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Tags: Russian Souvenirs


The Russian Tradition of Easter Eggs
One of the main Easter traditions, painted eggs symbolize the Holy Sepulcher, inside of which eternal life is hidden.
Travelling in the Volga Region: Kostroma Oblast
Kostroma Oblast is one of the most beautiful regions of our country. It has more than 2.5 thousand monuments of architecture, history and religion, miraculous springs, holy monasteries, unique historical ensembles... All these things attract thousands of tourists every year.
Travelling in the Volga Region: Penza Oblast
The land is surprisingly fertile, beautiful, green, as well as rich in all sorts of attractions. Do you want to see Russia at the crossroads of past and present? Then you should definitely visit Penza Oblast.
The Volga Region: Geography and Attractions
The Volga region can offer tourists almost all kinds of recreation, except, perhaps, a jeep safari on the sand dunes. The fans of ecotourism and those who simply want to admire the nature will be happy to see the Volga landscapes praised by poets.
Golden Ring: Climate, Events, Cuisine, Souvenirs
The name “Golden Ring” was given to the largest network of tourist routes in Russia, passing through several ancient cities of the country. A large number of historical and architectural monuments, museums, and handicraft centers of applied folk art are concentrated in large and small settlements.
Winter Traditions of the Russian People
It is no coincidence that the Russian winter, with its generous snowfalls and bitter frosts, has become one of the symbols of Russia.
Top 5 Most Delicious Russian Sweets
All the countries can be proud of their national sweet delicacies. In Russia, these are chocolate sweets. Their diversity is really surprising: an uncountable number of tasty sweets with a rich variety of fillings are produced in every region of this country.
Russian Souvenirs: the Best Beauty Products
We will tell you about the eight beauty products bought by foreigners in Russia.
From Russia with Love: Edible Gifts and Sweets
What kind of souvenirs from Russia would be always appreciated? No doubt, food tells a lot about the country and will not become an unnecessary dust collector. Besides, it can be simple and not expensive. The choice is large. Here is a list of edible souvenirs to bring from Russia.
Stereotypes about Russia: Drunk Bears with Balalaikas and Matryoshkas
The main stereotypes about Russians are eagerly replicated by the Western media and mainstream culture. They have long claimed Russia to be a land full of bears, snow, vodka, and drunk peasants with nesting dolls and balalaikas.
Felt Boots: Shoes of the Royal Palaces and Fashion Catwalks
Katanki, Valeny, Valenki, Chesanki, Samokatki, Valenukhi, Valezhki – shoes made of sheep wool have many names in Russia, and their long history proves that they are not just simple winter boots. Centuries ago Russian Valenki were precious gifts and passed on from generation to generation.
Just “Shapka”
Shapka (hat, cap) is the most popular winter gift from Russia. However, the cap with earflaps in frosty days turns from a souvenir into a vital necessity. No wonder, Russian shapka has a very long history.
Kamchatka Souvenirs – What to Bring from Kamchatka
Kamchatka is full of exotics. Those who have visited this amazing place, fall in love with it at first sight. We will tell you what kind of souvenirs to bring from the peninsula of volcanoes, which will remind of your best impressions and experiences there.
Baikal Souvenirs: What to Bring from Baikal
The Baikal nature is so inspiring and amazing that tourists want to bring home some pleasant things that would "prolong" the impressions of the trip. When choosing Baikal souvenirs, pay attention to the following things.
Altai Souvenirs - What to Bring from Altai
The Altai markets are filled with souvenirs, so the choice of gifts from the trip is not so simple here. This article will clarify what kind of souvenirs are really "Altaic".
Kazan Souvenirs - What to Bring from Kazan
It is better to buy souvenirs in the old Tatar settlement or souvenir shops on the streets of Chernyshevsky and Kremlyovskaya. The main souvenirs are the following.
Saransk Souvenirs - What to Bring from Saransk
The sweets of the Saransk “Lamzur” confectionery factory are not sold virtually anywhere outside the republic, which does not mean that their quality is low, but makes such a gift an original one.
Sochi Souvenirs - What to Bring from Sochi
All souvenirs at the resorts of Greater Sochi are, basically, the same. In the season of 2013/14 souvenirs with Olympic symbols practically drove away the traditional shells and “trees of happiness”.
Vyksa Souvenirs
Unique local craft – a Borodachevsk toy is reborn in Vyksa.
Way to Vyksa
Way to Vyksa from the capital takes five hours by train or by car - through Murom and Oka, in the very heart of Russia. Vyksun town on the river, few kilometers from the Oka, grew up in the XVIII century around the cast iron factory of Batashev Brothers.
Izmailovo Kremlin in Moscow
Gingerbread-like complex in the Old Russian style provides a dozen of unusual museums and souvenir workshops.
Souvenirs Of Karachay-Cherkessia
Shawls, sweaters, figures made of fur, lamb and wolf skins, felt hats for Russian bath, warm fur slippers for home and sleeveless jackets. One can even purchase a rug from the local craftswomen.
New Line Of Moscow Souvenirs
The Moscow Agency for development of the territory by means of culture (MosART) presented a new line of souvenirs for Moscow. The project involves changes in the interior of souvenir shops, in the principles of communication with the customer, as well as in the range of products.
Shopping in Kazan: Leather Slippers or Kukmor Felt Boots?
Kazan is not only the city of unique cultural monuments, but also a great shopping centre, where nearly every world brand of clothes, cosmetics, appliances and sports goods is available. And tourists never stop admiring the national souvenirs, like Kukmor felt boots or Kazan Cat.
Christian Tin Miniature
Christian tin miniature is a modern type of Christian decorative and applied art of creating miniature sculptures. The handicraft appeared in the late 20th century in Russia in the midst of revival of the Russian Orthodox Church after communistic persecutions.
Kholuy Miniature Painting
Kholuy miniature painting is a Russian folk handicraft that developed in Kholuy Village of the Ivanovo Region. It is a type of lacquered miniature painted in tempera on papier-mâché items, such as caskets, boxes, jugs, needle cases, etc.
Russian Handicrafts – Souvenir Gifts with Feeling
Russia has always been rich in resourceful masters able to invent the ways of bringing beauty and miracle into mundane living and ordinary household things. The realm of Russian folk handicrafts, which are actually the best gift souvenirs one can find in Russia, is multicoloured and varied; anyone can chose something to one’s liking.
From Russia with … Fake? Find Authentic Souvenirs!
Russian Folk Arts and Crafts, embodying original artistic traditions of multi-national Russia and centuries-long experience of aesthetic perception, undoubtedly make an integral part of world culture. Today there is a growing interest in revived craftsmanship traditions both in Russia and abroad.
Yelets Lace
Yelets Lace is a famous Russian handicraft of bobbin lace woven from bobbin threads of brown, white, yellowish, black or grey colours. The centre of the handicraft is Yelets town of the Lipetsk Region. Lace-making sprang there in the late 18th century, and in the 19th century already Yelets gained the lead in lace producing in Russia. Yelets craftswomen wove measured lace, kerchiefs and collars.
Pavlovoposadski Print Shawls
Print Shawls produced in Pavlovski-Posad town are a unique phenomenon of Russian culture and are often perceived as one of the national symbols of Russia. Both Russians and foreigners have always highly estimated traditional Pavlovo-Posadski print shawls. They appeal with the multicolored palette, finest elaboration of floral ornaments, thorough drawing of every flower, among which the rose is a favourite and a sort of a symbol of the Pavlovo-Posadski kerchiefs.
Orenburg Downy Shawls
These beautiful and cozy, light and warm hand-knitted shawls of fine down are among the popular symbols of Russia. The downy wool of Orenburg goats is the finest in the world: it is only 16-18 micrometers, while angora goats’ wool (mohair) is 22 to 24 micrometers thick. This is why Orenburg downy knitted items – shawls and gossamers - are especially gentle and soft.
Kholmogory Bone Carving
Since long ago dwellers of the Russian North procured seal bones and walrus tusks in the polar seas and gathered fossil mammoth bones on the shores of the Arctic Ocean. The bone carvings from Kholmogory were notable for excellent craftsmanship and perfected technique. The best carving masters from Kholmogory were invited to work in the Kremlin's Armoury, which performed orders for the tsar’s court.
Ural Malachite
Few Russian gems are considered to be undoubtedly better than their foreign analogues. Few gems have their own patron. It is widely known that the best malachite was produced in the Urals.
Abramtsevo-Kudrino Wood Carving
Abramtsevo-Kudrino Wood Carving is a famous Russian handicraft that took shape in the vicinity of Abramtsevo Estate situated near Moscow. The appearance of the handicraft was closely associated with artists of the Abramtsevo circle, and first of all with Elena Dmitrievna Polenova, who organized a carving and woodwork workshop in the estate of Savva Mamontov.
Polkhov-Maidan Painting
Polkhov-Maidan painting is one of the youngest folk handicrafts of Russia. The most popular souvenirs are matryoshkas, Easter eggs, and decorative turned sculptures on themes of Russian folk tales and country life.
Mezen Painting on Wood
The origin of Mezen painting ornamentation remains a mystery. The original profound symbols deserve to be seriously studied by researchers. The symbols of Mezen painting are rooted in mythological beliefs of the people of the ancient North. For example, the frequent use of many-tier patterns suggests following the shamanic tradition.
Lipetsk Painting Designs
Lipetskie uzory i.e. ‘Lipetsk designs’ is a folk handicraft of making wooden articles with artistic painting in the Lipetsk Region. It is also known as the name of a factory producing these articles.
Zhostovo Lacquered Trays
Zhostovo black lacquered metal trays painted with rich colorful flower ornaments represent one of the most famous Russian arts and crafts, Zhostovo painting, developed in the village of Zhostovo, Mytishi District of the Moscow Region.
Khokhloma Painting
Khokhloma is a traditional folk Russian handicraft that appeared in the 17th century in villages under Nizhni Novgorod. One of the most famous kinds of folk Russian decorative painting, it is used in creation of splendid ornate wooden tableware and furniture.
Fedoskino Miniature Painting
Fedoskino miniature is one of the types of traditional lacquered miniature painting. Painting is made in oils on papier-mache articles. This handicraft was developed in the late 18th century in the Fedoskino Settlement under Moscow.
Rostov Finift’ – Russian Enamel Painting
It is the radiance, brilliance, and unfading colours that attract to finift’: the painted designs shine in the milk-white enamel surface as if oozing from its depth. Painting on enamel, being a very complicated decorative art, has always been esteemed on a par with precious stones.
Gzhel Ceramics
Gzhel follows old Russian traditions of folk arts and crafts. Gzhel masters paint every item exclusively by hand. The painting is made with cobalt, which acquires the characteristic blue colour in the technological process.
Zhbannikovo Clay Whistle Toy
Zbannikovo toy is a traditional folk handicraft spread in the villages of Zhbannikovo, Rompino, Ryzhukhino and other settlements of the Gorodetski District of the Nizhni Novgorod Region.
Bird of Happiness: Wooden Guardian of Family Hearth
The fascinating carved wood toy called the Bird of Happiness has long been a guardian of family happiness and wellbeing among the Russian people. In former times such a charm used to hang in every house, under the ceiling at the entrance area, so that every person entering the house passed under it. The amulet is believed to take away negativities that a guest might bring along, and lets only good things into the house. So it helps to make the house peaceful and free from quarrels and people kinder to each other.
Palekh Miniature
One can hardly believe that these fairytale-like paintings on lacquered black caskets, which seem to be popular exemplars of something “old-Russian”, in some way owe their appearance to the notorious revolution of 1917. Let alone the centuries-long icon-painting tradition of Palekh masters, of course.
Abashevo Clay Whistles
In the 19-20th cc the village of Abashevo was the leading pottery centre of Russia. Clay toys made by Abashevo masters were exhibited in Moscow, London and Paris. They are profoundly traditional: from generation to generation the artisans passed down these peculiar images of domestic animals, birds, deer, horsemen, ladies, etc., and yet, each of the masters let these images deep inside and breathed life into them, creating inimitable inspired characters.
Kargopol Clay Toys
As compared to bright and clear-coloured Filimonovo and Dymkovo toys, these figurines from the northern lands of Russia might seem pretty stern. However, this first impression is only due to the palette including black, dark-yellow and brown colours. As for the toys’ subject matter, they have lots of amusing images, sculpted plainly but with great warmth and folk wit.
Filimonovo Clay Toys
These wonderful handmade ornamented clay toys are a famous handicraft of the village of Filimonovo in the Tula Region. Here lived the last masters who revived the forgotten art in the 1960s. The toys are amusing and fanciful, but at the same time simple in manner and very expressive. The majority of Filimonovo toys are traditional whistles.
Wooden Bogorodskoe Toys
Two wooden figurines, a man and a bear as two blacksmiths at work– once you pull the toy’s plank, they start hammering on the anvil in a funny way. These amusing toys, known in Russia for more than three centuries, have long become the main handicraft of the Bogorodskoe village, one of the most famous centres of wood carving tradition in Russia.
Dymkovo Toys
Colourful Dymkovo figurines, whistles among them, represent the most famous and one of the oldest clay handicrafts of Russia.
Nesting Doll Named Matryoshka
The nesting dolls, known as “matryoshki” have long conquered hearts of lovers of folk toys and original souvenirs all over the world. Matryoshka brings together the art of masters and enormous love of the Russian national culture.


Exhibition «Folk Crafts of Russia» in Moscow
The book illustration exhibition tells about the history of origin and development of Russian folk crafts.
Exhibition "The Best Jewelry of Russia" in Moscow
About 100 companies from different parts of this country present thousands of jewelry items of all styles - from classic to avant-garde.
Chinese Tourists Prefer to Buy Amber and Cosmetics in Russia
Almost a third of the financial transactions of Chinese tourists in Russia fell to amber and cosmetics.
25th Anniversary of the First Museum of Russian Art was Celebrated in China
Russian samovars, peasant sundresses, painted caskets, paintings, and many other exhibits can be seen at the Museum of National Russian Art in China.
Exhibition "The History of Russian Chocolate" in Moscow
The Museum of Contemporary History of Russia and Zlata Rozman Chocolate Studio hold a unique exhibition of Russian chocolate.
Exhibition "Faberge Style. Excellence Beyond Time"
The New Jerusalem Museum near Moscow is holding a grand exhibition of the legendary Faberge brand.
Exhibition Fair "Jewelry Vernissage" in Moscow
From November 22 to 25, the ENEA is hosting a trade fair of works by leading jewelers and craftsmen of Russia.
Chinese Tourists Steal Unique Stones from the Beaches in Vladivostok
Four to five buses with Chinese tourists come to the beach every day, and tourists rush to collect the beach glass of various colors.
3.5 Thousand Matryoshka Dolls have been Sold in Nizhny Novgorod
An interest of tourists in souvenirs made by local craftsmen has been observed in Nizhny Novgorod during the Football World Cup.
Nesting Dolls of the Bolshoi Festival Went to Musicians from Russia, Serbia and Slovenia
The jury of the Russian music festival Bolshoi (The Big) founded by Serbian director Emir Kusturica, announced the winners.
A Special Khokhloma Route For Visitors To Nizhny Novgorod
A new tourist route intended to attract attention to traditional arts and crafts has been developed in Nizhny Novgorod region.
Faberge Jeweler House to Resume Production of Easter Eggs after 93 years of Break
The Faberge Jeweler House, which ceased to exist after the October Revolution of 1917, is revived and renews production of the famous Easter eggs.

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