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Russians Don't Believe in Friendship with Ukraine
Only four percent of Russians describe relations between Moscow and Kiev as “friendly,” an independent pollster revealed on Wednesday.
Over Half of Russians Miss Soviet Union
More than half of Russians regret the breakup of the Soviet Union and believe that it could have been avoided, a recent poll by an independent pollster revealed on Tuesday.
Almost Half of Russians Don't Find State Duma an Important Authority
Nearly half of Russians think that Russian State Duma, the lower house of Russian Parliament, cuts a poor figure in the country’s political process, a survey revealed on Tuesday.
Russian Patriotism Has Declined Under Current President
The number of Russians who call themselves patriots has dropped by eight percent since the current Russian president first took office 13 years ago, a new poll released by the independent Levada Center pollster reveales.
Russians Name the Most Efficient Minister
Russia's Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu is rated as the country's most efficient minister, according to a survey released by state-run pollster VTsIOM on Thursday.
Russian Society Is Between Foreign Trips and Church - Poll
Taking vacations abroad, running a business, doing sports and going to church are named the most popular trends in Russian society, a recent opinion poll reveals.
Less and Less Russians Are Positive about Russian President
The number of Russians who have a positive opinion about Russian President dropped by 33 percentage points in the past five years, an opinion poll showed on Friday.
Russia Ranks 68th of 156 in World Happiness Report
Russia has become a relatively happier country after climbing 8 spots and becoming 68th of 156 in World Happiness Report released by Columbia University on Monday.
44% of Russians Call Ruling Party "Crooks and Thieves"
Almost half of all Russians, 44 percent, agree with a popular slogan invented by an opposition leader Alexei Navalny that the ruling United Russia political party is made up of “crooks and thieves,” a recent opinion poll.
Almost Half of Russians Don't Believe in Country Improvement
42 percent of Russians say the current federal government can't improve the country, while only 16 percent believe in improvements, down from 45 percent in July 2010 and 21 percent in July 2011, the recent opinion poll reveals.
Most Russians Want Stricter Immigration Legislation
Three-quarters of Russians say the country needs stricter immigration laws and too large presence of migrants from other countries is bad for the society, a recent opinion poll reveals.
Disappointment in Russian President Grows from Year to Year
The number of Russians who are disappointed in Russian President has more than doubled since 2000, the first year of his ruling, the latest in a series of nationwide polls reveals.
Most Russians Support Snowden and his Presence in Russia
Over half of Russians approve of fugitive US former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden's activities and his current presence in Russia, a recent opinion survey by the Levada Center reveals.
TV is Still Main Source of Information for Russians
Television is the main source of news for Russians, although they are less inclined to trust it than in 2009, the Levada Center independent pollster reveals.
Russians Say Brezhnev Was Best Country's Leader
Over half of Russians believe Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev was the best head of state in the past century, a poll by Levada Center has revealed.
Two Third of Russians Use Internet Daily
About 59 percent of Russians are Internet users, which three percents more than last year, according to the recent survey conducted by an independent pollster, Levada Center.
Housing Problem Is the Biggest in Russia
Most Russians consider the critical situation in the housing and utilities sector the most pressing problem in the country, according to the recent opinion poll.
Russians Do Not Believe in Fight Against Corruption
Recent opinion polls show that, though Russia has revved up its anti-corruption drive, Russian people still can't see its results.
Over One Third of Russians Do Not Know Patriarch's Name
More than one-third of Russians can't name the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, according to the recent poll.
Only 9% of Russians Celebrate Halloween
Only nine percents of Russians said they plan to celebrate Halloween, according to a new poll conductedby Levada Centre pollster.
More Russians Want to Live Abroad
Almost a third of Russian people would like to move abroad, according to the recent poll by Romir pollster.
Russians Don't Lose Hope for Quality Education
Over half of Russians are convinced it is impossible to receive a good education in Russia today, while one third say the quality education in Russia goes without saying.
Half of Russians Don't Remember National Anthem
About 49 percent of Russian citizens know the words of the national anthem, which is 10 percent higher than in 2009, according to the recent poll.
Russians Don't Support Church Meddling in Politics
Three quarters of Russians believe that the church should stay away from political affairs, according to the recent opinion poll conducted by VTsIOM pollster.
Russian Internet Audience Is the Biggest in Europe
More that a half of Russians are active Internet users - 58% - which is twice as much as six years ago.
Russians Don't Believe in Politicians' Religious Feelings
63% of Russians don't believe in politicians’ genuine religious feelings while participating in traditional Orthodox services.
Russian People Discover Ways of Making Love
Almost 20 percent of Russian people are happy with their sexual life, which is 12 percent more than in 1999, according to the country's leading opinion pollster.
Russia Plans to Drive Smokers Away
This week the Russian Parliament will start discussing a new bill significantly tightening the rules for smoking in public places.
Emigration Urge Among Russians at Its Record Low
Following some political actions and the rise of mass protests, the number of people who want to leave Russia has halved.
Russians Still Can't Decide About St. Valentine's Day
According to a recent opinion poll, St. Valentine's Day has become more popular among Russians, yet this holiday has more opponents than supporters.
Two Capitals Name Their Favourite Candidates
According to the latest state-run survey, billionaire presidential candidate Mikhail Prokhorov will take the second place in the presidential race in Moscow in St. Petersburg.
Russians' Expectations for the New Year
Recent opinion polls reveal that the majority of Russians expect uneasy year with political protests and social conflicts.
The Most Interesting Jobs for Russian People
Sociologists have questioned more than 9000 Russian people and have found out what profession's representatives like their job most of all.
Russians Prefer to Browse the Internet from Home
The number of Russian Internet users grows every year, but Russians still prefer simple services and don't like to connect to the Internet via mobile devices.
Russians Complain of Hard Life but Believe in Bright Future
Russia's biggest Opinion Pollster VTsIOM has interviewed Russian people about their current life situation and projections for the future. Over half of Russians, almost 56%, describe their current living standards as difficult.
Why do Russians Dislike Muscovites?
At the beginning of September, Romir research center published the results of the poll, dedicated to an attitude of Russian people towards Muscovites.

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