Almost Doubled
For the first half of the year, the number of crimes in the field of information technology increased by 91.7% compared to the same period in 2019.
Roskomnadzor Removes the Requirement to Restrict Access to Telegram
Roskomnadzor, in agreement with the Prosecutor General, removes the requirement to block the Telegram messenger in the Russian Federation.
The Function of Ordering Food from an Instagram Account has Become Available in Russia
A new feature is being introduced as part of the social network initiative to support small businesses during the coronavirus pandemic.
Revenues of Russian Video Bloggers are Falling Amid the Crisis
Due to the reduced activity of advertisers, some bloggers lose up to 40% of their revenue in dollar terms.
A List of Russian Sites with Free Access has Been Approved
The Ministry of Communications approved a list of sites with free access.
Russian Bloggers Account for 10 to 15 Billion Roubles of All Advertising Budgets of the Country Per Year
In terms of volume, the advertising revenues of bloggers are comparable to the advertising revenues of the radio segment.
Yandex Ranked Among the Fastest Growing Companies in the World
Yandex took the 24th place in the list of the fastest growing companies in the world, compiled by the American magazine Fortune.
“AliExpress” Started to Cooperate with VKontakte
A service with a full marketplace range developed on VK MiniApps has appeared on the social network.
“Yandex” Company has Launched its Own Collection of Children's Clothes
“Yandex” company has launched its own collection of children's clothes dedicated to space theme.
Moscow is Among the Top Three World Leaders in the Number of Free Wi-Fi Access Points
Moscow is among the world leaders in the number of free Wi-Fi access points - the Russian capital overtook New York, London and Tokyo and entered the top three largest megacities.
Almost 220 Russian Stations will be Equipped with Free Wi-Fi
82 railway stations will be equipped with a single free Wi-Fi network until the end of 2019.
The Application for Women Entrepreneurs will be Launched in Russia
The application for women entrepreneurs Qvalis has attracted 30 million rubles of investments.
IIDF Annouonced Participants of Its New Accelerator
This year, the recruitment included many regional projects - startups from Chelyabinsk, Tomsk, Krasnodar, Khabarovsk and other cities.
New Yandex.Market Services
The users of the online stores aggregator “Yandex.Market” can pay for their purchases directly at the web-site of the service, according to the press release of “Yandex”. The purchases may be paid by a bank card or “Yandex. Money”.
Internet Providers Control
Aggravation of relations with the West can change the organization of the Russian Internet market. The Government is preparing a package of measures to tighten control over the Internet providers.
Russia to Force Bloggers to Get Journalist Accreditation
Russian parliament is considering legislation to force bloggers whose webpages get 10,000 views a day to get official journalist accreditation from the government, Russian press reports.
Russian Government Websites Fall Under Cyber Attacks
Several major Russian government websites were blocked by a series of coordinted cyber attacks by hackers this week, officials told the press.
Russian Biggest Liberal News Site Editor Removed, Staff Leaves Too
The editor-in-chief of the popular Russian news website was relieved of her post on Wednesday, followed by 39 members of the editorial staff who signed their discharge applications in solidarity with their chief.
Navalny's Personal Blog Is in Internet Blacklist Now
The LiveJournal blog of an opposition leader Alexey Navalny and several other independent websites have been included to the Russian Internet blacklist, Russia's telecoms watchdog said on Thursday.
YouTube Is Blocked in Siberian Region
A biggest provider of Internet services in Russia's southern Siberian Republic of Altai has blocked access to the most popular video-sharing website YouTube for several controversial videos.
Russian Internet Group of LGBT Teens Accused of 'Gay Propaganda'
The organizer of an online support group for Russian gay teenagers faces a fine of up to 100,000 rubles ($2,800) for “gay propaganda,” activists said on Friday.
Russia to Ban Websites Calling for Protests
In the late December the lower house of Russian parliament gave its final approval for a bill to ban websites that call for unauthorized protests.
Over One Third of Russian Towns Don't Have the Internet - Study
A recent government study reveals that more than a third of Russia’s small towns and villages have no access to the Internet.
Doghunter Websites Banned in Russia
Two websites for people who poison stray and domesticated dogs are officially included to Russian Internet blacklist, with more similar webpages to follow.
Russia to Block Websites Which Sell Alcohol
Starting from the next year, Russia’s alcohol regulation watchdog will be blocking websites believed to sell alcohol.
Snowden Gets New Job in Russian Company
Former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden has started his new job at a major Russian company, his lawyer said on Friday.
98% of Blocked Websites in Russia Have no Illegal Content - Report
About 85,000 websites were included in the Russian Internet blacklist over the past year, 98 percent of them blocked without a valid reason, a new study said.
Extremism In Social Networks
The resident of Khabarovsk will be tried for extremism in a Social Network "VKontakte". The young man posted the song promoting hatred towards other nations on his page. It is not the first time when the Prosecutor`s Office of the region holds the 26-year resident of Khabarovsk criminally liable for a crime of an extremist nature.
Rostelecom-Siberia: More Internet Subscribers
450 thousand inhabitants of Siberia were connected to the Internet via optical technologies of "Rostelecom". The number of subscribers of "Rostelecom" OJSC in the Siberian Federal District connected to the Internet via GPON and ETTH optical technologies exceeded 450,000. The greatest number of customers connected via optical technologies live in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (about 101 thousand), Novosibirsk Oblast (over 92 thousand) and the Altai Territory (about 54 thousand).
Russian Court Rules to Ban Film-Sharing Sites
A court in Moscow has ordered the definitive closure of several websites used for downloading movies, as an another action in the recent introduction of a strict anti-piracy law.
A Messenger For Vkontakte - Telegram
For fans of the devices based on iOS operating system, a new instant messenger for correspondence is available in AppStore now, developed by the creators of the social network "Vkontakte".
Russian Parliament to Consider an Expanded Anti-Piracy Bill
A new bill allowing for websites to be blocked if they contain any copyright-infringing content was introduced in the Russian parliament on Tuesday, expanding an earlier law against film piracy.
Russian Emergencies Ministry to Create Its Own Social Network
The Russian Emergencies Ministry together with the Fund for Advanced Study have announced plans for creating a special social network, which will allow its users to post all possible information about emergency situations and to contact with rescuers online.
An Online Petition against Anti-Piracy Law Gets 100,000 Signatures
On Saturday, August 10, an online petition against Russia’s draconian anti-piracy law received 100,000 signatures, which is enough to send it to the government for discussion.
Russian New Anti-Piracy Law Comes into Force Today, Faces Mass Protests
The new anti-piracy legislation comes into force on August 1, it will allow copyright holders to get a Russian court to block access to allegedly pirated content as well as hyperlinks to such content.
90 Percent of Russian Computer Users Are Gamers
A total of 87 percent of Russian Internet users are playing computer games monthly, most of them are women and the average age of a gamer is 34 years, a recent survey reveals.
Two Third of Russians Use Internet Daily
About 59 percent of Russians are Internet users, which three percents more than last year, according to the recent survey conducted by an independent pollster, Levada Center.
Capital Of Culture Is Located In Birobidzhan
Yandex users were divided according to their interests, based on preferences, gender and city of residence.
Russian-language Internet-domains .rus, .site And .online Have Got Prior Approval Of the International Regulator
The international corporation of name and number distribution in the Internet ICANN has preliminarily approved the creation of several tens of domain names, including three domains in Cyrillic alphabet: .rus, .site and .online.
Russian Internet Users to Fight for their Rights in Cyberspace
Russian internet users have set up a new association to protect their rights and freedoms in cyberspace, the Russian Pirate Party announced on Thursday.
Vkontakte Value Just $2.2BN - Forbes
Vkontakte was estimated at $2.2 billion in a recent stake buyout by UCP, says Forbes.
Russian Security Services Can Listen Through to Conversations on Skype
The Russian security services can listen through to conversations and monitor instant messages of the users of the Skype online service.
Yandex Pilots the Russian Version of Google Hotel Finder
Not to be outdone by Google, Yandex is testing a Russian version of Hotel Finder, in co-operation with two online hotel booking systems.
About 5% Of Russians Buy Tours And Tickets Online
About 5% of Russian Internet users are buying tours, air and railway tickets on the World Wide Web.
St. Petersburg City Centre Expands Wireless Network
Throughout 2013 St. Petersburg will continue to expand the network of wireless hot-spots in the city centre.
Yandex Became an Associate Member Of One Of the CERN Projects
Russian largest Internet company Yandex concluded an agreement with the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN), and became an associate member of CERN openlab.
Pussy Riot Music Video Found 'Extremist'
On Thursday, November 29, a Moscow court ruled that a video by punk group Pussy Riot is extremist and it should be banned from the Russian Internet.
Russia SEO Conference Kicks Off in Moscow
One of the leading events in the Internet Marketing industry in Russia, Optimization-2012 conference takes place in Moscow on November 22-23, 2012.
21 Websites Striked Off Russian Internet Blacklist
Russia’s telecoms watchdog, Roskomnadzor, has struck 21 entries off its “blacklist” in three days, the agency reported on Wednesday.
Hackers: Skype Accounts Are Up For Grabs (So Change Your Email Address)
A series of quick manipulations - and your Skype account is hacked. All the hacker needs to know is your email address, as the Russian users have found out this week. Skype has presently disabled the password reset option for all accounts.
Shakira Joins Russian VKontakte Social Network
Colombian songstress and world music star Shakira has launched her personal account on one of Russia’s most popular social networks, “VKontakte”.
Russian 'Internet Blacklist' Starts Working
On November 1, a special law aimed to protect children from harmful web content – the so-called internet blacklist – has come into effect.
Yandex net income amounted $74.2 million in Q3
Yandex, the leading internet company in Russia, operating the country's most popular search engine and most visited website, today announced its unaudited financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2012.
Perm Scholars Eradicate Verbal Aggression From the Internet
A trend of eradicating foul language from the Russian Internet is growing stronger: Perm linguists have computated the way to make Runet aggression-proof.
Russian Internet Week Opens Today
The fifth Russian Internet Week has opened in Moscow on Wednesday, October 17, 2012. Once again the industry leaders plan to discuss the future of the Russian Internet, as well as to discuss the opportunities and trends in online media, globally as in Russia.
Largest Search Engine in Russia Marks Its 15th Anniversary
Yandex, the largest search engine in Russia, marks its 15 th anniversary. The company has grown from a search engine into the largest Russian Internet resource with a wide verity of additional services
Rescuers to Bring Internet to Moscow Beaches
Internet access points will appear on several Moscow beaches to make it easier for people to get to know safety and rendering first aid rules.
The Innocence of Muslims May Cost Russians Social Web Access
Google's refusal to take down the trailer to a controversial film, The Innocence of Muslims, may lead to YouTube's getting blacklisted in Russia according to the new law regulating the Internet content. has also been warned.
Russian Prosecutors Seek to Ban "Innocence of Muslims"
The Prosecutor General’s Office has declared the film “Innocence of Muslims” extremist and plans to ban the scandalous video in Russia.
Yandex to launch its own web browser
Yandex, a Russian Internet company which operates the largest search engine in Russia, plans to work out its own web and mobile browser.
Russian Government Uses Sentiment Measurement Software To Read Blogs
Prizma (Prism), a sentiment tracking software, is gradually being introduced to the Russian Government. It is expected to help the State officials to better monitor and empathise with Social Media.
Internet Blacklist to Remain Classified to the Public
The new list of banned Internet resources is expected to be closed to the public in order to avoid advertisement for the illegal information.
Advertisement Brings Big Profit To Yandex
Advertising has brought Yandex, the largest search engine in Russia, 6.664 billion Rubles in the second quarter of 2012. This is 1.5 times more than for the same period of 2011.
Kaliningrad Officials Banned From Surfing Net at Work
A Russian regional government has blocked access to some popular websites in its offices in order to make its civil servants working instead of chating and flooding.
Russian Wikipedia Strikes Against Internet Censorship
Russian Wikipedia, the segment of the world’s largest free on-line encyclopedia, temporarily suspended its work on Tuesday in protest against a bill proposing creation of a blacklist of all websites containing banned content.
Wi-Fi Is Available Throughout Kazan
The new great project “Always connected” has been presented in Kazan. It involves the installation of dozens of Wi-Fi access points on the streets and in public areas of the city.
Russian Internet Audience Is the Biggest in Europe
More that a half of Russians are active Internet users - 58% - which is twice as much as six years ago.
How to Name Your New Party?
An online voting is launched for choosing the best name for Mikhail Prokhorov's new political party.
Russia Is Ahead of Britain in Broadband Internet Access
According to a survey conducted by JSon and Partners Consulting, in 2011 Russia was ahead of Britain in providing broadband Internet access.
Unusual Student's Experiment in Tambov: No Internet, No Mobile Phones
An unusual experiment will be held at Tambov State University May 10-31. During three weeks 25 student volunteers will not use computers, mobile phones, tablets and other popular gadgets.
Wi-Fi Spots Come to Moscow Underground
2012 promises a lovely present for the Internet-savvy Muscovites: Wi-Fi hot-spots will be piloted on several stations on the Moscow Underground. If successful, the project will extend to incorporate tunnels, to provide Wi-Fi access throughout the Moscow metro.
"Stop SOPA" Action Supported by Russians
Yesterday the global campaign against anti-piracy bills in the U.S. Congress was supported by Russian Pirate Party and some other activists.
Tourists Are Offered a Live Webcam Walk through St. Petersburg
A new project VPiter gives an opportunity to see St. Petersburg online. The company launched 19 live webcams that help tourists to take a virtual walk through the main attractions of the city.
Yandex Ads Banners to Rise 67% in Price
The price for media advertising will rise 67 % on the main page and in average 28% on other pages on the largest search engine in Russia,Yandex, claimed the company.
Russian MMORPG Allods Online is Among Most Expected Games in China
Russian massive multiplayer online role-playing game “Allods online” has become one of the most expected new arrival in China.
Moscow Airport Offers Check-In via Skype
Sheremetyevo International Airport has launched a new service – flight chek-in via Skype video call.
LiveJournal Will Be Free from Advertising Banners
LiveJournal will remove all banner adverts from the service's pages. The famous blogging platform's new Director General, Ilya Dronov, announced it within a special press-conference dedicated to the service's future.
Advertising Leaves Print Media for Internet
In the third quarter costs for Internet advertising has exceeded costs for ads in print media for the first time.
VKontakte Plans to Compete with LiveJournal
VKontakte plans to become the top blogging platform and will compete with LiveJournal for Russian Internet users. The social network wants to attract the most popular bloggers of the Russian Internet on its pages.
Russian Twitter to be Launched by Group
Russian Internet company Group is to launch its own service of micro blogs, which may compete with Twitter.
Russian Married Couple Accused of Online Piracy
A husband and wife duo has been given the case over illegal video distribution, becoming another target in Russia's anti-piracy clamp down for sharing films on the Internet.
Russian Internet Week 2011 Opens in Moscow
The annual Russian Internet Week 2011 (RIW 2011) will be opened for the fourth time from 19 till 21 October 2011 in Moscow at ExpoCenter in Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, 14.
LookAtMe Portal Adds a TV Section to the Menu
A popular Russian web portal, LookAtMe, has announced the start of its own Internet TV. The audiences will now be able to follow the latest style and design trends, catwalks, and fashionable looks in a new audio-visual dimension
Russians Will Miss the Man who Changed the World
Today the Russian President, many Russian officials and famous bloggers, as well as thousands of Russian people, offer their condolence over the death of Steve Jobs, the founder and ex-CEO of the Apple company.
Trololo Man Appears in the American Series
Popular Soviet and Russian singer Eduard Khil has become a personage in one of the series of "Family Guy" animation serial. Being in the form of waiter, the animated Khil sang his famous "trololo" song.
Moscow to Apply for .moscow Domain Name
Moscow may have its own domain name .Moscow and . Ìîñêâà. Moscow will apply for it in January 2012.
Russian Internet Shop OZON Attracts Record Investments has attracted investments to the record amount of $100 million, the company’s press-release reports.
Yandex Has Obtained The Tweeted Times
The internet company Yandex has obtained the service The Tweeted Times, says its press release.
Bloggers Request to Award Russian Booker of Decade to Ruben Gonzalez Gallego
Bloggers have addressed open letters to jury members and winners of the Russian Booker award with the request to award Booker of Decade to Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego, who has recently got into an accident in Washington.
Russians to Get Paid on E-Bay through PayPal
Internet payment company PayPal has let to transfer money to the Russian accounts from abroad. This will allow Russians to trade and get paid on e-Bay auction.
Enquiry: Why Cell Operators Charge More for Cyrillic SMS Messages?
The Federal Antimonopoly Agency of Russia is to conduct an enquiry into mobile network charges of Russian operators, following claims that their cost depends on the choice of an alphabet.
Russian Police Wants to Know About Young People's Preferences
Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliev has said that the activity of some Internet resources should be restricted to prevent extremism among the youth.
Russian LiveJournal Bloggers Are Again Disconnected
Yet again the Russian LiveJournal has been under an avalanche of D-DOS attacks. The service is still unavailable for some users.
Vkontakte Closes its Own Payment System
Russian most popular social network Vkontakte decided to close its payment system, as it doesn't fit the legal requirements of the national payment system, approved by Russian President at the end of June, 2011.
Rambler Entered Top Three Russia's Most Popular Gaming Platrofms
Russia's combined project Rambler and Afisha has acquired a gaming portal Kanobu Network.
Vkontakte Moves to .com Domain
Russian most popular social network will get an international domain in two month. At this moment the project has two domains and
Microsoft to Cooperate with Russia's FSB
Microsoft company does not preclude the possibility of disclosing of the source code for Skype to Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB). The company notes, that this is just a source code, not an encryption algorithm of the program.
Yandex's Employees Became Millionaires
Selling shares of Russian Yandex on Nasdaq has allowed comany's employees to earn an average of two million dollars.
Yandex to Complete the IPO
Russia's largest Internet search engine Yandex plans to raise 1,3 billion dollars in the IPO.

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