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Tags: Russian Orthodox Church


Christian Tin Miniature
Christian tin miniature is a modern type of Christian decorative and applied art of creating miniature sculptures. The handicraft appeared in the late 20th century in Russia in the midst of revival of the Russian Orthodox Church after communistic persecutions.
Church Influence and Old Russian Literature
As compared to West European countries Rus’ adopted Christianity rather late, not before the 10th century. Initial development of Russian literature was under the influence of Byzantium, i.e. the Eastern Roman Empire with the capital of Constantinople.


Russian Culture Ministry and Orthodox Church to Promote Russian Classics
The RF Culture Ministry and the Patriarchal Council for Culture are launching the project Pushkin Union.
Russian Priests to Get Military Training
A group of Russian Orthodox priests will undergo military training at a Defense Ministry university in Moscow, the Russian army's representative said Friday.
Parody of Christian Orthodox Icon Is Banned by Russian Court
A Russian regional court has banned an image based on a Christian Orthodox icon printed on t-shirts in support of the Pussy Riot punk band.
Smolny Cathedral to Be Transferred to Russian Orthodox Church
The St. Petersburg Smolny Cathedral, which is a part of the museum complex of the St. Isaacs Cathedral State Memorial Museum, will be returned to the Russian Orthodox Church.
Over One Third of Russians Do Not Know Patriarch's Name
More than one-third of Russians can't name the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, according to the recent poll.
Nadezhda Tolokonnikova Imprisoned along with Murderers
The member of the Pussy Riot punk band Nadezhda Tolokonnikova will serve time in penal colony No. 14 along with Yevgenia Hasis condemned for complicity in murder of the lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova.
Russian Orthodox Missionaries On Duty At the Railway Stations
Specially trained Russian Orthodox "consultants" will be on duty at the Moscow Railway stations as of November 2012, the Church representative says.
Orthodox Activists Reached the G-Spot Museum in Moscow
Just a year after its celebrity-packed opening, G-Spot Museum of Erotica in Moscow has been attacked by Orthodox activists who found the museum promotion too provocative.
Orthodox Volunteers Will Patrol Moscow
Orthodox volunteers will patrol the streets of Moscow, especially in the evening, and police the attempts of blasphemy and violence against the Orthodox clergy.
Russians Don't Support Church Meddling in Politics
Three quarters of Russians believe that the church should stay away from political affairs, according to the recent opinion poll conducted by VTsIOM pollster.
Court Sets August 17 for Pussy Riot Final Verdict
The judge in the feminist punk band Pussy Riot trial has said she will deliver her verdict on August 17, three years in prison can be given.
A Half-Naked Woman Attacks Patriarch Kirill On His Visit To Ukraine
Upon his arrival to Kyiv, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church has been met by journalists - and a half-naked young woman, with "Kill Kirill" inscription on the back.
New Jerusalem to Become Major Exhibition Venue of Moscow Region
The new building of the museum complex New Jerusalem will turn into the main exhibition centre of the Moscow Region.
Iconostasis of St. Cyril of Beloozersk Monastery to be Displayed in Moscow
From June 15 till August 26, 2012 the Kremlin Exhibition Hall of the Assumption Belfry will be holding a unique exhibition dedicated to the iconostasis of St. Cyril of Beloozersk Monastery of the 15th century.
Russian Orthodox Church Denounces Pablo Picasso's Exhibition
A representative of Russian Orthodox Church - Metropolitan Tikhon of Novosibirsk and Berdsk has denounced Picasso’s exhibition of erotic engravings Temptation presently running in the Novosibirsk Museum of Local Lore.
The Great Lent Starts in Russia
Today Russian members of the Orthodox Church begin keeping the Great Lent, the most long-lasting and strict fast in Russian orthodox tradition.
Russian Orthodox Church Appeals to the Faithful not to Attend the Protest Demonstrations
On the day of his third year anniversary as the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill appealed to the faithful not to attend the protest demonstrations, coming up this weekend across Russia.
Gay Christians to Gather in St. Petersburg
Lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender Christians from all over Eastern Europe are going to meet in St. Petersburg for a forum on September 16-18.
Russian Eccentric Actor Plans to Be a New President
Russian actor, ex-priest and controversial media figure Ivan Okhlobystin has said he was going to take part in the presidential elections 2012.
Russian Orthodox Church Teaches Journalists How to Work
The Russian Orthodox Church is turning its attention to the work of journalists and to the quality of articles about religious life in Russian press.

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