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Tags: Russian medicine


Anatoly Granov
April 21,1932 - May 12, 2017


"Helium Facilitates Breathing"- Russian Scientist on the Treatment of Pulmonary Failure with COVID-19
On April 20, 2020, at a meeting with the President of Russia, pulmonologist Alexander Suvorov, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke about Russian doctors’ new initiative in treating people suffering from coronavirus.
New Antibiotics to be Obtained from Siberian Plants in Tomsk
According to scientists, such drugs cause much fewer side effects than synthetic drugs.
Innovative Incubator for Organ Regeneration Created in Siberia
This device has already been put into operation at hospitals of the Siberian State Medical University in Tomsk.
Material for Bone Implants with Self-Recovery Properties Created in Moscow
Scientists of the Composite Materials Center at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys have developed a material for bone implants with the ability to recover its own cracks.
"Live Bandages" Invented in Russia
Biodegradable bandages from polycaprolactone nanofibres double the growth of tissue cells, which promotes regeneration of damaged tissues, as well as prevents scarring after severe burns.
Cancer Cells Can Be Removed with Gold Nanoparticles and Heat
Russian and Canadian scientists have developed a method for targeted destruction of cancer cells with the help of gold nanoparticles and thermal effects.
Surgeries without Scalpel: Gamma Knife at Radiological Center in Obninsk
“Gamma Clinic” Center for High-Precision Radiology has been opened in Russia’s main radiological institution - the A.F. Tsyba MRRC in Obninsk (Kaluga Region).
Russian and American Scientists Created Capsule-Trap for Dangerous Diseases
The new substance can be used for effective rehabilitation after acute injuries of the spinal cord, strokes and heart attacks.
Extraction of Bioactive Substances from Plants Accelerated 12 Times in Siberia
Based on steroid substances of vegetable origin, we can develop drugs that will be no less effective than synthetic "chemicals", but safe for people.
Russian Scientists Know How to Slow Down Aging Process
However, there are scientifically proven technologies and anti-aging drugs, which include peptide bioregulators.
Russia’s First Ever Transplantation of Bionic Eye
Three weeks after surgery, the patient can already distinguish light sources and primitive objects.
Russian Medicine is Shooting to the Outer Space
In 2018 a bioreactor with stem cells will be launched to the Earth orbit. The experiment will make it possible to study the effect of space flight on the survival of stem cells.
Experts: Cancer Treatment without Chemotherapy Poisoning Strengthens Credibility of Russian Science
Anatoly Granov invented a method of treating liver cancer through blood vessels, by using the property of a tumor to generate new blood vessels for its own blood supply.
First Ever Brain Tumor Surgery with Highlighting Spray in Krasnoyarsk
Special highlighting spray enables doctors to see more accurately the boundaries of the tumor.
Mathematical System for Neural Network Diagnosing of Infarcts Invented in Perm
The neural network analyzes information on a patient’s anamnesis vitae, pulse, blood pressure, and even relatives’ diseases - 69 indicators altogether.
Anti-Cancer Properties of Siberian Fir Extract Discovered by Russian Scientists
Studies have shown that terpenoids contained in abies sibirica activate genes responsible for regeneration of tissues and fighting tumors.
Method of Synthesizing New Biomaterials for Bone Surgery Developed in Russia
Scientists of the Far Eastern Federal University have developed a technology to create a new ceramic biomaterial for regenerative bone surgery.
Rejuvenation Method Based on Bioskin Technology Developed in Siberia
According to scientists, this method will bring about overall body rejuvenation and improve health condition.
Acellular Bioimplant for Skin Transplantation First Used in Russia
Doctors believe that development of such this technology will be comparable for world medicine to the man's first space flight.
Ebola Virus Vaccine Passed First Stage of Clinical Trials in Novosibirsk
The Vector center, which has developed the vaccine, is preparing for certification of a drug applicable for fighting a number of infections.
New Method of Intestine Cancer Diagnosis Developed by Russian Scientists
Russian researchers have made a micro biochip with antibodies sensitive to substances that reveal intestine cancer.
Russian Software for Assisting Medical Decisions in Cancer Diagnostics
The software named Pathology Assistant objectifies the process of oncological diagnostics and thus improves its reliability.
Nanotechnologists Fit High-Precision Blood Test into Strip
The biosensor can be used for medical diagnostics, as well as analyses of foodstuff, drugs and environment monitoring.
Petersburg Chemists Know How to Diagnose Kidney Diseases with Anything Available
Chemists from St. Petersburg have developed a method of diagnosing kidney diseases with the help of juice boxes, a piece of a CD and a smartphone.
Siberian Scientist Learned to Make Artificial Bones on 3D Printer
The technology of making implants nearly identical to human bone is being polished in the Tomsk Polytechnical University.
Russia's First Face Transplant Surgery is a Success
The first face transplant surgery in Russia went well, the Health Minister of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova reported.
First-Ever Erythrocyte Diagnostics Developed by Novosibirsk Scientists
This unique technology makes it possible to detect the disease parameters, which cannot be discerned by other methods.
New Yakut Invention
A Yakut scientist found a way to preserve the limbs suffering from severe frostbites, which may subsequently help to revive people who are frostbitten and still alive.
Russian Scientists Developed an Express Encephalitis Test
Summertime is the period when many of us prefer to go to the woods for a traditional Russian-style barbeque called shashlyki. Unfortunately, this may also be the time when we are most susceptible to the encephalitis and Lyme disease caused by tick bites. Russian scientists have recently developed an express-test to help quickly discover, whether or not a tick was a virus carrier.
Enrich Your Diet with Omega-3 Fatty Acids from Dragon Flies
According to Russian researchers, dragon flies play a major role in transfer of nutrients, essential for terrestrial dwellers, from water to the shore.
Hello! Your Cancer Treatment Has Arrived
Russian researchers have developed a new type of composite nanoparticles, which successfully deliver porphyrines (for combating cancer) to target tissues. Luminescence can enhance photodynamic effect and helps control distribution of nanoparticles in living tissues.
Electron Beam to Fight Infections
When we hear the word “radiation”, we are often scared, because of atomic bombs and Fukushima nuclear power plant. People should not worry – small radiation doses can make bodies transparent in order to find ailing parts, as well as search for dangerous objects in luggage and heal malignant tumors.
Eliminating Side Effects of Anemia Treatment
Erythropoietin-based treating agents are often used for therapy of anemia, caused by various severe diseases. However, these treating agents have strong side effects. Russian medics know how to treat erythropoietin in order to maintain its efficiency, but eliminate unwanted side effects.
RNA Can Help Fight Cancer
Russian researchers have synthesized a 22-component RNA (ribonucleic acid), which demonstrated hampering of cancer cells’ growth and promoting synthesis of interferon, part of an immune system.
New Treating Agents from Kelp
Search for promising treating agents has come a long way from testing all possible substances, hoping, that something would help, to making treatment with given properties in near future. Currently we are between these two stages with choosing from several hundreds substances and then modifying best of them by chemical means.
Neutrons against Cancer
Bombarding a tumor with a neutron beam is a promising technique of radiation therapy. However, this kind of therapy is not widely used, because it needs large-scale neutron accelerators, requiring separate buildings.
Healing Bones – Now Faster
Russian researchers have suggested a new technique for accelerating healing of damaged and broken bones. The “magic” substance, used for this purpose, is called fibrin.
Nanoparticles Fight Cancer Cells
Nanostructured silicon surfaces and silicon nanoparticles were shown to inhibit division of stem cells and cancer cells, and nanoparticles, enforced with ultrasonic sound, kill these cells, Russian physicists and medics say.
New Parkinson Disease Therapy Tested
Parkinson disease is a cross, born by about 3.7 million people – about 7% of those, older than 60 years. Common therapy for this disease is called levodopa (L-DOPA or L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine), which is known to increase dopamine concentrations. However, levodopa has lots of side effects and cannot be used as a drug for long periods of time. That is why a search for new therapy for the Parkinson disease is a burning issue for the mankind.
No More Biopsy for Diagnostics of Liver Diseases
Hepatic (liver) fibrosis is a devastating disease, which requires a not very pleasant procedure of biopsy to be detected. However, Russian medics developed a technique, which allows skipping this painful diagnostic method and estimating the level of liver fibrosis on the basis of biochemical measurements.
Manganese Tells about Your Blood Vessels’ Health
Russian researchers advanced significantly in understanding the nature of atherosclerosis by studying how blood vessel disruption depended on various metal content in vessel walls. Experiments of chemical composition of atherosclerotic plaques revealed that zinc, previously considered to have great protective effect, was much less important than manganese.
Clinical Trials of Insulin in Russia are Probably Fake
Former top manager of MannKind, an American biotechnological company, sues his employers for falsifying results of clinical trials of their anti-diabetes drug in Russia. Diabetes is a group of metabolic problems, due to which human body doesn't produce enough insulin to control blood sugar (Type I), or organism's cells do not adequately react to insulin produced (Type II).
Biotechnology for Life
Vladimir Skulachev, famous Russian biotechnologist, who studies effects of mitochondrial antioxidants on various health problems, including aging, believes that treating agents for eyes disorders, based upon “Skulachev ions”, as mitochondrial antioxidants are also called, can appear in pharmacies by the end of 2011.As for aging cure-all, these drugs will be available for sale within nearest 5 years.
Drugs Can Promote Memory Loss
Researchers pay more and more attention to processes of memory storage and recall. Scientists already know several proteins, which play a key role in memorization processes, and many experimental works were aimed at finding properties of these proteins. A new study of Russian physiologists is dedicated to memory loss, induced in snails and rats by means of blocking a NMDA-receptor.
New Technique for Delivering Genes into Embryos Developed
Biologists and geneticists know that a very convenient way to study functions of certain mammal genes, including their role in developmental disorders, is by means of introduction of these genes into embryos of laboratory animals.
New Facts about Tumor Development
Russian scientists from the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Russian academy of sciences) and Pushchino State University performed a research, aimed at finding out conditions, which promoted intensive growth of tumor cells.
Hadron Therapy Fights Cancer
Latest achievements of nuclear physics appear to be useful for fighting tumors and saving lives of living beings. However, surgery and chemotherapy still remain most frequently used techniques for helping patients with oncological diseases.
How RNA Molecules Move, While Synthesizing Protein
An international think-tank, which consisted of scientist from Russian and Germany, used a technique of cryoelectron microscopy for taking images of a ribosome, a cell protein-making “plant”, during its work. Scientists followed a trajectory of RNA molecules inside a ribosome and reported results of their work in Nature magazine.
Laser Microsurgery for Treating Eye Tumors Developed
Cooperation of Russian physicists and ophthalmologists resulted in a technology of femtosecond laser microsurgery of subsurface eye tumors, for instance, tumors of sclera – eye protein coat.
Giamatrix – New Artificial Skin
“Giamatrix”, an innovative bioplastic material, covers injuries or severe burns and cures them, while dissolving. Russian researcher Ramil Rakhmatullin from Orenburg State University invented a new material, based upon polymerized hyaluronic acid, which allows patients to avoid painful dressings. The scientist dreams of growing parts of human organs to replace damaged ones.
Crab Shells Protect Your Favourite Cheeses
Biotechnologists from Moscow developed a new coating, made of chitosan, which can cover cheese during maturation and save it from rotting. New development is safe and edible, and soon will be ready for use in food industry.
Fighting Cancer – What Russian Science Suggests
Russian authorities decided to fund production of several anti-cancer nano-agents with precise delivery of active component to a malignant growth. The results of this programme would be effective and affordable anticancer treatment with precise delivery in the form of liposomes, immunoliposomes and monoclonal antibodies.
Bacteria Eaters Help People
Medics are seriously worried – antibiotics become useless, when treating many deathful infections. The only solution, according to medics, is in viruses.
Detector for Toxic Substances Developed
Cooperation of several research institutes of Russian Academy of Sciences resulted in creation of a new high-precision sensor for detecting substances, hazardous and toxic for DNA.
Amino Acids Help Maintaining Muscle Tonus
Russian medical experts suggest a technique for compensation nitrogen losses in muscles, which were not active for some time due to various reasons. Medics claim that taking a mixture of several amino acids – leucine, isoleucine, methionine and arginine – can prevent patient’s muscles from degradation.
Chicken Embryos Cure Severe Wounds
Russian scientists from Stavropol State University have developed a new technology for extracting substances from chicken embryos for curing burns, slowly healing wounds, trophic ulcers and other diseases.
Antioxidants Help Restoring Eyesight
Russian scientists under supervision of academician Vladimir Skulachev have showed that SkQ antioxidant, aimed at fighting ageing processes, was able to treat age-related ophthalmological illnesses in laboratory animals, since no tests on human beings were performed yet. The compound, named SkQ, could treat mentioned diseases in rats and rabbits, as well as restore eyesight in horses, cats and dogs.
Saliva and Dental Calculus to Make Diagnostics Easier
Scientists from Omsk State University perform interesting experiments - they grow dental calculus in vitro. The aim of the experiment is learning how saliva affects structure and chemical composition of dental calculus, and this knowledge can help linking properties of saliva and dental calculus with human health.
Glasses from Organic Materials
Russian biophysicists developed revolutionary techniques for diagnostics, prevention and treatment of age-related eye pathologies.
New Anti-Epileptic Agent Discovered
Scientists from the Russian city of Novosibirsk currently work on developing new effective and cheap anticonvulsants, which are also less toxic than existing anti-epileptic drugs.
Early Diagnostics of Schizophrenia is Now Possible
The most severe form of schizophrenia – chronic schizophrenia – is hereditary. Russian scientists found out the genotype, which was common for men, suffering from a chronic form of this disease.
Microcapsules to Carry DNA-Vaccines
Russian scientists developed a general technique for producing micro-containers, which will be perfect for creating DNA-vaccines, able to provide stable and powerful immunity for those, who take them.
Cure-All or Kill-Them-All?
Nanoparticles can get into various types of cells and accumulate there; they travel along blood and lymphatic vessels and cause oxidative stress and inflammation. Nanoparticles can cause death of laboratory animals. Russian scientists discussed how prevent possible cure-all from becoming an invisible killer
New Way of Treating AIDS: View of Russian Scientists
Russian scientists say that successful recovery from AIDS, about which German scientists recently reported, requires years of testing. Even if the patient in fact got rid of AIDS, 10-15 years would pass before the technology would be introduced into clinical practice.
Supercomputers Fight Thromboses
Supercomputers and distributed computing help Russian scientists to create new pharmaceuticals, which fight thromboses, very quickly. Researchers found substances, which may become the basis for new effective therapy against thromboses and components for blood substitutes.
Are Vitamins Harmless for our Health?
Human beings quite often complain that chemicals invaded our environment. In early spring, when our organism needs help to survive the stress, the solution is vitamins, which are mainly synthetic. Can this source of health harm what it is aimed to improve?
New Horizons of Thermodiagnostics
Mosquitoes are genial nature’s creation – unique natural thermal sensors, costing evolution millions of years. Well, it took Russian scientists much less time to develop new thermally sensitive elements for thermal diagnostics of oncological diseases
Petawatt Laser Is Coming
Russian physicists developed a laser unit, which entered top 5 most powerful lasers of the world.
Healthy People for Healthy Society
Russian scientists discussed new generation of pharmaceuticals for therapy of hematological oncological diseases, and these drugs showed results so good no one has ever dreamt about.
Life Threat is not in Vodka!
Russian scientists in cooperation with their English and German colleagues have studied effect of alcoholism on life interval of adult men of Russian city of Izhevsk and came to an interesting conclusion.
Nitrogen Oxide as Metastases' Satellite
Before any malignant tumor and its metastases start growing in brain, blood plasma of cancer patients becomes saturated with nitrogen oxide derivatives. Research fellows from Rostov-on-Don science and research cancer centre suggest using such parameter, as concentration of nitrogen oxide derivatives in blood plasma, for making predictions about further development of dangerous disease.
Is Having Babies a Problem?
Infertility in Russia becomes a crucial factor, having a significant effect on demographic situation in the country.
Nano-Pharmaceuticals – Future Cure-All
Why does medicine need nanotechnologies? Since cells and sometimes macromolecules are the main object for modern drugs and treating agents, said “instruments” should have appropriate size fitting the object – nanometers in diameter.
PCR Versus Tuberculosis
Research fellows from Phthisiopulmonology science-and-research institute of Moscow Sechenov Medical Academy and “Syntol” research and development company have performed monitoring of medical resistance to tuberculosis in 25 Russian regions using real-time PCR (polymerase chain reaction) technology.
Cell Carrier Made of Titanium
Cell transplantation can become much more effective, when cells are placed on a carrier –this is the reason why Russian scientists are searching for an ideal material to build such carriers. Scientists from Tomsk and Moscow consider porous titanium to be a promising material for cell therapy.
Big Money Raw over Medicaments
Russia has never witnessed the corruption scandal of such a size: all highest ranks working for the federal fund of compulsory medical insurance have been arrested.
Antibiotics: Life Goes On
Phenomenon of bacterial resistance keeps scientists and producers from “retiring on their laurels”, because it requires development and introduction of more and more new effective treating agents.
Russian Medicine: State-of-the Art. Part Two
Scientists from Saint Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation (SPII) have developed an appliance for remote identification of an injured person in cases of emergency.
Russian Medicine: State-of-the-Art. Part One
Russian Academy of Sciences together with Moscow State University has suggested a programme for studying molecular-genetic nature of human identity.
Innovative Drug for Scar Removing
Russian Academy's of Sciences Immunology Institute and "Petrovaks-pharm" company developed unique drug "Longidaza", which cures urologic and gynecological pathologies, accompanied with connective tissue hyperplasia, and serious skin complications after traumas, skin burns and surgery.
Laser Makes Transplantation Easier
When alien organs or tissues are transplanted to a human organism (recipient), it usually rejects them as an immune response to transplantation - it is called rejection reaction. To prevent an organism from rejecting alien tissues, doctors prescribe patients large doses of chemical drugs. Are there any other ways to suppress the rejection?
How to Fight Hypoxia Consequences
Many dangers are lurking around children that are not yet born. Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) is one of them. If a pregnant woman doesn’t get enough oxygen, her child will be a late developer; moreover, some abnormalities may show years after he was born. The worst cases may end up in mental retardations and dyskinesia.
Tumor Versus Tumor
One of the reasons for tumor uncontrolled growth is that cancer cells are almost invisible for immune system. For patient’s organism successful fight against the tumor, scientists try to make the tumor “visible” – to mark its surface with antigens causing explosive immune response.
What should First be Cured – Ulcer or Nerves?
Nowadays turning sick due to nerves’ malfunction is not worth a whistle. One can find ulcer, for example, which is almost impossible to cure. The question is what should be cured. Ulcer treating is useless until the patient stops being nervous, and there’s no point of treating nerves, when the stomach is ailing.
Chlorophyll Fights Cancer
One can hardly avoid chemotherapy while treating cancer. Modern medicine has wide range of antitumor drugs, but unfortunately they kill both cancer and ordinary cells. Health professionals are searching for an agent killing tumor cells only, but still their efforts are fruitless.
Where HIV Comes From?
It was May 1983 when first reports about new pathogenic agent, causing severe distress of human immune system, appeared in press. HIV studies promoted discoveries in virology, immunology, epidemiology and molecular biology. Still we do not have a medicine able to cure the patient completely.


Using a Thrombolytic Drug against Coronavirus Suggested in Russia
An interagency task force to fight coronavirus at the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences examined the first oral thrombolytic drug, Trombovazim, for use against the effects of COVID.
Biologically Safe Mice for Testing Anti-Coronavirus Drugs Come to be Created
The State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology "Vector" has begun to create biologically safe mice sensitive to the new coronavirus infection.
New Biodegradable Polymer for Bone Implants Promotes Tissue Regeneration
Scientists of the Tomsk Polytechnic University have created a polymer that can be used in regenerative medicine.
Siberian Scientists Discovered New Sources of Medicines Inside Plants
Researchers clarify that microorganisms inhabiting plants may possess medicinal properties.
EHS Screws for Spinal Surgeries Created by Siberian Scientists
Siberian scientists have discovered a new way of producing supertough oxide ceramics and developed the technology of making Russia’s first ceramic screws for the spine.
Variolovaccine Combined with Breast Milk Protein to Fight Cancer
Scientists of the Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine Institute, RAS, are developing a new coformulated drug for fighting oncology.
Sensor Device for Monitoring Blood Vessels and Heart Developed in Saratov
Scientists have created an innovative device that monitors the condition of the heart and blood vessels, with no blood draw required.
Non-Invasive Drugs Made from Echini in Russia
They will be widely used for the treatment of coronary heart disease, cataract, glaucoma, diabetes, atherosclerosis, chronic pulmonary inflammatory diseases and age-related changes.
Russian Scientists Designed Device that Detects Cancer via Drop of Blood
The new research method does not require expensive reagents.
Rostec to Develop Digital Medicines for Oncology Treatment
The Rostec state corporation will start piloting and using digital medicines in two to three years.
Personalized Anti-Cancer Drugs Developed in Russia
The Federal Medical and Biological Agency is developing personalized drugs to fight cancer, the head of the institution.
Two Mechanical Hearts Implanted to Patient in Novosibirsk
For this cardio surgery, the developers created the world's first device of auxiliary circulation, operating for the right and left parts of the heart.
Russian Scientists Discovered Mutations Associated with Coronary Heart Disease
Specialists have also found one polymorphism related to a reduced risk of developing ischemia.
Russian Scientists Break New Ground in Cancer Diagnostics
Specialists of the Kurchatov Institute have created a unique system of wide-scale gene expression analysis.
Cure for Drug Addiction Found in Russia
Scientists from the Physiologically Active Compounds Institute, RAS hve developed a medicine that can help overcome drug addiction.
Russian Scientists Can Now Read People's Minds
As reported, it has become possible with a new generation tomographic scanner, developed by Siberian scientists.
Near-Patient Onco Tester Developed in Russia
The size of the device is comparable to a smartphone, whereas diagnosing takes a few minutes, developers report.
Scientists from Novosibirsk Started Growing Human Skin
Russian scientists have made a biotechnological breakthrough.
New Method of Cancer Diagnostics with Minimum Intervention Developed
Krasnoyarsk scientists have created a biosensor, a one-chained DNA connected to a gold chip, which can spot oncomarkers in blood.
Novosibirsk Scientists Develop New Medicine for Depression and Schizophrenia
A group of researchers from Novosibirsk is engaged in finding methods to fight the mental distress.
Unique Surgeries on Cancer Tumors to be Performed in Nizhny Novgorod
Miniinvasive surgeries for removing cancer tumors are planned to be held on October 5 and 6.
Biochemists Can Detect Mutant Cancer Proteins
Russian biochemists have found a way to detect mutant proteins capable to provoke a tumor.
St. Petersburg Scientists: New Cancer Medicine Successfully Tested
According to scientists, the medicine will shortly become available to all patients and help them defeat the disease.
Perm Scientists Developed Individual Health Monitoring Device
Perm scientists claim that all Russians should have devices for individual health monitoring.
More Funds to Be Allocated for Free Drugs
Russian government is considering the bill on better financing of fully subsidized drugs and medical products.
Super Fast Staunch Gel Developed by Scientists in Nizhny Novgorod
The medicine based on ñhitozan staunches bleeding in less than a minute.
Gigantic Dormant Virus Found by Scientists in Siberia
Russian and French scientists discovered an earlier unknown type of a gigantic virus in Siberia.
Groundbreaking Drug against Breast Cancer Developed in Russia
Russian BIOCAD corporation has come up with an innovative drug against breast cancer.
Wonder Capsule to Screen Entire Digestive Tract
Russian scientistis have created a unique hi tech capsule for examining the gastrointestinal system.
Stroke Test Strip Invented by Russian Scientists
The unprecedented testing strip is based on the same principle as pregnancy dip stick or blood glucose level test.
Russian HIV Vaccine Successfully Passes Clinical Tests
Russian HIV vaccine has passed the second phase of clinical trial, Oleg Salagai, spokesman from the Russian Health Ministry told the press on Thursday.
Experts Say Moscow Health Service Is in Critical State
Specialists from "We are for Healthy Medicine" social movement have published a report which says that the government's plans to close hospitals and cut jobes can destroy Moscow health service for ages.
First Surgery On Removal Of a Multifocal Glioblastoma Without Craniotomy
Russian neurosurgeons have conducted the first surgery on removal of a multifocal glioblastoma of complex localization without craniotomy. The surgery involved the performance of diagnostic monitoring with the use of a mobile X-ray apparatus for surgery and a computed tomography system.
Kuzbass Scientists Create Unique Lenses For Post-Burn Eye Therapy
Russian ophtalmologists from Kuzbass created unique lenses to speed up the process of post-burn eye recovery.
Robots to Help Russian Hospital Nurses
Medicine dispensing robots may soon appear in Russian hospitals.
Russian Scientists Create Unique Skin Lasers
The scientists of the Lebedev Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Science (FIAN) have developed a new laser to treat skin defects without any side effects, according to Venture Business News.
One of the Tallest People in the World has been Hospitalised
In St. Petersburg The medicals of the "Sogaz" clinic has hospitalized the bedridden basketball player Alexander Sizonenko, one of the tallest people in the world.

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