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Tags: education in Russia


Russian MSU is in Top 100 of World’s Best Universities
The Moscow State University has taken the 90th place in the international ranking of the world’s best universities by QS World University Rankings.
Russian Student Won European Union Contest for Young Scientists
"The main task of my scientific activity is to heighten the ecological awareness of the population and promote preservation of fragile northern landscapes", - the press service quoted Polina Ledkova.
New Education Law Came Into Force
The new law "On Education in the Russian Federation" replaces the two basic laws - "On Education" (1992) and "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" (1996). The new law extends the state guarantees for free education, strengthens the link between educational programs and the modern labor market, and also opens the regular schools for children with disabilities.
Admission to Higher Educational Institution – how to Survive the Stress
It doesn’t matter, when does admission to universities and colleges start in your country – here is some general advice for surviving the massive stress
Seven Aspects of Education
"National Projects of High Priority" programme plans to perform competitive selection of high educational institutions according to criteria established by Russian Ministry of Science and Education.
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
MGSU is the leading higher educational establishment of its type in Russia, one of the largest world's centres of building science and education.
Bakulev’s Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Russian Academy’s of Medical Sciences Bakulev’s Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery offers a unique opportunity to train at the residency and prepare for a Ph.D. or Doctoral thesis defence.
General Education in Russia
This is a brief description of Russian system of general education. The article covers all three stages of general education that currently exist in Russia. One can find information on subjects and courses taught during each stage.
Myths and Facts about Russian Education
Heard something about Russian education? Don't know whether your information is true or false? This article unveils most common myths about student life in Russia.
Russian Education
Russian professional education has three stages according to qualification progress - primary, secondary and higher education. The main goal of all stages is to provide a profession for an individual.
Kuban State University of Technology
The University was established in 1918 as North-Caucasian Polytechnic Institute. Since 1963 it has been well known by the name of Krasnodar Polytechnic Institute; in 1993 it acquired the status of Kuban State University of Technology.
Moscow Aviation Institute
Moscow Aviation Institute (State University of Aerospace Technologies) offers teaching and scientific research at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels in modern engineering technologies and construction and design of various flying vehicles and aerospace systems for the aircraft and aerospace industry.
MISA – Moscow Institute for Steel and Alloys
MISA has been training specialists for foreign countries since 1941. Over 2300 foreign students from 52 countries obtained their qualification till 2000; 305 postgraduates got Ph.D. degree and 9 foreigners got the Doctor of Science degree.
Moscow State University of Culture and Arts
Foreign citizens are given education in all specialities taught in Moscow State University of Culture and Arts based on RF educational standards.
North Caucasus State Technical University
The University participates in international educational projects and has cooperation and student exchange agreements with educational and research centers in the USA, Canada, West Europe, South-Eastern Asia and Africa.
Tambov State Technical University
In TSTU foreign students study at International Education Faculty, which had passed Russian Federation Ministry of Education attestation in 1996.
Tver State Technical University
It is a large educational, scientific and industrial complex belonging to the system within Russian Federation Ministry of Education.
The Lomonosov State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology (MITHT)
MITHT is a major academic and research center in Russia. It offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, PhD degrees (Candidate of Sciences) and Doctor of Sciences in both the day and evening schools.
Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State University)
MEPhI has trained thousands of highly qualified specialists. Nobel Prize winners, members of Russian Academy of Sciences and winners of different National Prizes are among its graduates.
Moscow State Exploration University
MSEU has significant experience and traditions in training foreign specialists. Tall training programs at the University are compiled according to the European standards of education.
Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology
MIET trains specialists in different fields connected with electronics. Institute’s diplomas are acknowledged worldwide.
Russian State University for the Humanities
The Russian State University for the Humanities is an educational institution training specialists in all areas of knowledge in the Humanities.
Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics
Today Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, founded in 1907, trains highly qualified specialists in sphere of economics. It gives its students practice-oriented education, knowledge and skills, which they can successfully use in their professional career.
Moscow State Technical University “Stankin”
Moscow Machine Tool Institute (now known as Moscow State Technological University “Stankin”) was founded in 1930 for the purpose of providing machine tool building, the most important branch of industry at that time, with highly qualified specialists in that domain.
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography
The University admits foreign citizens for studying at 7 faculties in 21 major specialities, provides higher technical education and grants "Bachelor of science" or "Master of science" degrees.
Moscow State University of Graphic Arts (MSUPA)
The annual enrolment is more than 1000 students. The duration of the whole training is 5 - 6 years.
Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics
MTUCI implements educational professional programs aimed to increase professional level and level of general education of a student.
Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)
Training of foreign students at MPEI (TU) started in 1946. More than 4000 citizens of 85 countries have received Diplomas of Engineer, Bachelor and Master of Science.
Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Russia’s principal higher educational institute of petroleum engineering, soon celebrates its 75 Anniversary.
Russian Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology
Since 1946 3000 specialists from 76 countries including 370 PhD from 36 countries had completed their studies in Moscow University of Chemical Technology.
Moscow State Aviation Technological University (MATI)
Today Moscow State Aviation Technological University is one of the leading Russian technical universities where highly skilled experts in the field of advanced materials and high technologies are trained.
Tips for Students
What documents are usually required for entering Russian university? Where do foreign students usually live in Russia? How to get to your university from an airport or railway station? What are positive aspects of being a student in Russia? Find answers and more in this article.
Moscow State University Today
Moscow State University (MSU) is one of the leading centres of Russian science and culture. The university gained status of Russian self-administered (autonomous) higher educational institution in 1992, when the President of the Russian Federation signed an appropriate decree.
Main Building of Moscow State University
The Main Building of Moscow State University (MB=GZ “Glavnoe Zdanie” in Russian) was designed by an architect – Rudnev Lev Vlavimirovich –, whose projects include various buildings all around Moscow and restoration of many Russian cities damaged during World War II. But Main Building design remains the masterpiece of Rudnev’s creativity; the architect paid much attention to the harmonious combination of future building with its environment.
Recent History of Russia's Oldest University
Moscow State University is a major traditional educational institution in Russia, it offers training in almost all branches of modern science and humanities. Its undergraduates may choose one of 57 qualifications, while doctoral students may specialize in 168 different areas. The total number of MSU students exceeds 40,000; besides, about 10,000 high school students attend various clubs and courses at MSU.


Russia is Among the Most Attractive Countries for Foreign Students
Five percent of international students in the world choose Russia for higher education. The same number of students is attracted to French universities.
Moscow State University Ranked 25th in World Reputation Rating
The Moscow State University (MSU) got the 25th place in the list of the most dependable educational institutions in the world, according to the World Reputation Rankings by Times Higher Education.
Most Russians Are Dissatisfied With Education In The Country
A survey conducted by Levada Center showed that only 20% of Russians are generally satisfied with the current system of education in Russia.
Financial Literacy For School Children
The lessons of financial literacy will be held in Russian schools.
Russians Don't Lose Hope for Quality Education
Over half of Russians are convinced it is impossible to receive a good education in Russia today, while one third say the quality education in Russia goes without saying.
Does Russia Need Schools for Migrants?
Russian ombudsman and a prominent advocate for Children Rights Pavel Astakhov suggests to open special schools for children of migrants, where they will be able to learn Russian language and culture.

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