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Ecotourism in Russia: “Talovskiye Chashi” (“Talovskiye Bowls”)
Some archaeologists and historians claim that namely “Talovskiye Chashi” (“Talovskiye Bowls”) became the prototype for the appearance of legends about the Holy Grail. Allegedly, ancient Visigoths preserved the memory of an ancient miracle of nature during their migration from east to west, and later this memory was reflected in the legends of King Arthur.
Tomsk Scientists Devised Fast Method for Manufacturing Implants
The technology omits the stage of making the prototype and thus cuts down the implant manufacturing to a single stage only.
New Antibiotics to be Obtained from Siberian Plants in Tomsk
According to scientists, such drugs cause much fewer side effects than synthetic drugs.
Innovative Incubator for Organ Regeneration Created in Siberia
This device has already been put into operation at hospitals of the Siberian State Medical University in Tomsk.
Polymer with Unique Properties Created in Tomsk State University
M.Sc. Igor Parunov from the Organic Synthesis Laboratory of theTomsk State University has developed a multifunctional polymer that does not burn and is highly resistant to aggressive environment.
Method to Visually Display Heavy Metals, Nitrates and Antioxidants in Vegetables and Fruits
All it takes to make the test is to put the sensor platelet into the pulp of mashed product.
Diamond for LHC Detector Tested in Tomsk
The scientists of the TPU are yet to find out what changes occur inside diamond detectors during the collider work, in order to make them more stable in high capacity conditions.
Global Warming Makes Islands Vanish in the Arctic Ocean
The highest rate of coastal erosion is observed in the East Siberian Sea and the Laptev Sea.
How to Get to Tomsk Airport
Tomsk deserves the title of an extraordinary city: it adores tourists from other Russian towns, while the locals habitually grumble about its imperfections, but always miss it if happen to be far away.
Siberian Scientists Developed Eco-Friendly Method of Removing Oil from Lakes
The new method does not require any chemical agents and can be applied even in winter time.
Tomsk Scientists Officially Joined CERN
Scientists of the Tomsk Polytechnical University have become official members of the CERN – they will participate in experiments related to development of microstructural gas detectors.
Tomsk Scientists Master Technology of Making Minisatellites with 3D Printer
"The satellite, including its framework, will be printed on a 3D printer in the Tomsk Polytechnical University. We are the first to have applied 3D printer for engineering spacecrafts", - Mr. Yakovlev said.
Siberian Scientist Learned to Make Artificial Bones on 3D Printer
The technology of making implants nearly identical to human bone is being polished in the Tomsk Polytechnical University.
Charging Gadgets in The Woods
Tomsk scientists created a power plant for charging gadgets in the forest. The development is a stove that can burn usual firewood, wood chips, sawdust, coals, peat and even sunflower husk.
Have a Cocktail Without Harming Your Health
On the one hand, alcohol-containing drinks damage cardio-vascular system, but on the other – a glass of red wine is ambrosia for heart. Should people drink alcohol, or not, and what to do when so many tasty drinks surround you?


New Biodegradable Polymer for Bone Implants Promotes Tissue Regeneration
Scientists of the Tomsk Polytechnic University have created a polymer that can be used in regenerative medicine.
A “Medical Tour” for the Residents of China
A “Medical Tour” for the residents of China has been developed by the travel agencies in Tomsk and Siberian Medical University, the tour also provides the services of in vitro fertilization.
Visit Knight Tournament in the Tomsk Region
Knight tournament and competition of blacksmiths will be held in Tomsk village on July 21.
Virtual Arctic to be Created on Supercomputer in Tomsk
The Tomsk State University and scientists from the international network INERACT will create a virtual model of the Arctic on the supercomputer "Scythian".
Coronary Stent with Nanoparticles Prevents Atherosclerosis
Nanoparticles penetrate into an atherosclerotic plaque and "physically break it down".
Robot Rescuer to be Engineered in Tomsk in 2017
The robotic truck will evacuate victims from technogenic catastrophy sites and remove dangerous objects.
Five Thousand People Visited Night of Science at U-NOVUS Forum
The 3rd U-NOVUS Forum of Young Scientists held in Tomsk on May 12-13 was dedicated to robotics.
More Daily Flights To Tomsk
"Ural Airlines" will start operating daily flights from Moscow "Domodedovo" airport to Tomsk "Bogashevo" airport since16 April.
Tomsk State University to Hold Short-Length Film Festival
The Shnit International Short Film Festival will run in the Culture Center of the Tomsk State University on June 19.
Tomsk Paleontologists to Restore Skeleton of Sauropod
Scientists of Tomsk State University are restoring the skeleton of a large herbivorous dinosaur.
Russian Scientists to Create Underwater Modem
Scientists from the Tomsk Polytechnic University have told the press about the first results of their work on a modem which can provide for an internet link in underwater conditions.
Wooden Ruble Monument Might be Restored in Tomsk
The famous Tomsk sculptor Oleg Kislitsky concerned about ruble devaluation suggests restoring the rouble monument.
19 Wooden Architecture Assets to be Reconstructed in Tomsk
19 wooden architecture objects are planned to be reconstructed in Tomsk in 2014.
Tomsk Petroglyph Cave Tour
Aqueous guided tour opens in the museum-reserve "Tomsk Petroglyph Cave" for the first time.
Tomsk Museum to be Designed by Italian and French Architects
The Tomsk Region governor Sergey Zhvachkin has decided to build a museum on the bank of River Tom.
Siberian Philologists Found 300 Earlier Unknown Poems by Zhukovsky
Researchers of the Philology Faculty of the Tomsk State University have found and published nearly 300 previously unknown texts by the Russian poet Vasily Zhukovsky.
Remote Control System Of the Earth Is Under Development In Tomsk
Experts are developing a feasibility study (FS) to create a regional system of remote sensing satellites in Tomsk. By the end of 2013, the development must be completed.
Tomsk Is Going To Produce Biodegradable Surgical Threads
The first production of surgical suture material made of polymers of glycolic acid and lactic acid, which is a direct analogue of catgut (bioresorbable string of purified animal tissue) is created in Tomsk, Russia.
Unusual Ear-Shaped Monument to be Set Up in Tomsk
An ear-shaped monument to the Echo will appear in Tomsk. The author Oleg Kislitsky has not yet revealed the secret about its future location, but he willingly shows the sketches.
The First International Flight From Tomsk
The first international touristic flight from Tomsk to the airport of Antalia in Turkey took place on May 16, 2013
Architecture Monument Arrested for Debts in Tomsk
Due to debts of the TomlesstroyJSC bailiffs have seized a monument of wooden architecture belonging to the company.
Tomsk Scientists Found a Cheap Way of Shale Hydrocarbons Production
The scientists of Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) and Jilin University (China) developed the technology of production of shale oil and gas from oil-shale by heating them by the electrophysical method; that will improve the efficiency and environmental friendliness of this production.
National Toy Museum Opened in Tomsk
Museum of Small National Toy has been opened in the regional child and junior library of the city of Tomsk.
QR-Codes Will Allow To Make The Tour Of Tomsk
Two-dimensional matrix barcodes (QR-Codes) with encrypted historical information that can be read by mobile devices will appear on the buildings and monuments of Tomsk that have cultural and historical value.
The Student From Tomsk Found a Way To Turn CHPP Waste Into Water And Salt
The graduate student of Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) Kirill Afanasyev designed the project of the assembly that recycles the waste of heating power plants (CHPP) into sodium salt, water, and raw materials for glass manufacturing.
Russia First Pharmaceuticals Centre Opens in Tomsk
The first Russian pharmaceutical centre opens in Tomsk this year, to foster the development of Pharmacy sector in the country.
Russian Traveller Hitchhikes Around the World in 777 Days
A Siberian traveller, Konstantin Zhuravlyov, has hitchhiked around the world, visiting 37 countries in 777 days.
Prayers for Rain Attracted Fire
Massive forest fires in the Tomsk region have reached its capital - on July 24 a couple of districts in the Tomsk suburbs caught fire.
Indoor Climbing Centre Opened in Siberia
The only Olympic-level climbing centre in Siberia has been opened after reconstruction in Tomsk.
Solution On The Basis Of Liquid Glass Is A New Means Of Firefighting
First solution tests were conducted last week in Tomsk, where the scientists of Tomsk Polytechnic University had invented a new special chemical composition.

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