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Tags: Russian cuisine


Cranberries in Traditional Russian Health Cuisine
Despite its super sour taste, cranberry has enjoyed enormous popularity in Russia for centuries long.
Traditional Russian Recipes with Sauerkraut
Cabbage has been one of the most common vegetables, without which many dishes of the Russian cuisine can not be cooked.
Sauerkraut, a Tasty Vitamin Pride of Russians
Since ancient times, sauerkraut has been considered among the staple food products of the Slavic peoples, especially in winter, because it is then that the body requires more vitamins.
What is that Russian Shchi About?
The national Russian dish of shchi is no other than a hot first course dish with on sauerkraut or fresh cabbage as its main ingredients.
Altai Phytobalms for Better Health
Altai with its mountain beauty and bountiful wildlife is a unique region of Russia.
Russian Drinks to Boost Immunity
Has traditional Russian cuisine anything in store for improving immunity and stamina in these challenging times of Covid?
Healthful Benefits of Traditional Russian Cuisine
Authentic Russian cuisine is not only tasty, but also healthy.
Gastro and Wine Tourism in Russia
Vegan cafes and unusual pastry shops, biodynamic wine bars and ciderreries, gastropubs and nostalgic wine glasses - it seems that in Moscow and St. Petersburg you can now find any concept and cuisine of the world. Besides, gastrotourism is actively developing in the regions.
Rural Tourism in Russia
Rural tourism in Russia continues to develop, and in many villages you can rent a room or a house to take a break from everyday life in the city.
Chinese Blogger Named Russian Dishes with “Unforgettable Taste”
A user of the Chinese platform Sohu shared his opinion about Russian cuisine and the most popular dishes.
Russian Cuisine Online - Cook with the Best Russian Chefs
Find how to cook a tasty and unusual Russian dish, if there are only the simplest products in the refrigerator and you don’t want to go to the supermarket again.
New Tourist Routes in the Kulikovo Field State Museum Reserve
The Kulikovo Field State Museum Reserve (Tula Region) prepared two new tourist routes - the Orthodox and the gastronomic.
Eating Habits of Russian Businessmen
Most Russian entrepreneurs prefer to cook at home, despite the lack of time. At the same time, almost half usually neglect breakfast and spend up to 1,500 rubles a day on food.
Russian Cuisine Restaurants in St. Petersburg
We have prepared a list of restaurants where a tourist should go to get acquainted with Russian classics, modern St. Petersburg cuisine and try local specialties.
Top Russian Cuisine Restaurants in Moscow
All the gastronomic wealth of Russia is demonstrated in the best Moscow restaurants serving dishes of Russian cuisine. We have chosen 11 restaurants of Russian cuisine in Moscow, where you should definitely go for olivier, borsch and... vodka.
Recipes of Traditional Russian Summer Soups
The most famous Russian summer soup is definitely okroshka based on kvass! Do you know there are a number of other traditional recipes worth trying in a short Russian summer?
The 2nd International Festival "Russian Cuisine" in Moscow
The festival "Russian Cuisine" unites and popularizes the cooking traditions of different regions of Russia. For one month long, you can taste mouth-watering Russian dishes in the Izmailovo Kremlin.
Traditional Russian Easter Feast
Breaking the Lent with delicious sumptuous dishes has always been an integral part of the Easter celebrations. So what is the Russian Easter feast like?
The Mystery of Birch Sap, an Ancient Russian Drink
Sometimes called “the Juice of Strongmen” in the annals, birch sap was most popular in this country from times immemorial. Healers widely used this wonderful drink.
The Russian Breakfast – What is It?
The Russian breakfast is very different from the food traditions of the East or West. For all the popularity of foreign cuisines in this country, most of the Russians still start their day with traditional Russian dishes.
Gourmet Tour: Old Russian Cuisine in Suzdal
It is no coincidence that Suzdal enjoys great popularity among tourists. This old Russian town is part of the Golden Ring and has long been a gourmet highlight of the Vladimir Region.
Legendary Soviet Cakes to Taste in Russia
There were many things to be proud of in the USSR, and cakes were among them: delicious and qualitative, there were always made from the best products.
Top 5 Most Delicious Russian Sweets
All the countries can be proud of their national sweet delicacies. In Russia, these are chocolate sweets. Their diversity is really surprising: an uncountable number of tasty sweets with a rich variety of fillings are produced in every region of this country.
Syrniki – Traditional Russian Curd Fritters – Recipe and Tips
Syrniki, i.e. curd fritters, which are in the world’s Top 25 desserts, are among the most popular traditional dishes of Russian cuisine. Learn with us how to make them: find the classical recipe and tips and tricks here.
Russian Homemade Pickles: History and Traditions
The Russian cuisine stood out for the fact that national pickles were vinegar-free, as vegetables and fruits were fermented and soused. Moreover, no other country but Russia had the tradition of brined vegetables.
Top 5 Dishes of Astrakhan Cuisine: What to Eat on the Caspian Seacoast
Astrakhan cuisine intertwines cooking traditions and dishes of the Russians, Armenians, Jews, Germans, Kalmyks, Kazakhs, and others. Such combinations give special zest to the regional cuisine of Astrakhan.
Russian Jam: Traditions and History
For Russians, making jam is not just a preparation of a vitamin-rich dessert. This is a special ceremony, kind of kitchen magic. Famous Russian tea drinking tradition is not complete without a jam.
Mead aka Medovukha – Russian Honey Wine
According to the old yeast-free technology, the honey drink had to be aged for decades in oak barrels placed in glaciers and cellars or buried in the ground. Back then, no holiday was complete without this sweet exhilarating drink.
Gourmet Tour around Golden Ring: What Special Russian Dishes to Try
When traveling around the Golden Ring, use the opportunity to try local dishes so you can take back home with you not only Russian souvenirs but delicious impressions as well.
Top 5 Native Russian Drinks You Should Try
Nearly all national Russian drinks are unique and cannot be found in the cuisines of other countries. When you explore Russia, be sure to try kvass, kissel’, sbiten’, mead and vodka.
Moscow Cuisine: What to Eat in the Russian Capital
Moscow has absorbed the traditions of different nationalities. This applies to the Moscow cuisine. Moscow dishes are original, hearty, and different from other regional cuisines of Russia.
Guide on Traditional Russian Desserts
Most of you have heard or read of traditional dishes of the Russian cuisine, such as borsch (beetroot soup), pelmeni (dumplings), Russian salad, and the like. However, very few foreigners know the names of sweets, which are no less popular in Russia.
Westernmost Cuisine of Russia: What to Eat in Kaliningrad
Kaliningrad is the westernmost city of Russia. The trip here will be unforgettable: cold transparent waves of the Baltic Sea, the stunning fresh air in the pine forest, wonderful gardens, ... and sea delicacies.
From the History of Perm Cuisine
Lots of gourmets know the book Perm Cuisine, which was published in 1979 and won gold prize at the ENEA contest back then. It includes recipes typical of 125 nationalities inhabiting the Perm Territory and the Republic of Komi.
Traditional Ural Dishes: What to Eat in Perm and Yekaterinburg
The Urals connecting Europe and Asia have rich and generous forests, powerful and high-water rivers, and over 120 nationalities. Therefore the regional cuisine of the Urals is special and unparalleled.
The Taste of St. Petersburg: Top 5 Dishes to Try in the Northern Capital City of Russia
in St. Petersburg you can find food from almost any cuisine of the world, but there are special dishes that have the character and taste of this magnificent city.
Russian Salad: the History of Famous Olivier Recipe
The year 2018 marks the 155th anniversary of Olivier's popular recipe, celebrated all over the world as “Russian salad”.
Vladivostok Heads Gourmet Tourism in Russia
Vladivostok enjoys popularity among tourists for its fresh seafood delicacies and rarities, as well as restaurants of pan-Asian cuisine.
Russian National Dish of Pelmeni aka Dumplings
Modern Russian cuisine cannot be imagined without dumplings (pelmeni in Russian), this age-old traditional dish.
Traditional Cuisine in Sochi: Special Delicacies to Taste in Famous Black Sea Resort
The resort city of Sochi is so multinational, that it is nearly impossible to select a single national dish.
Danilovsky - the Oldest Moscow Market
People engaged in the development of the Danilovsky market call it a “European market”. You can even call it a fashionable market, and due to this feature, Danilovsky will be of interest to tourists: it not only has neat and clean shopping arcades, but also is a pleasant place for communication and even for cultural events.
Famous Dishes of Russian Regions
Russia is famous not only for borshch, dumplings and kvass. Every region of this country has its own special dishes. Their popularity goes far beyond the region, spreading throughout Russia and the world.
History of Caviar in Russia
For many years red caviar has been a particular symbol of Russia in the world. This is not surprising, because this country is the world’s largest producer and exporter of this delicacy.
Nenets Cuisine: What to Eat When Exploring the Russian Arctic
The study of the history of any region is inextricably linked with its culinary traditions. Italian pizza, German sausages or Russian pies are an integral part of culture. At the same time, the cuisine of the peoples of the Far North and the Arctic remains little known.
Buryat Cuisine - Top Five National Dishes to Taste on Baikal Tour
The Buryat cuisine is one of the attractions of Lake Baikal, so it is a must for everybody on a Baikal tour to try national Buryat dishes.
Siberian Cuisine – Delicacies of Lake Baikal
The combination of fish, game and taiga seasonings distinguish Siberian cuisine from European cuisine. These differences are more pronounced when tasting traditional Siberian dishes on the shore of Lake Baikal.
Gourmet Tours in Russia - Unique Cuisines of the Regions of Russia
Travelers go to Toscana for aromatic cheeses, to Thailand - for spicy treats and exotic fruits. Rare tourists make such tasty trips across the expanses of Russia! However, every region of Russia boasts its unique cuisine and will gift unforgettable palatable experiences.
Top 10 Russian National Dishes that Puzzle Foreigners
Here in Russia, we are fond of borscht and okroshka, buckwheat porridge and aspic. But when you come to Russia from abroad, you might wonder, how they can possibly eat these things! How, for god’s sake?
Kamchatka Cuisine – Top 5 Traditional Dishes to Taste in Kamchatka
Fish and seafood make the basis of Kamchatka cuisine. It has absorbed the traditions of indigenous nomadic peoples and their ability to quickly and deliciously cook.
Altai Cuisine: Top 5 National Dishes to Taste when Travelling in Altai
Altai is worthwhile visiting, even if it is only for the sake of tasting the traditional local dishes that can be found nowhere else in the world.
Bashkir Cuisine – Top 5 National Dishes to Taste When Travelling in Ufa
If you have long wanted to visit exotic Bashkortostan and its capital city, Ufa, and you wonder what you are going to eat there, then this article is meant specially for you.
Russian Cuisine – Traditional Russian Dishes You Should Try
Do you want to feel the real taste of Russia? Then keep reading to learn about the staples of Russian cuisine and find their recipes here.
The Museum of Russian Dessert in Zvenigorod
What sweets did our great-grandparents eat on holidays? What they were cooked from and how they were served? What are the traditions of tea drinking in Russia? Answers on all questions you can find in one of the historic houses in Zvenigorod near Moscow.
Steaming Hot! Russian Cuisine from Patriotic Stove
The tendency of going back to the roots and reviving traditional local recipes is very natural and healthy. Besides, it might help foreign tourists better feel the taste of Russia and broaden the associative field far beyond Russian caviar and pancakes, nested dolls and vodka.
Kabardino-Balkaria: Cuisine
The cuisine of Kabardino-Balkaria is very diverse, because Kabardians and Balkarians have their own dishes. People of Kabarda living on the plain use more vegetables, wheat flour, potatoes and beans. The main components of the Balkarian cuisine are meat (lamb), byproducts, all milk derivatives - cheese and fermented milk drinks.
Gastronomic Map Of Moscow Oblast
The interactive tourist and gastronomic map of Moscow Oblast will be presented at the First International “Russian Taste” Festival of Moscow Oblast. The map will be formed in front of the audience, and everyone who has ever traveled through Moscow Oblast will be able to take direct part in this action.
Ethnogastronomic Tourism in Russia
A variety of issues of this sector was discussed during the "Perspective of Ethnogastronomic Tourism in Russia" forum-festival, held last week in Veliky Novgorod: from the perspective of forming gastronomic brand to personnel training and preparation of the necessary legislation activities.
Shashlik - Russian Traditional Barbecue
Besides traditional New Year Russian salad, Maslenitsa pancakes and Easter cake, barbecues (shashliks) on Labour Day and all other warm sunny days is considered one of the main holiday dishes of the year in Russia.
Vegetarianism in Russia
Leo Tolstoy, the well-known Russian writer and thinker, argued: “While our bodies remain graves of murdered animals, how can we foster hopes for creation of ideal life conditions on the Earth?”
Russian Pancakes Recipes
Since the Pancake Week (or Maslenitsa), the famous Russian holiday, is approaching, we decided to get you acquainted with interesting recipes of Russian pancakes – a traditional food we eat during these days.
Russian New Year's Feast
Whence is the tradition to meet the new year at a festive table? What dishes did great-grandmothers and grandmothers of modern Russians cook for this holiday? In the very beginning, in the epoch of Peter the Great who decreed to celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31st to January 1st, the main thing on this holiday was not the table, but dancing. For dinner, supper and breakfast our ancestors had... only dances and drinks to satisfy thirst.
Traditional Russian kvass is one of the best refreshing and most natural soft drinks. The very word “kvass” is undoubtedly of Russian origin and means “sour drink”, or “fermented drink”. Though it is pungent rather than sour. Kvass based on bread fermentation has been a traditional drink for many centuries for Russians.
Kozuli – Russian Fancy Spice Cakes
The strange hard-to-translate name kozuli or kozyuli stands for fancy pastry figurines of nanny-goats, deer or other animals with a symbolical meaning. The word kozulya (sg.; kozuli – pl.) is derived from the Russian koza meaning “she-goat”. She-goat was a symbol of prosperity in the house, and making of kozuli symbolized family’s well-being.
History of Russian Bread: from Sitnik to Kalach
Bread is not only the basis of Russian table, but also a symbol of people’s wellbeing. This is why there are a number of customs related to bread. From times immemorial the Slavs believed that people who shared bread became friends forever.
Sbiten – Old Russian Honey Herbal Drink
Sbiten was especially popular in winter time or in dank and cold weather and was very helpful against catching a cold or some other infirmity. It was also well-known for curing melancholy. Hot tropical spices and hot sweetness of sbiten inspire vivacity and festive joy.
Russian Christmas Feast: Customs & Recipes
On the night of the 6th to 7th January the Orthodox Church celebrates the holy Christmas. For over a month prior to the holiday believers observe the Advent, i.e. Christmas fast.
Wedding Recipes
Russian Karavai – the traditional round bread loaf - has come down to us from ancient pagan times. Karavai was a must at the Russian wedding feast, with numerous ritual rules observed during its preparation.
Traditional Russian Wedding Feast
Weddings in Russia were traditionally celebrated in a vivacious and noisy way, with observation of numerous customs, signs, and popular beliefs. The festivities usually lasted for three days, but sometimes could extend to a whole week. Russian wedding ceremony was certainly accompanied with an abundant and plentiful feast, representing ceremonial dishes of Russian cuisine.
Okroshka and Botvinya
Botvinya goes well in summer heat; it tastes lighter than okroshka and has a better refreshing effect.Okroshka and Botvinya are cold soups based on kvass; both are part of traditional Russian cuisine.
Borsch – Russian Beetroot Soup
Borsch is probably the most widespread dish in Slavic cuisines. This type of vegetable soup got its name after the old Slavic name of beetroot – “byrsch” – the vegetable compulsory for this dish.
History of Russian Cuisine
Before the 17th century Russian cuisine was quite plain and natural, without any gourmet luxuries. It was based, as a rule, on turnip and cabbage, cooked in different combinations and in all possible ways, often flavoured with spices. Russians also consumed all sorts of fish, as well as berries, mushrooms and numerous porridges (kasha).
Samovar – Russian Tea Machine
The Samovar – the Russian tea machine, as it was referred to in Western Europe – stands out against all other water-heating devices.
Russian Snacks and Starters
A distinctive feature of Russian cuisine is abundance and variety of snacks and starters. Just like in former times, it is still a custom in Russian homes to serve for the arrival of guests all kinds of dainties.
Russian Kasha: Secrets of Porridge
Porridge is undoubtedly a primordially Russian dish. Moreover, porridge is a cult dish. Following old Russian traditions, on wedding ceremony the groom and the bride necessarily cooked porridge.
Rye Leaven
If you plan to bake white bread, similar sourdough can be prepared of wheat flour or “overfed” this rye ferment with wheat flour. The choice of rye flour is explained by the fact that it is much easier and faster to make sourdough from rye than from wheat flour. Wholegrain wheat flour also gives quite good results as compared to refined wheat flour.
Traditional Russian Rye Bread
Thanks to its agrarian past Russia can be justly called the rye empire. From time immemorial Russian people ate rye bread which both dear to their taste and easy on the pocket. In the beginning of the 20th century consumption of rye flour products comprised over sixty percent. Today this figure is much less, reaching only about 10 to 13 percent. But till now Russia is in the top five of the largest manufacturers of rye.
Russian Easter Recipes
One of the major ritual dishes of Russian Easter feast is paskha made of curds and shaped as a truncated pyramid, which symbolizes the Holy Sepulchre. A special sectional wooden mould was traditionally used for cooking this rich festive dish.
Enjoy Great Lent!
After the delicious pancake spree of Maslenitsa there comes the time for the Great Lent, the most significant and strictest fast for the Orthodox Christianity. Though the Great Lent has certain differences from the Western Lent, they both have the same purpose: to purify spirit and body. So, if you are about to do this, take occasion to regale yourself on wholesome vegetarian dishes of traditional Lenten Russian cuisine. Here are the recipes!
Black Caviar: Certified for Export
Effective breeding population of sturgeons is on the verge of extinction. The environmentalists urge people to refuse black caviar willingly. However, the UN believes there is no need to dramatize, and has lifted the 12 months’ moratorium on beluga caviar export from the Caspian countries, which means Russia has regained its right to supply the over expensive delicacy abroad.
Russian Vodka
Vodka has long become quite an independent and self-sufficient personage of Russian culture: there are jokes and songs, books and research works on this “hot” subject. Majority of foreigners have an image of vodka imprinted in their minds as the foremost symbol of Russia (along with Bear and Martyoshka).
Russian Drinks – What are They?
The first thing that crosses one’s mind when speaking about Russian drinks is certainly vodka. Yet, as a matter of fact, long before vodka there were no less popular drinks in Old Rus. As for vodka, it came to Russia via Lithuania where it was brought by the Genoese from their colony in the Crimea. Actually it did not happen until the mid 14th century. So vodka is another story.
Taste Russia: Authentic Recipes
Would you like to feel the taste of Russia? Here are some authentic Russian recipes. We hope you will enjoy both cooking and eating these traditional Russian dishes.
Russian Cuisine
The Russian cuisine is first of all associated all over the world with vodka, caviar, beetroot salad and pies. It should be noted, however, that vodka was brought to Russia from Italy only in the 15th century. And it was not before the 19th century that salads were borrowed from European cuisine.


Innopolis Translated the Recipe for Olivier Salad into Binary Code
The residents of Innopolis have identified the ideal recipe for Olivier salad using artificial intelligence.
Michelin's Guide Comes to Moscow
The Russian capital will be the first city in the post-Soviet space to be visited by Michelin.
Summer Verandas of Moscow Restaurants will Open Soon
From June 16, summer verandas of restaurants will open in Moscow.
Russia will Take Part in the Gastronomic Flashmob UNWTO
Russia will join the #traveltomorrow tourism campaign organized by the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
The Opening of Summer Verandas in Moscow Restaurants will be Postponed
Due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation in Moscow, the authorities postponed the start of the summer season for cafes and restaurants.
Maslenitsa in the Tyumen region
Almost a 100-kilogram dumpling will be cooked at the celebration of Maslenitsa in the Tyumen region.
"Tastes of the Golden Ring" Festival
The first gastronomic festival "Tastes of the Golden Ring" will be held in eight cities of the route.
Independent Coffee Festival
From February 17 to March 1, 2020, five Moscow coffee houses are holding a coffee festival.
Vietnamese Street Food Festival in the Hanoi-Moscow Trading Mall
A delicious three-day event on the eve of the New Year holidays with concerts, master classes, animation and exotic treats.
Gourmet Cheese Fair
At the two-day fair in Moscow, you can purchase the best varieties of cheese, sweets and delicacies for Christmas celebrations.
Russian Cuisine Treats on National Unity Day in Moscow
Come join in the celebration festival National Unity Day and taste the national dishes of Russia.
Russia will Get its Cheese Valley
The construction of the first plants has started at the “Syrnaya Dolina” (“Cheese Valley”) agricultural park in Dmitrovsky district of Moscow Oblast.
“Days of Altai Cheese” Gastro Fest
Cheese festival will be held in Barnaul on August 24.
Gastro Fest in the Tyumen Region
600 liters of fish soup will be cooked at the fish festival in the Tyumen region.
The First Festival of Craft Drinks and Cheese will be Held in the Moscow Region
The Festival of Crafting Drinks and Cheese “Brown Bear” is the first major event of this kind on the territory of the Moscow Region. The event will be attended by about 50 Russian cheese producers and farms.
"Malina Gastronomic Festival" will be Held in the Ryazan Region
The gourmet raspberry festival is held in the Ryazan region annually and has won popularity among the region’s residents and tourists.
Cheese Festival in the Moscow Region
About 300 companies will take part in the Cheese Festival in the Moscow region.
Enjoy Russian Cuisine in Moscow for Free Now
The festival in the Izmailovo Kremlin, Moscow, is designed to popularize rich traditions of the Russian cuisine.
The Most Delicious Russian Kvass
The experts checked seven brands of Russian kvass.
Exhibition "Soviet Cuisine: the Phenomenon of Soviet Cooking"
The theme of life in the USSR is often discussed in Russia nowadays. Opinions diverge, but stories about the life of people in the USSR arouse genuine interest.
“Gastronomic Map of Russia” will Get New Promotion
Federal Tourism Agency, Google Russia and “Gastronomic Map of Russia” will sign an agreement on joint promotion of the project on the Internet this year.
Ossetian Pies will be Promoted Worldwide
“Osetinskiye Pirogi” (“Ossetian Pies”) trademark will be registered in order to avoid fakes.
Vietnam Great Gastronomic Festival in Moscow
2019 has been declared the Vietnam and Russia cross year. The Vietnam Great Gastronomic Festival will launch a series of intercultural events in Moscow.
Russian Restaurant Festival in Moscow
More than 150 Moscow enterprises will join the 4th Russian Restaurant Festival in 2019. Until May 10, you can try the best dish sets at a fixed price of 990 rubles.
The Most Expensive Russian Borsch
Experts considered the cost of cooking a plate of borsch for residents of Russian regions.
Shrovetide Week Starts
More than 200 gastronomic events will be held as part of the Moscow Maslenitsa.
The Only Mushroom Restaurant in Russia will Appear in the Ryazan Region
Gastronomic tourism has good prospects in the Ryazan region.
Festival of Honey and Farm Delicacies in Moscow
Cheesemakers and bee-keepers present their masterpieces at the food festival in Gostiny Dvor, which offers the products that cannot be found in supermarkets.
Cezve Coffee Festival First Time in Russia
The first Russian festival of the coffee industry will take place in the Cultural Center ZIL, Moscow, on February 2 and 3, 2019.
Exhibition "The History of Russian Chocolate" in Moscow
The Museum of Contemporary History of Russia and Zlata Rozman Chocolate Studio hold a unique exhibition of Russian chocolate.
Photo Exhibition "Russian Feast"
The Moscow gallery “Zagorje” presents a huge range of photographs of the Russian feast in different historical periods.
Gastronomic Festival "Russian Kholodets (Meat Jelly)"
The sixth gastronomic festival "Russian Kholodets" will be held in Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow Region on January 26.
Food Festival “Art of Gourmet by Beluga” in Moscow
The Art of Gourmet festival will bring back the former popularity of hors-d'oeuvre in traditional Russian cuisine.
Foreigners Associate Russia with Borsch, Vodka and Caviar
Russian food products popular among foreigners also include dumplings, pancakes, kvass and buckwheat.
XII Gourmet Festival “Food Show”
Grand-scale festival Food Show 2018 welcomes you to enjoy delicious treats, vivid impressions, lucky purchases, and wonderful mood!
The “Kapusta Barynya” Gastronomic Festival
The “Kapusta Barynya” (translated as “Madam Cabbage”) gastronomic festival will be held on October 20 in Yalutorovsk (Tyumen Oblast).
A Restaurant-museum Dedicated to the Writer Nikolai Gogol and Old Cuisine Opened in Belokurikha-2
The restaurant opened in the architectural and historical complex called “Andreevskaya Sloboda”. Earlier the building belonged to the merchant Andreev.
The World’s Largest Closed Khachapuri will be Baked in Sochi
More than 10 cooks will be cooking khachapuri weighing more than 30 kg. This will require 12 kilograms of flour, 16 kilograms of cheese and more than 100 eggs.
Celebrate Honey and Cheese Feast 2018 in Moscow
An international fair of honey and craft cheese is running in Gostiny Dvor from 11 to 27 August 2018.
All-Russian Honey Fair 2018 in Moscow
August 10, 2018 saw the opening of the annual All-Russian Honey Fair at the Kolomenskoye Museum Reserve.
Culinary Festival at the “Arkaim” Reserve
The festival of traditional cuisine of the peoples of the South Urals will for the first time be held at the “Arkaim” Reserve (Chelyabinsk Oblast) on August 18.
Top Restaurants of Moscow for You – “Taste of Moscow” Festival
The best restaurants of Moscow are already preparing for the annual festival Taste of Moscow.
600 Liters of Fish Broth will be Cooked in the Tyumen Region
The "Golden crucian" gastronomic festival will be held on July 7-8 in Sinitsinsky forest near the city of Ishim, the Tyumen region.
Foreign Fans Took Part in the Festival of National Cuisine in Yekaterinburg
Fans from Mexico and Japan enjoyed tasting traditional dishes of Russian, Mari, Kazakh and Ukrainian cuisine.
The Longest Shish Kebab and Shawarma in the World will be Cooked in Dagestan
Shish kebabs longer than 255 meters will be cooked in Dagestan.
“Amur” dumplings (“pelmeni”) - Gastronomic Symbol the Amur Oblast
“Amur” dumplings (“pelmeni”) have become the leaders of voting for the gastronomic symbol the Amur Oblast.
Gastronomic Map Of Yaroslavl Oblast - Travel In Search Of Flavour
The Tourism Department of Yaroslavl Oblast is ready to pay 500,000 roubles for a gastronomic map of Yaroslavl Oblast.
Caviar Tasting Tours
New tourist route with a visit to a fish factory and tasting of caviar will be opened in May in the Astrakhan region.
Russian Mustard Museum to Appear in Volgograd Region
The first ever Russian Mustard Museum will be opened on May 17 in the Old Sarepta memorial estate in the Volgograd Region.
Cookbook of Russian Museum to be Displayed in St. Petersburg
Invitation for Dinner. Cookbook of the Russian Museum will be exhibited in Saint Petersburg from November 27 to February 2, 2014.
Big Gastronomic Festival to Take Place in Veliky Novgorod
On November 15-17, an International Gourmet Festival will take place in Veliky Novgorod with the restaurants awarded the Michelin stars participating.
Monument to Varenik Appears in Yeysk
A monument to varenik (curd dumpling) has been unveiled at the Taganrogskaya Embankment of the Azov resort town of Yeysk.
Gastronomic Tourism Is Developing in Russia
The famous project “Fairytale Map of Russia” will take part in the developing of culinary tourism in the country. It will combine not only interesting fairytale routes, but offers the information dedicated to Russian traditional food.
Caviar Vending Machines to Appear in Moscow Metro
Moscow businessmen intend to establish caviar vending machines in Moscow metro underpasses. The project has already been approved by the heads of Moscow metro.
Aeroflot’s Menu Recognized as One of the Best
Aeroflot’s onboard menu has been recognized as one of the best in the world according to famous American online newspaper The Huffington Post.
Pancake Week to be Celebrated in Russia
Pancake Week (or Maslenitsa) - the last week before Lent, will be celebrated in Russia at the end of February. A big number of traditional colorful events will be held in various Russian cities all across the country.
How to Overcome Russian Cold Weather
Russia is famous for its severe winter, but even in extreme cold you can greatly simplify your life by following some advice during your travel.
Aeroflot Passengers Will Dine on Foie Gras and Jack Daniels Beef
Aeroflot air company offers a selection of delicate dishes to passengers. A special menu was created by chefs from a well-known restaurants.
Production Of Venison Meat Dumplings Has Started
An enterprise of Chukotka has started a production of meat dumplings with a very unusual filling - venison. The products were called " Anadirskie" and " Crazy".
InterContinental hotel à la russe will open in Moscow
A hotel of international group Intercontinental will open in Moscow in the street of Tverskaya. Tverskaya is one of the oldest Moscow streets within walking distance from main sights and leading business centers of Moscow.

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