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Tags: Russian trade


The Second Billionaire Woman in Russia
Turning Wildberries into a unicorn company makes its sole owner Tatiana Bakalchuk a billionaire.
Cars Of the Year 2017 Were Named In Russia
The best cars in 23 categories, according to Russian car enthusiasts, were named in Moscow within the framework of the annual national award “Car of the Year 2017 in Russia”.
X5 Retail Group Became a Market Leader
One of the largest Russian multiformat retail companies X5 Retail Group has taken back the leadership in the Russian food retail sector.
Russia Set a Record For Chocolate Exports
In November, Russia set a record for delivery of sweets abroad: more than 48 thousand tons worth 113.8 million dollars were exported.
Excise Duties On Alcohol Were Raised In Russia
This happened after the amendments to the Tax Code entered into force with the beginning of the new year.
Import-substituting Manufacturing
About 250 billion roubles have been invested in the development of import-substituting manufactures in the past two years.
Russia Is Going to Export Spaghetti
The experts of the Russian Quality System praised the products of such brands as MAKFA, Shebekinskiye, Fine Life, Barilla.
Buying Preferences in Russia
Russian consumers tend to buy food products from domestic producers, and non-food products - from international ones.
Domestic Car Market Drops Down
According to experts, the sale of vehicles will not exceed 1.4 million units. It is 100 thousand cars less than previously forecasted by the Association of European Businesses (AEB).
Russia 2nd in Global Arms Sales
Russia ranks second in the list of the world’s biggest arms suppliers in 2014, says a report by a US-headquartered intelligence company.
Higher Excise Duties On Tobacco
Russia, being a member of the anti-smoking convention of the World Health Organization (WHO), may increase the excise duties on tobacco nearly twofold, which will raise the average price of a pack of cigarettes up to 216 roubles, as compared with the current price of 64 roubles.
Cross-Border E-Commerce Under Threat In Russia
DHL and FedEx will no longer deliver online purchases to Russian consumers citing new customs regulations.
Tverskaya Street is the Most Profitable Place for Retailers
The Forbes has researched the deal over Moscow's major avenue. Tverskaya street is a profitable place, it's an "eldorado" for retailers. But who owns Tverskaya street?
Internet Commerce in Russia has a Great Potential
Russian online discount service KupiVIP has raised $55 million of foreign funds. This is a new record for Russian Internet commerce. Despite low Internet popularity, Russia occupies second place after Germany in terms of online retail market. European investors are encouraged.
Fastfood Business in Russia
Russian market of fastfood has changed in recent years. New brands appear in Moscow and other cities, most of them came from abroad, the old ones are trying to introduce new services to retain their positions.
The Cherkizovsky Market Revival
The Cherkizovsky Market, Europe’s largest marketplace, closed down on June 29, 2009, is going to be revived. Entrepreneurs proposed the authorities to build a wholesale trade complex of about 400 thousand square meters in the industrial area called Kaloshino.
Made in Russia. Cognac or "Kanyak"?
Foreign mass media often pays much attention to the goods made in Russia. In this article we'll review the french attitude to the Russian cognac production.
Hey, Guys, Let's Play the Global Fray!
Legal international arms trade became so familiar over the past few decades that one doesn't even notice any more how sinister the game is.
Coca-Cola Plans to Take Over the Russian Market
In tough times the majority of international companies tend to cut jobs and wind down business projects, but it has nothing to do with Coca-Cola strategies – the global leader in the beverage industry says it eyes to start expanding its business empire by acquisition of smaller drink producers unable to survive now and promoting new brands.
Russian Steel Producers Ready to Sweep U.S. Market
Russian steel giants are gradually expanding their presence on the American market by acquiring U.S. steel producers. No wonder, they are thought to be among potential bidders for AK Steel, the third largest steel maker in the USA.
Black Caviar: Certified for Export
Effective breeding population of sturgeons is on the verge of extinction. The environmentalists urge people to refuse black caviar willingly. However, the UN believes there is no need to dramatize, and has lifted the 12 months’ moratorium on beluga caviar export from the Caspian countries, which means Russia has regained its right to supply the over expensive delicacy abroad.
Russia Lost Positions in Fur Market
Furs export has always been the Russian domain in the overseas markets. Several decades ago the Soviet Union was among the top three biggest fur exporting countries. It may sound funny, but Russia is on the contrary number one in fur import today – 80% of the Russian fur market is taken over by foreign companies.
Russian Toy Market
The recent scandalous story about poisonous Chinese toys has made Russian officials think of the domestic toy market and inspect all goods produced in China and intended for children. At the same time the current situation may be used to show what part of the Russian toy market is controlled by domestic manufacturers.
Empty Markets of Russia
Starting 1 April a new Act has come into force in Russia: foreigners are prohibited to trade at Russian markets. The officials say that the range of products hasn’t been reduced and there will be no upraise in prices. However, there are those who don’t subscribe to this point of view.
Russian Uranium for Japan
Japan sees Russia as a partner in the Atomic field. Firstly, the country intends to cooperate with several Russian companies engaged in uranium enrichment, secondly Japan is going to gain access to development of Russian uranium mines.
1990-1991 – First Exchanges at the Post-Soviet Space
Prices were set free, people felt lack of products in shops, the USSR collapsed but the Russian Federation hadn’t been formed yet.
Russia’s WTO Bid
Russia’s bid for WTO has aroused much controversy in and out of the country. Today, the organization unites around 149 states controlling more than 95% of the world trade.
Internet Shopping
In the year 2000, there were just 5 million Russians living in the virtual village, and just $260,000, or 5.20%, actually buying things via the Internet.


Russia Closes Trade Missions in Lithuania and Ukraine
The Ministry of Industry and Trade considered the work of the trade mission in Lithuania unpromising. According to the Federal Customs Service, the turnover of trade between Russia and Ukraine decreased by 41.5%.
Trade Turnover between Russia and the European Union Fell by 24.5%
Trade turnover between Russia and the European Union in January-August decreased by 24.5% compared to the same period last year.
Internet Trade in Moscow Grew 1.5 Times during the Crisis
During the period of crisis and restrictions in Moscow, the volume of e-commerce has grown by 1.5 times compared to the pre-crisis indicators.
Russia is in the Top 5 European Countries with the Worst Consumer Sentiment
In the second quarter, consumer confidence fell from 19% to 30%.
Azbuka Vkusa Chain of Stores will Sale Artificial Meat Produced by the American Beyond Meet Company
Beyond Meet is one of the most famous vegetable meat producers in the world: the company produces it from pea protein and other ingredients.
Russian Online Retailer Launches QR Code Payment
Wildberries has become the first online store in Russia to launch this service.
Russia has Increased the Import of Plastic Waste from Abroad
Thus, in 2018, imports amounted to more than $ 20 million - 32 percent more than a year earlier.
Online Sale of Alcohol will be Legalized
The relevant departments will finalize bills on the legalization of the online sale of medicines and alcohol.
AliExpress will Sell Goods of Russian Retailers and Manufacturers
The site has already begun to test the access system of Russian goods.
Russia Ranked Third in the List of Countries with the Strictest Trade Regulation Rules
The “Retail Restrictiveness Indicator” estimates two main groups of factors: the simplicity of opening a store and operating activities.
Malt Beer Became the Most Popular Product Exported from Moscow to China
Other popular products delivered to China include the remains of cereals, wheat flour, soybeans, pine nuts and waffles.
The Vkusvill Chain of Stores is Discussing the Possibility of an IPO
Various options are being considered: among them is the placement of up to 25% of the increased authorized capital on the Moscow Stock Exchange.
Large Foreign Companies Showed the Worst Results in Entering and Leaving the Russian Market in 2018
The activities of foreign brands in Russia are influenced by the fall in real incomes of Russians, as well as the active development of commerce on the Internet and changes in consumer demand.
Import To Russia Decreased
The import of goods to Russia from the far-abroad countries in January-May of the current year decreased by 3.4% compared with the same period of the last year, amounting to $ 103.804 billion.
WTO Facing Collapse in Case of Sanctions - Russian Official
The World Trade Organization is facing a possible collapse if the US and the EU fall through with their plans to impose economic sanctions against Russia, said a senior Russian official.

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