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Tags: Russian human rights activists


Eufrosinia Kersnovskaya
... - ...
Larisa Bogoraz
August 8, 1929 - April 6, 2004
Vladimir Dremlyuga
1940 - ...


Human Rights Office Burned Out in Chechnya
Anonymous attackers have set on fire the office of a human group in the Chechen capital, Grozny, after it criticised the activity of the republic's president.
Activists Who Reported ‘Putin’s Palace’ Jailed for Extortion
Four environmental activists in southern Russia who once made a sensational report about an illegally built real estate linked to Russian President have been given lengthy jail terms for extorting money from a real estate developer.
Veteran Human Rights Activist Faces 3 Administrative Cases
Three administrative cases are launched against prominent Russian human rights activist Lev Ponomaryov after his refuse to present documents on the NGOs he heads.
Russian Rights Activist Is in List of 2013 Nobel Peace Prize Nominees
On Tuesday, Russian veteran human rights activist Lyudmila Alekseyeva said she is happy to beincluded to the list of the nominees for the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize.
Russian Human Rights NGO Offices Vandalized in Moscow
The Moscow offices of two influential human rights groups were vandalized on Wednesday, the first day a controversial new law on non-governmental organizations (NGO) came into effect.
Russia Accuses USAID of Political Interference
Russia's Foreign Ministry says the USAID is forced to cease its activity in Russia because the agency tried to affect political situation in the country.
Human Rights Activists Quit Presidential Council
Several Russian human rights activists have announced their decision to leave the presidential Human Rights Council after elected president's inauguration on May 7
Peter Gabriel Sympathizes With Russian Opposition
British rock-musician Peter Gabriel has come out in support of Russian protest movement. He has spoken about his solidarity with protesters in his video statement on Youtube.

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